Tag: ASME iShow

Rob Goodier

Amish Parashar’s Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs

August 10, 2023

Amish Parashar offers five tips to engineers and entrepreneurs in the humanitarian space trying to break into a market...

Rob Goodier

Three ISHOW USA 2023 Winners Bring New Tech to Sustainable Farming

July 27, 2023

A better low-tech shea nut roaster, a hand-cranked handle for pasteurizing camel milk and a digitally automated system for...

Rob Goodier

Three Social Innovations Win ISHOW Kenya 2023

June 15, 2023

An ethanol production process for agricultural waste, a non-invasive vein locator, and a diesel engine filter that cuts greenhouse...

Rob Goodier

ASME ISHOW Innovation Accelerator Announces Eight Finalists in Kenya

June 2, 2023

A greenhouse gas filter for diesel engines, modular quick-build homes and an AI-powered prenatal care wearable device are three...

Rob Goodier

Lessons Learned Building a Plastic Recycling Startup in Uganda

May 9, 2023

Since 2020, Takataka Plastics has transformed Uganda’s discarded bottles and packaging into tiles, face shields, flower pots, chairs, coasters...

Rob Goodier

Three Startups Developing Agriculture, Water and Sanitation Solutions Win ASME ISHOW India

April 7, 2023

A manhole monitor, upgraded grow lights and a natural water purifier won the top places in the American Society...

Rob Goodier

GenH Converts Dams into Low-Impact, Low-Cost Power Generators

March 31, 2023

GenH’s Adaptive Hydro is one of E4C’s Promising Prototypes to Watch in 2023. Read the list here. Most of...

Rob Goodier

Meet the Eight Finalists at Innovation Showcase India in 2023

March 20, 2023

Eight Entrepreneurs in India won finalist standing in Innovation Showcase, India, 2023, the startup accelerator and competition from the...

Rob Goodier

Promising Prototypes to Watch in 2023

February 28, 2023

A membrane to replace mercury in Amazon gold mining operations, pre-fabricated units that convert vacant commercial buildings into affordable...

Rob Goodier

The ASME ISHOW 2023 Social Venture Accelerator Is Now Taking Applications

December 22, 2022

ASME ISHOW 2023 includes three events with the following application deadlines: February 7 – ISHOW India, open to entrepreneurs in...


Latest Comments

  • Totally! Your questions are great and show a real desire to learn. It is inspiring to see someone actively searching for information and participating in lively discussions. This is an excellent opportunity to show off your knowledge and passion. You can gain a better understanding of your life and...

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • The application of drones has become multipronged. From filmmaking to life-saving, from agriculture to underwater. Drones have made our lives easier.

    Drone Delivery Applications in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
  • Topic is practical, as due of use of fertilizer, pesticides etc. in farming the ground water got polluted especially in northern plains of India which is agriculturally based economy driven areas.

    Water Disinfection in India
  • Excellent work! Please send me the manual to: antoniofcp@gmail.com Thank you very much!

    EcoSanitation: Trading “Flush and Forget” for “Cycle and Sow”
  • I would like to purchase this equipment to compost on my dairy farm which produces large waste from the cow dung and food scraps

    Rotary Drum Composting
  • great job! I would like to have the manual, please. Thank you very much........................................ marcellaleoncini75@gmail.com

    EcoSanitation: Trading “Flush and Forget” for “Cycle and Sow”
  • Try lifestraw.com

    LifeStraw Family 2.0
    Rob Goodier
  • how I can get this product?

    LifeStraw Family 2.0
  • Here is my Stuff: Latest InFlow Generation: State of the Art Novel InFlow Tech: ·1-Gearturbine Reaction Turbine Rotary Turbo, ·2-Imploturbocompressor Impulse Turbine 1 Compression Step: ·1-Gearturbine: Reaction Turbine, ·Rotary-Turbo, Similar System of the Aeolipile ·Heron Steam Device from 10-70 AD...

    Introducing the Drawdown Roadmap, a Scientific Plan to Solve Climate Change Now
  • I am inspired to talk about climate change, we must take action just now.

    Introducing the Drawdown Roadmap, a Scientific Plan to Solve Climate Change Now
  • ·RETRODYNAMIC Effect / Some Points of View: I always explain it well, but another thing is that you don't understand it. As if it were an everyday question.  And they don't take it as a disruption, which changes schemes. Because they really wouldn't even know about it. Being a subject that nobody ha...

    Featured Project Development - State of the Art Novel InFlowTech; ·1-Gearturbine RotaryTurbo, ·2-Imploturbocompressor OneCompression SteP
  • ·Is it possible to apply positive/+ in favor Newton III motion law as a dynamic system in a motor engine device? 3rd Thermodynamic Law Applicate in a Power-Plant Device. The Reaction at From of the Action. New Torque Power. It’s a simple Plus Formula of the Interaction of the Two Powers: 1/Action, +...

    Featured Project Development - State of the Art Novel InFlowTech; ·1-Gearturbine RotaryTurbo, ·2-Imploturbocompressor OneCompression SteP
  • dduthinh
  • Thank you for always highlighting the need for professionals and organizations to take significant effort in the practice of intergenerational ethics. It's evident that technology has done us so much good, but at the same time there is need for conservation, careful consideration of social and envir...

    Adopting a Sustainability Mindset
  • This piece says nothing substantive about what it takes to mitigate risks associated with the unsustainability of our political-economic system and way of life. It's just thinly veiled "diversity-equity-inclusion" pablum. And the photo chosen to head the article borders on criminal irresponsibility...

    Adopting a Sustainability Mindset
  • I am a mechanical/aerospace engineer who switched career tracks to green buildings and renewable energy over 20 years ago, compelled by the existential threat of climate change and ecocide. From that perspective I want to suggest that any engineer who cares about sustainability seek out training in...

    Adopting a Sustainability Mindset
  • pm.kioko20
  • Hi, are we able to substitute and desalinate sea water to drinking water?

  • You're right, and now there's a program to help develop good ideas. ASME has a new incubator for ideas that haven't progressed enough to be eligible for ISHOW. It's called IDEA Lab. Here's the webpage on it: https://thisishardware.org/ideas. From their site: Now, we move upstream with the Idea Lab i...

    Three Startups Developing Agriculture, Water and Sanitation Solutions Win ASME ISHOW India
    Rob Goodier
  • This Ishow condition of only pitching a finished prototype locks out many innovative ideas from Global South. Lack of awareness & lack of facilities with dedicated capacity to handle S,D,G challenge or how an idea can be actualized all kill the ideas to obscurity. Example i have a DAC idea at scale,...

    Three Startups Developing Agriculture, Water and Sanitation Solutions Win ASME ISHOW India
  • DavidYun
  • endurance.aw
  • I look forward to getting some key highlights from this webinar.

    Data-Driven Design for Off-Grid Systems: Electricity in the Navajo Nation
  • Thank You for sharing great content and such information.Keep sharing this kind of article with us.

    Silicon Continent
  • kazem.abhary
  • Hi I run a small community based charity in Ghana and build toilets and libraries I would like to install this product in one I am renovating in Lolobi ( see www.communityactionghana.org) where can I get one how much do they cost

    Pee-Power Urinal
  • Just watching this Webinar and i must say i have learnt a lot from it already. Thank you very much.

    Professional Water Well Drilling in Africa: Incentives and Support
  • Would love to know and see how this technology can be transfered home to my native country Nigeria.

    Data-Driven Design for Off-Grid Systems: Electricity in the Navajo Nation
  • How do you prevent Legionella contamination?

  • We're building an off grid cabin in Northern Wisconsin and I could find very little pragmatic advice on ways to avoid consuming LP gas for stove, heating and hot water....and, it was difficult to convince contractors of the merits of low wattage pumps (for water) and soft start (low inrush amps) on...

    Data-Driven Design for Off-Grid Systems: Electricity in the Navajo Nation
  • barrett_hazeltine
  • I want to know more about the SavyyLoo

    How to Provide Affordable WASH Solutions to All in Need
  • Good article, but it misses one point - that many PAYGO systems, especially smaller ones, do not embed GSM for two reasons 1: its expensive, adds quite a bit to the cost of a device over the approx two-year period. and 2: Many people who lack access to electricity also lack access to GSM at home - t...

    Pay-As-You-Go Advances the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa
  • […] Would you like to know more about the people behind E4C? Meet our team, our esteemed Steering Committee, partners and sponsors at engineeringforchange.org/who-we-are. […]

    Who We Are
    The Best Vacation Spots in the World According to E4C – Mi Escritorio
  • […] para el cambioIngeniería para el Cambio (E4C) es otra organización valiosa que coordina soluciones para comunidades rurales, refugiados y […]

    Who We Are
    Ingeniería con Propósito - EEWeb
  • […] Would you like to know more about the people behind E4C? Meet our team, our esteemed Steering Committee, partners and sponsors at engineeringforchange.org/who-we-are. […]

    Who We Are
    The Best Vacation Spots in the World According to E4C – Mi Escritorio
  • bundufundi
  • Hi Tiagati, the early interest code was included in the email you should have received after submitting the form. We have added your code to your application, so you should be all set!

    Apply Now to E4C's 2023 Summer Fellowship
  • Hi, the video is available in the top image on this page and on our youtube channel here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFC2D8180DF11AAAA. Thanks for your interest!

    From Fellowship to Leadership: Women in Engineering for Sustainable Development
    Rob Goodier
  • Hi there, I applied early but I never really recieved the early interest code.

    Apply Now to E4C's 2023 Summer Fellowship
  • olukammama
  • I'd love to get a link to the recording from today's webinar. I wasn't able to attend. Thank you!

    From Fellowship to Leadership: Women in Engineering for Sustainable Development
  • Yes, we should have a video of the webinar available on this page and on our Youtube channel within a couple of days after the event.

    From Fellowship to Leadership: Women in Engineering for Sustainable Development
    Rob Goodier
  • This discussion looks incredible! For those of us who unfortunately cannot make that time work, is there a chance it will be recorded and available afterward?

    From Fellowship to Leadership: Women in Engineering for Sustainable Development
  • […] Watch the recording at https://www.engineeringforchange.org/webinar/wash-in-emergencies-lessons-learned-and-way-forward/ […]

    WASH in Emergencies: Lessons Learned and Way Forward
    WASH in Emergencies: Lessons Learned and Way Forward – Akademi Test
  • Very informative, thank you for sharing

    Are 3D Printers the Missing Link to a Clean Energy Future?
  • Hi Hana, Much of the answer depends on where you will be using the drill rig, both the country and type of ground formation that you are working in. There are air, mud, and cable rigs. Each works better in different formations. Furthermore, it is important to look at availability or spare parts and...

    Seeking Recommendations on WelL Drilling Rig
  • Singapore is the best country keeping it with green buildings.

    Green Buildings Can Boost Productivity, Well-Being and Health of Workers
  • Thank you very much for this article and brining up this topic. I have working with 3D-printing for quite some years now and am always on the outlook for ways how this technology can contribute to solving problems like the ones you are mentioning in your article. As much as I love the idea of this b...

    Are 3D Printers the Missing Link to a Clean Energy Future?
  • Good to hear about the impact webinars! Innovation comes through sharing and learning. E4C is a platform to bring ideas together and network with professionals. Thanks for organising the event!

    Impact Projects Information Session
  • Here is my Stuff: Latest InFlow Generation: State of the Art Novel InFlow Tech: ·1-Gearturbine Reaction Turbine Rotary Turbo, ·2-Imploturbocompressor Impulse Turbine 1 Compression Step: ·1-Gearturbine: Reaction Turbine, ·Rotary-Turbo, Similar System of the Aeolipile ·Heron Steam Device from 10-70 AD...

    Impact Projects Information Session
  • isaaclangat001
  • We would like to purchase Soildoc for use in Kenya, can you please recommend the authorized sellers for Africa? Thank you.

  • Yes, please check this page a day or two after the webinar and we should have a video posted. Thanks for your interest!

    Engineering Conservation for Life on Land and Below Water
    Rob Goodier
  • So curious about this event! Unfortunately, it will be very hard for me to attend at this slot... Are you possibly recording it and sharing? Thank you!

    Engineering Conservation for Life on Land and Below Water
  • Good morning . Am active farmer, ready to venture into serious farming, with the increased fuel cost it is becoming difficult. Assist, advise

    The Benefits and Unmet Potential of Solar Pumps
  • its probably a dumb idea but do you think adding layers of mylar between 1/2"-3/4" layers of traditional insulation would help?

    It's Time to Boost Extreme Heat Resilience in Low-Income US Housing
  • I have published designs suitable to micro grid. Exclusive rights run out in less than 1 year then they're worth peanut shells. https://youtu.be/Mak7J-o1H-k https://youtu.be/G0De5tXBQic combine the 2 and you get very small high output micro grid. Please contact me.

    The Future of Rural Energy Is Hybrid Renewable Systems
  • Great article Lorine! What about Heat Pumps (in combination with rooftop solar) to replace old natural gas equipment. By replacing heating capacity with Heat Pumps cooling is added at the same time!

    It's Time to Boost Extreme Heat Resilience in Low-Income US Housing
  • Norbert, Thanks for the question. The various teams finished their work last year, and you can find a paper on the results here: https://www.ewb-usa.org/wp-content/uploads/Chill-Challenge-Final-Report-031322.pdf The simultaneous cooling and drying research was carried out at Purdue. Although they we...

    Seven Off-Grid Refrigeration Prototypes: Finalists from EWB-USA’s Chill Challenge
  • Hi Andrew and Christine, I saw in this article the simultaneous use of the heat and cold from condensor and evaporator in a chiller. I was developing a prototype for this and even thought about patenting because never saw it applied even if it is so simple. I am new here and don't regret to see that...

    Seven Off-Grid Refrigeration Prototypes: Finalists from EWB-USA’s Chill Challenge
  • Is it Possible to Apply Physically Newton's Third Law of Motion as a Dynamic Cycle System in a Motor Device in a + Positive Way? 3rd Thermodynamic Law Applicate in a Power-Plant Device. The Reaction at From of the Action. New Torque Power. It’s a simple Plus Formula of the Interaction of the Two Pow...

    Featured Project Development - State of the Art Novel InFlowTech; ·1-Gearturbine RotaryTurbo, ·2-Imploturbocompressor OneCompression SteP
  • Really glad to see the post here on steam engine. I am actually very passionate about the industrial safety field. And it was great to be here to find such posts in this website.

    Reinventing the Steam Engine
  • ramnath.usa
  • What villagers need is technology know-how and finance. They can buy such systems and use locally available sunshine, and water. With support from government and in cooperation with urban businesses, they can do good to the society and themselves. They can set up solar PV panels on public and privat...

    The Benefits and Unmet Potential of Solar Pumps
  • I really hope she didn't say "60 to 128 Volts per minute" which is obviously nonsense - could you correct it with a meaningful number please.

    The Benefits and Unmet Potential of Solar Pumps
  • Rob Goodier
  • Hello, Will this be suitable in Pakistan? Once the flooding recedes we have to rebuild many villages

    Warka Water Tower
  • Work is needed to implement 100 renewable energy. I would like to apply for this effort as a mechanical and environmental engineer with 30 years experience in solving sustainability problems in the USA and adjunct professor. Raymond.Paulson@gmail.com is my email to contact me.

    E4C Fellowship Alumni: Where Are They Now?
  • I request for considering my registration.

    E4C Fellowship Alumni: Where Are They Now?
  • Here are my Concepts. Latest InFlow Generation: State of the Art Novel InFlow Tech: ·1-Gearturbine Reaction Turbine Rotary Turbo, ·2-Imploturbocompressor Impulse Turbine 1 Compression Step ·1-Gearturbine: Reaction Turbine, ·Rotary-Turbo, Similar System of the Aeolipilie ·Heron Steam Device from 10-7...

    E4C Joins a Research Collaboration to Combat Climate Change
  • Am so happy to see a great change for engineers. Am looking forward to be a full-time member of engineers for change.

    E4C Fellowship Alumni: Where Are They Now?
  • Hi i appreciate the initiative and would like to be part of it. With Respect Dr EBOA SERGE

    E4C Fellowship Alumni: Where Are They Now?
  • Can you use lava rock fill walls for the same effect? How thick would they need to be?

    Evaporative Cooling Chambers
  • Hi Carlos, I am interested in the mitigation of soil erosion through "community installed field terracing" in technology-poor locations in Southern Africa. I am not a trained physical engineer, but an information system engineer, but have done quite a bit of house construction. I am also working wit...

    Software for Soil: Computer Assisted Design can Check Erosion
  • It would be good to see a diagram, its unclear from the article if its sitting on its own in the greenhouse - with closed pipes, somehow absorbing heat from the air, or if for example there is water flowing through the pipes. Would also be good to understand why the hybrid seems to be better than ei...

    New Hybrid Thermal System Makes Greenhouses More Sustainable
  • mansi.chauhan
  • Hi Oscar, awesome that you're thinking of making this lathe. I updated the article and deleted the old links to make it easier to find the link to the manual. I'll put it here, too: https://www.engineeringforchange.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/multimachine-concrete-lathe-ver-1-10.pdf. There's a vi...

    Finished! A construction manual for an open-source, low-cost screw-cutting lathe
    Rob Goodier
  • Hi Rob, how are you?. I live in Colombia, South America, and have been very interested in the Tyler Disney's Concrete Lathe project. I have read and tried to follow the build manual for this powerful tool. However, I have not been successful in obtaining the plans of the same. I would like to know i...

    Finished! A construction manual for an open-source, low-cost screw-cutting lathe
  • Congratulations 2022 Fellows and Best wishes...

    E4C Visualized: The Fellowship of 2022 by the Numbers
  • Is their any distributors in Mpumalanga? I would like to become a distributor.

    EcoSan/GroSan toilets
  • I'm glad to read. Your blog content is superb. This is really a good for us. Please keep sharing.

    Promising Prototypes to Watch in 2022
  • carreteandoblogviaje
  • I rather say that you have done remarkable research but some aspect of the diagram of water treatment needs some tweaking for getting more efficiency

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
  • Hi Henk, Please, how can one access this of training you mentioned? A lot of youths and graduates are jobless here in Nigeria and this training would be empowerment and make water accessible to rural communities.

    Preparing the Future Engineering Workforce to Achieve the SDGs Through Multi-Stakeholder Engagement
  • Here is my Project: Featured Project Development - State of the Art Novel InFlow Technology: ·1-Gearturbine, Rotary-Turbo, ·2-Imploturbocompressor, One Compression Step: ·1-Gearturbine: Reaction Turbine, ·Rotary-Turbo, Similar System of the Aeolipilie ·Heron Steam Device from 10-70 AD, ·With Retrody...

    The New ASME Idea Lab Incubator Has Launched for Aspiring Social Entrepreneurs with an Idea
  • Good day well i just want to say it's great to help people with concept,ideas,prototypes to explore in the field of technology.

    Promising Prototypes to Watch in 2022
  • igaboaustin
  • Dear all There indeed is a huge need to train engineers entrepreneurs especially in Subsaharan Africa. To reach SDGs a very effective topic is..... WATER. Increase access to safe drinking water but even more, water for small scale irrigation, livestock etc. This will help to reach SDG6.1 but also re...

    Preparing the Future Engineering Workforce to Achieve the SDGs Through Multi-Stakeholder Engagement
  • jmriungu
  • dpitinyane
  • naibeidennis2
  • Hi, I am working in the WASH sector and I want to promote the sue of SatoPan in rural areas in Burkina Faso. How can I get the SatoPan in my country

    SaTo Pan
  • Will it be on YouTube? I'm interested to attend

    Engineering a Circular Economy in the Built Environment
  • danielmensah.dm
  • Liked how circular produced material can help the ones that are in need. Great work!

    A Two-For-One Solution: Repurpose Cardboard Waste to Build Homes
  • Hi, it is on youtube and it should also be embedded at the top of this page.

    Engineering a Circular Economy in the Built Environment
    Rob Goodier
  • Manual please emmawatsonau@protonmail.com. Thank you and many blessings.

    EcoSanitation: Trading “Flush and Forget” for “Cycle and Sow”
  • d.rodriguez.ortiz09
  • I am interested to attend the webinar

    Engineering a Circular Economy in the Built Environment
  • Yes, please check back here a couple of days after the webinar and there should be a video available.

    Engineering a Circular Economy in the Built Environment
    Rob Goodier
  • Will this be available to view afterwards?

    Engineering a Circular Economy in the Built Environment
  • Please help me with material training for Solar Power OFF - Grid for all trainings. I will appreciate your response to my request. Regards, Stephen Mulenga

    Design of Off-Grid Systems Part 2: System Design
  • pacesetter
  • Is there any simple technological solutions in which small businesses can profit from food waste anywhere in the world? What solutions are present that in which it can be used as a business?

    How Food Waste is Engineered into Useful Products in a Circular Economy
  • gene3674
  • Try the list of publications by Modern Energy Cooking Services, a program of LoughBorough University - https://mecs.org.uk/publications/

    Clean stoves charge electronics and ease global warming
    Rob Goodier
  • There was a paper about a renewable energy stove which as a Loughborough Univerity project. I cannot find it. Can you point me in the right direction please?

    Clean stoves charge electronics and ease global warming
  • naibeidennis2
  • Merci de m ajouter comme un follower

    E4C Fellowship Information Session
  • kunal.kapoor
  • k_nationaltraders
  • engineerattah
  • mflocmdkuhfnboyepk
  • k_nationaltraders
  • sauder
  • The SDG must be met and in order to do so we must rethink transportation. There is neither the space or time to implement many of the plans now mooted. They should be discarded for those reasons. Pollution and time suggests that the Stirlling engine should replace the internal combustion engine sinc...

    Introduction to T-SUM, the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility in Freetown
  • Hi. I am interested in the biochar filter and other water treatment ideas for the tropics.

    How to Make a Biochar Water Filter
  • Hi, I teach the "Waste Not Want Not: Repurposing Refuse as Resource" class at the Patel College of Global Sustainability and we now have a $5000 grant to purchase a Precious Plastics Shredder for our program. We would like to purchase the one you recommend (we need a single phase 240V 60Hz powered u...

    Precious Plastics Plastic Shredder Pro
  • You have done really good work. Thank you for the information you provide, it helped me a lot.

    ICT in the DRC: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunity
  • Excellent text. It had been a while since I had read something both significant and impartial. This is an excellent script for newcomers. I'll recommend it to my friends who aren't sure where to go.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • Anyone hear anything further about this ? There were obvious problems - most obvious being no costing is given, so its presumably going to be above the affordable price of somewhere around US0.01/litre target. The cost of electricity alone (50 liters per kwH) was going to be above that target in man...

    Interview with Dean Kamen
  • Great article! I fully agree with the vision. Our team at Employment and Social Development Canada recently launched a public pilot on micro-acquisition. We publish work opportunities of up to $10K for development of open source code. Once delivered, we pay in a timely fashion by credit card or PayP...

    Building Open Source Into Procurement 
  • Please, pannelists is there PhD opportunity available with you study related situation elsewhere?

    Seminar Series: Transdisciplinary Research to Address Mercury Pollution from Artisanal Gold Mining
  • Very useful innovative way to cool vegetables

    Clay Pot Coolers: Keep Produce Fresh Without Electricity
  • I see that there is copper mining currently in Panama. Are you doing similar research on the hazardous effects of this also?

    Seminar Series: Transdisciplinary Research to Address Mercury Pollution from Artisanal Gold Mining
  • Where in Uganda is the test and programme based? thanks Paul

  • hello sir,i didn't join webinar,can i eligible to get certifucate?

    Seminar Series: The LASER Experience, Integrating Research and Practice for Effective Development
  • We need to test all parameters pertaining to IS10500 standards, need collaboration and mfg license to make in India

    NTU Singapore Water Test
  • https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloque_de_tierra_comprimida

    Makiga Stabilized Soil Block Press
  • revieww9999
  • I am really very interested in this activity, the seminar in the field of energy exploitation is not always available when it is necessary in order to be able to solve certain problems of social, political and economic inequality as well. Thank you.

    Seminar Series: Building structures to advance activist engineering
  • AT
  • junaidzarin01
  • waseem66
  • What a terrific engineering initiative. This is a really helpful and informative article by Ali AlQeisi , Kathy Ku and Rebecca Liebschutz. The world urgently and badly needs solutions like this so that consumers do not have to depend on e.g., plastic toothbrushes. The beaches here, in Chile are ofte...

    How We Are Engineering a Sustainable Business in Bamboo Toothbrushes
  • It will be a pleasure to attend the event. Thank you all for the opportunity to attend.

    Fostering STI Ecosystems for Impact: Enabling Technologies Advancing Human Infrastructure
  • Thank you to the team who wrote this article very nice blog. we are all seeing the world transforming day by day in future the Artificial Intelligence took a very important step in human life. Artificial intelligence course

    Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics for Human Development
  • bobbie.casey
  • bainamndidaliwa
  • Great, Can this be used on a large scale application incorporated into an aquaponic system or does it function independently as an isolated system.

    Hydroponics Kenya Fodder System
  • Good day! please how do we purchase this point of use chlorine dispensers for some rural communities in Nigeria?

    Dispensers for Safe Water
  • tolsen
  • Wonderfully executed project in Tanzania. I also wish to work out some solution to recharge the depleting natural water sources in the Hill districts of Uttarakhand (India). Can I have some constructive suggestions please.

    Five Lessons Learned from the Implementation of Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Tanzania
  • Dear Patrick Congratulations with reducing the cost rainwater storage tanks. One of your lessons learned is using local knowledge. There are several organisations in Tanzania with knowledge on rainwater harvesting. One is the SHIPO SMART Centre in Njombe. They promote the so called WIRE BRICK CEMENT...

    Five Lessons Learned from the Implementation of Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Tanzania
  • i am a disabled war vet usa persion gulf war 1987. now later sisabled with both part prostics below knees, and hole hip to bone stills. this date. wonder if exchange bike transport ideas if free type zambulances. my local by mail letter is david trenheiser, 846 price ct., rm a, sac, ca, 95815. i can...

    Trailbridges May Have A Far Broader Impact Than Once Thought
  • EXCEL Coat is one such type of sustainable rooftop solution which offers a wide range of products including Coal Coat, StayCool etc which helps in maintaining the temperature of the interiors of the building. For any product query visit here econaur.com/store/excelcoatings

    Five innovative materials for sustainable structural engineering
  • globalinterscope0
  • Are you looking for solutions to reduce the temperature of a Building? If yes, then use Thermal insulation in your Buildings that can reduce the heating of a building, it can also be used for Soundproofing purpose as well. Product Link:- econaur.com/product/inrock-lrb-matts/

    Oga'i House
  • […] Human waste is high in nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, three of the essential elements plants need to grow efficiently. When bacteria break down waste material into compost, they leave behind these plant-friendly elements. Studies show using compost created from hu...

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    How Composting Toilets Improve Food and Soil Health - Holistic Management International
  • mp.energia
  • Hello It is of my great pleasure to gain all of these knowledges and skills that i will continously get from various trainings and presentations that you give us. I really appreciate it and thank you very much.

    Seminar Series: Teaching Humanitarian Engineering, An Australian perspective
  • bhabani.sankarpanigrahy
  • […] by ASME and other leading engineering societies, E4C has attracted the support of a variety of partners and sponsors ranging from industry, academia, non-profits and multilateral organizations, and […]

    Who We Are
    Innovators in Sustainable Development Honored by ASME – Pressure Beast
  • saddlemanusa
  • An engineer is genius and with that capabilities can make things beneficial to those who need seriously. Nature provide us lot of supports and through these gifts, we can convert into best uses and renewable energy is one of the best example. Inspiring on engineering day and best regards to all part...

    Advancing Sustainable Engineering: Building the Future Workforce
  • Hello, If you want to go into irrigation farm business, There are so many company website this days like virtatrade.com that will enable you as a beginner to raise the fund you need to start up your irrigation farm business without you seeking for a loan. This company is where many business dealers...

    Ten low-tech ways to irrigate crops
  • This article again exposes us to the central dilemma. As practitionars, we have those who develop communities and those who develop economies. Community Development arises from a completely different worldview than does Economic Development. The former is driven by the needs of people. The latter by...

    The Five “E’s” of Human-Centered Design in Global Development
  • tdsubash2007
  • Thank you for your interest, Fred. You can find more information on my published work in the following link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Julio_Diarte

    A Two-For-One Solution: Repurpose Cardboard Waste to Build Homes
  • If you'd like specs please consider requesting from the author. He might reply to these comments, or you can request contact info from admin@engineeringforchange.org. This is a news post about the author's research that is underway, so it's unlikely that finished research is published already. I'll...

    A Two-For-One Solution: Repurpose Cardboard Waste to Build Homes
    Rob Goodier
  • I'm mad as hell, find it very disturbing and miles below the level of any proper engineering community that this article does not contain a single reference, nor even a suggestion regarding the underlying technical prerequisites of the nonetheless eagerly promoted recycling proces. (In plain Dutch t...

    A Two-For-One Solution: Repurpose Cardboard Waste to Build Homes
  • Piteba Oil Expeller Press Edwin Blaak The Piteba Oil Expeller Press is a hand operated, portable oil pressing machine designed for household use.send 3-units C&F lahore of subject machine

    Piteba Oil Expeller Press
  • AOA, SEND C&F Lahore price or more price-package you have

    CAMARTEC Oil Press Machine
  • okay send price list of different models as in webnthanking you in anticipation

    CAMARTEC Oil Press Machine
  • info45
  • Hello, I'm Eric NSENGIMANA a Rwandan citizen with a bachelor's degree in Irrigation and Drainage department, I would like to join The Rural water supply network how can I? because i love this career

    Professional Water Well Drilling in Africa: Incentives and Support
  • appliedscienceint09
  • Didn't see the comment notifications, sorry! See above! Wait, no, I mean below! (Just saw how it looks on the page.)

    Post Impact.Engineered 2020, the Decade of Action Has Begun
    Rob Goodier
  • I'll respond to this because you and I have worked together and respect your opinion. Your criticism goes too far, in this case. My colleagues who organized the event worked for several months to bring in a diverse range of perspectives and I think they succeeded. The event had some corporate founda...

    Post Impact.Engineered 2020, the Decade of Action Has Begun
    Rob Goodier
  • jpkearns
  • Good day well i would like to appreciate your work and education that you provide for the people.

    Seminar Series: Teaching Humanitarian Engineering, An Australian perspective
  • This event was largely vapid, pro-corporate unsustainable globalism. Speakers failed to acknowledge that for poor countries to grow their economies to attain a basic, humane standard of living, degrowth in over-consuming rich countries is required. That is what the science says - stop denying it. Th...

    Post Impact.Engineered 2020, the Decade of Action Has Begun
  • nixonkioko71
  • Hi during the covid period am working on a touch less hand washing station for use in a rural setting school your assistance in ideas and more leads will be appreciated

    Seminar Series: Teaching Humanitarian Engineering, An Australian perspective
  • […] by ASME and other leading engineering societies, E4C has attracted the support of a variety of partners and sponsors ranging from industry, academia, non-profits and multilateral organizations, and […]

    Who We Are
    Innovators in Sustainable Development Honored by ASME | sciencenewsnet.in
  • Good day i really appreciate this opportunity by warm hands actually this might be my first step to explore the word mechanical engineering.

    Seminar Series: Teaching Humanitarian Engineering, An Australian perspective
  • Maybe hard to find in IT sphere companies aware and compliant in this area.

    Seminar Series: Teaching Humanitarian Engineering, An Australian perspective
  • There is one recently acknowledged Green Anti Covid fabric called ABACA from Phillipines. It's same plant family as ordinary Banana tree & i wondered the Banana species found here in Kenya could have same molecular fiber properties as Abaca? If so here in rural areas we are wasting a potential anti...

    Eight Ways to Go Zero Waste During the Pandemic
  • Hi, you can check this page for an embedded video (the arrow in the top image) and you can see this video and our entire archive on YouTube: Webinar Series playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFC2D8180DF11AAAA Seminar Series playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoJwIKh0xIHcZ...

    Understanding Behavior Change to Ensure Success
    Rob Goodier
  • I appreciate the topic, but we should walk the talk with respect to sustainability also in the digital sphere. This is sometimes not trivial, but the various reasons including involvement in human rights violations, Zoom is not an acceptable platform for people who care.

    Seminar Series: Teaching Humanitarian Engineering, An Australian perspective
  • You can click the video play button in the header image of this page or go to our Youtube playlist for videos of every webinar that we've recorded. Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFC2D8180DF11AAAA Sorry it wasn't clear!

    Understanding Behavior Change to Ensure Success
    Rob Goodier
  • Hi. How do we get access to these webinars if they have already happened?

    Understanding Behavior Change to Ensure Success
  • kholland
  • I'll attend this webinar so exchange will be developed

    How to Measure the Impact of Rural Infrastructure in Emerging Economies
  • petitstart
  • Would like to connect with Chantal Iribagiza as we have deployed and got approvals from Rwandan water department WASAC for our natural water purifiers. www.watsan.in. Thanks in advance

    Profiles in Global Engineering: Five Questions with Chantal Iribagiza
  • gulmoharkanha
  • Fun ways to recycle plastic waste! But the most profitable plastic recycling technology is the production of blocks for vertical gardens https://www.facebook.com/GREEN-CUBE-749402175206698 and fixed formwork for basement floors https://www.facebook.com/Plastic-Formwork-947962548924823

    Plastics Could Help Build a Sustainable Future – Here's How
  • syedbukhari0
  • I want to participate as innovator of JALODBUST. My few other related inventions are on the way. I want to meet more people like me or those people and professionals who want to join my journey for ending the greatest malady of human civilization i.e handing our shit to other person to handle.

    Seminar Series: Rethinking Water and Energy in Global Development
  • Hello. I am interested in this seminar and would really like to participate.

    Seminar Series: A New Approach to Equitable Building Design and Construction
  • please explain me how take CPD points from this site?

    Professional Water Well Drilling in Africa: Incentives and Support
  • That looks interesting, thanks for mentioning it. I've forwarded your comments on to the Solutions Library manager for possible inclusion.

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Rob Goodier
  • Good article, have you ever looked at the 'Watercone' and if yes, what is the opinion about this technology? Why is it not broadly in use because it looks very promising invention.

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
  • Hello, We are planning a project on chlorine dispenser and we want to use this plastic quality as it has been used by so many organisations in Kenya, Uganda and Malawi. How can we contact the supplier? Your assistance will be highly appreciated. Thank you

    Dispensers for Safe Water
  • NowLights are sold on Deciwatt's website: https://deciwatt.global/shop

    From GravityLight to NowLight: A Startup Pivots as Technology Improves
    Rob Goodier
  • unikovie
  • DANIELkagwi
  • Gravity light was always a huge mistake - during its crowd-funding any sane analysis said its cost:light ratio was going to be terrible, and when it came out it cost around $15 retail compared to for example the GreenLight power lights which provided 120x as much power for around twice the cost, and...

    From GravityLight to NowLight: A Startup Pivots as Technology Improves
  • I will limit my comment to PPE & Masks. Here in Africa hospital admission cost for Covid victims is exorbitant because of PPE kits. In Phillipines they are making affordable PPE suit & masks from a fiber of banana-like tree indigenous of there called Abaca. The suit is reusable after fumigation & ot...

    COVID-19: Innovation and Investment in Medical Devices and PPE
  • where can we buy this bag

    Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage (PICS) Bags
  • Thank you for this interesting article. As an editorial note, in the 2nd sentence under "Affordable Rapid Testing", the words antigen and antibody are interchanged. The sentence should read: "A broad division includes antigen tests that are based on the detection of the virus present in the human bo...

    COVID-19: Affordable Testing Solutions
  • Very useful information obtain here from the rest of the members

    Solutions to Keep Food on the Table in a Changing Climate
  • Hi Anna, Thanks for your comment! Ethical research really shouldn't allow discrimination in this way. In this case, the profit incentives of the journal appear to take priority over ethical publishing practices. I would suggest that even as a early career researcher, it is possible to voice your con...

    Words Fail Us: Racism in International Development Publishing
  • Wow, glad the special issue found a new home! As a new academic, I was shocked to find out that discrimination by national origin could even be allowed. As a graduate student in a western university, do you have any suggestions for what we can do? Our advisors/supervisors are typically the ones who...

    Words Fail Us: Racism in International Development Publishing
  • Hi Elizabeth, I Have a face shied design that only needs a soda bottle! Whats needed 3" hole saw, drill, razor knife, a little fun task, and a face to protect. But I do not know yet how to post ideas on E4C. I did join the Pact-covid challenge on HeroX right now, we are the only team in this group....

    Global Health Design Informs this Open Source Face Shield
  • This is a very well written information. WHO and UNICEF should also research more with scientist on this issue.

    Can Handwashing with Ash or Soil Prevent COVID-19?
  • Shehab, you raise an interesting point about the necessity of paying for water while serving low-income communities. A useful analogy may be access to food⁠, which is also a necessity for life, and one that requires payment to cover the cost of raising the food, processing it, transporting it, and s...

    Overcoming Financial Barriers to Household Water Connections in Ghana
  • Your idea is actually in practice in some places now, especially communities in emerging economies. It has different names, but the gist is that the community owns and manages water and other utilities. They often have help building the infrastructure, as you suggested, and then they learn to organi...

    Overcoming Financial Barriers to Household Water Connections in Ghana
    Rob Goodier
  • I am really not able to understand the fact that local people have to pay so much money for Water. which is a necessity and not a luxury for survival. Why cant there be a solution where there is one time installation cost for a system and people have access to clean water. Maintenance should be done...

    Overcoming Financial Barriers to Household Water Connections in Ghana
  • where do I buy an Ace onecookstove in cape town

    Evaluating Household Energy Resources in Rural Kenya
  • ETL Testing Training In Chennai Java Training In Chennai Python Training In Chennai R Programming Training In Chennai Salesforce Developer Training In Chennai SAP HANA Training In Chennai SAP MM Training In Chennai Selenium Training In Chennai Digital Marketing Training In Chennai Angular js Trainin...

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • i just learnt a new idea today Brilliant! would love to use this in my area some day. Great job.

    EcoSanitation: Trading “Flush and Forget” for “Cycle and Sow”
  • diomnene61
  • Am enquiring about the supply of p&G pur

    P&G Purifier of Water
  • ghania866
  • taimorshehzad123
  • Hello, no sorry we no longer offer certificates for the webinars. Thank you for your interest. - Female staff member

    Seminar Series: Climate Change, Conflict, and Engineering for Peace
    Jana Melpolder
  • sir will i get any certificate after watching webinar???

    Seminar Series: Climate Change, Conflict, and Engineering for Peace
  • I am a Mechanical Engineer from UC cincinnati ..CAES. I ve been piloting some programs irrigation system.I ve design a PREP from my senior desing @ UC ..related to pumping water water using solar and a submersible Pumps.. Please advise me how to acquire this submersible pump powered by solar. I ve s...

    Black and Decker Introduces a Solar Irrigation Pump for Indian Farms
  • taimorshehzad123
  • princeprince000111222
  • hasnain.muet126
  • The flooring system for these refugees should be provide comfort and warmth. In some projects we had in the Philippines before where our donors from Rockford IL povided shelters, and free flooring and walling system, I can say that it is necessary to have assessment with what kind of flooring they a...

    Here's a great idea: Interlocking mats turn shipping pallets into floors for refugee tents
  • Hi, it looks like you have successfully registered and your email is in the mailing list. Thanks for your interest, sorry it gave you trouble.

    Virtual Salon: Open Source and 3D-Printable Medical Equipment Meet Global Shortages
    Rob Goodier
  • We no longer offer PDHs with webinars, sorry for the inconvenience.

    Seminar Series: Rethinking Water and Energy in Global Development
    Rob Goodier
  • Hi, I’ve been trying to register for this webinar but when I enter my email the screen refreshes and nothing else happens. Your Contact page doesn’t work. Not sure if it’s just me or everyone... hopefully it’s just me! But, if anyone sees this please register me. morganbenjamin95@gmail.com Thank you...

    Virtual Salon: Open Source and 3D-Printable Medical Equipment Meet Global Shortages
  • Thank you for posting the recorded version of this seminar. I know that your webinars typically provide the opportunity to earn PDHs. Does this apply to seminars as well? I was unable to complete the certificate request form based on the seminar title.

    Seminar Series: Rethinking Water and Energy in Global Development
  • A few weeks ago, there was a news report from India of a group of 'migrant workers' (a.k.a slum dwellers in nearby city) were ran over by a train as they slept on the railway line as they took a rest on their way back to ancestral villages as Covid19 induced city lockdown became untenable to their l...

    Megacity Slums Incubate Disease – But the Coronavirus Response Isn't Helping the Billion People Who Live in Them
  • I could not help commenting on this as a Kenyan citizen involved in modeling social economic potentials for empowering a marginalized community in Ganze sub county, Kilifi county along Kenyan coast. The model involves assisting individual house holds to have a roof commensurate with rain water harve...

    The Catastrophic Intersectionality of WASH, Climate Change and the Coronavirus
  • Amy, i listened to your webinar on 13th May from India. The merri-go-round water pump was a great idea but it has seemingly failed. I woke up today morning with perhaps a possible solution for its revival. Not to look like a fool, can you please share the power required / discharge and head of the w...

    Seminar Series: Rethinking Water and Energy in Global Development
  • Product and Market together make an impact. While Inventor is nearly best at invention, he/ she needs help in making it into a product by putting the invention through a standardized process, often expensive. And the Market is altogether different game. A means of collaboration for the inventor to g...

    Impact Inventing: Strengthening the Ecosystem for Invention-Based Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets
  • Hello, we hope you were able to join for the event. You can now view it up above if you click on the play button in the icon image. Thank you for your interest!

    Seminar Series: Rethinking Water and Energy in Global Development
    Jana Melpolder
  • hillk
  • hillk
  • asifakash92
  • […] but not least, there is this website, which is a link to various free or very cheap online resources for supplemental learning which may […]

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Six Websites To Supplement Your Studies
  • Parte fundamental es las TIC en todas las empresas, no importa el rubro, el desarrollo de las TIC serán fundamental y mas ahora que tenemos que realizar tele trabajos con esta época del covid-19.

    Working Remotely: Seven Tips for Productive Online Meetings
  • Thanks for such an interesting seminar! Looking forward to it!

    Seminar Series: Rethinking Water and Energy in Global Development
  • Looking forward to your Seminar. Kind Regards, Philipp Rupprecht

    Seminar Series: Rethinking Water and Energy in Global Development
  • Community Kitchens and Community Washing of Clothes this will save both food and water . The cooker will preferable be solar power and will keep cooking the whole day.

    New Technology Could Make Life More Bearable in Refugee Camps
  • Use /steam/Hot water generated by solar power. It will save both water and soap. Recycle the water by diverting it into a plant patch preferable Aloe Vera

    Coronavirus: What Might More Handwashing Mean in Countries with Water Shortages?
  • We need a device that allows washing hands in a small amount of water in a hygienic way. What do you think about this device: https://youtu.be/DNmn0-NS0WE?t=210

    Coronavirus: What Might More Handwashing Mean in Countries with Water Shortages?
  • Welcome to the E4C community! We are so glad you are part of the online community.

    Seminar Series: Measuring Impact in Global Engineering
  • Please I need a video on how to construct the biofil toilet. My email is enochdsurveys@gmail.com

    The Biofil Digester
  • oh it's seems amazing! can I have the manuale, please? this is my email adresse : marcellaleoncini75@gmail.com

    EcoSanitation: Trading “Flush and Forget” for “Cycle and Sow”
  • It's nice being in this group, i will try my best to look out i will innovate and impact life locally and internationally. Thanks for making possible for me to join this group i appreciate.

    Seminar Series: Measuring Impact in Global Engineering
  • We used plastic films under sand soils to stop permeating the water, rain or irrigated, downward. The results was higher yields and less irrigating. We changed the soil surface to collect rain water to fruit trees. we collected surface stones on a slope to stop erosion and permeate the water for pla...

    Practical tips to distribute and scale your technology
  • Can you help me contact the source of this message. I received an email that a private message had been sent to me: [usercommercial@gmail.com A new submission has been added for challenge "Clean Water Track - Plan & Learn Phase". Submission Name is: The future 3/24/2020, 4:57 PM] Thank you. Hill Kem...

    Expert Insight into Targets for Brackish Water Treatment Design
  • Please contact me. We have a unique RE powered solution that can be manufactured in at least one of the 3 countries. Thanks, best regards, Joseph

    What’s Cooking in Nigerian, Ghanaian, and Ugandan Communities? Practical Stove Solutions
  • I look forward to this webinar and discussion.

    Seminar Series: Climate Change, Conflict, and Engineering for Peace
  • This is a fantastic read. I am Michael Ampofo from Ghana (Ashesi University). Currently my team and I are working on solar powered induction cookpots for people in the rural areas of Ghana, we have made head way and hope to complete the project by May of this year.

    Evaluating Household Energy Resources in Rural Kenya
  • Giving the community power to veto the dissemination of study results at first sounds like the responsible thing to do, but giving it a second thought, I'm wondering if that would have an unintended consequence. Researchers and institutions might not be willing to pay for studies that can be canned...

    Seven Recommendations for Disseminating Results to Tech4Dev Research Participants
    Rob Goodier
  • I'm highly interested to participate in a webinar on successful start up for global development. Kindly, update me on next series. Thanks

    Building a Successful Start-up for Global Development
  • Further, the community should have a veto to allow or disallow the dissemination of the results beyond their researched community, see step 7 in "Method of Research in a We-Paradigm, lessons on Living Research in Africa." In: Nielsen, P. and Kimaro, H.C. (eds.) Information and Communication Technolo...

    Seven Recommendations for Disseminating Results to Tech4Dev Research Participants
  • So Interesting to me. Personally I see this as one of the Best opportunities for alleviating poverty and increasing living standards

    Biological Waste to Biogas: A Solution to Self-Sustainable Energy in Rural India
  • My team and I have part of the solutions for the DRC. See the details here: www.ascoderu.ca and contact me at nzola8@gmail.com

    ICT in the DRC: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunity
  • We have a solution in the ICT area. We have developed an offline email server. We have the most valuable product (prototype) ready for pilot projects. We are looking for partners to help us to deploy this unit. See details here: www.ascoderu.ca and you can contact me at nzola8@gmail.com

    Social Entrepreneurs Need Two Improvements to Their Financing Access
  • […] A wonderful infographic by OXFAM demonstrating the impact of climate change, waste and hunger  on our food production system http://www.engineeringforchange.org/whats-wrong-with-our-food-system/ […]

    What's wrong with our food system?
    Can Disruptive Innovation and Start-ups provide the new “Miracles” tackling Climate Change? - Venture Tinkers
  • E17 - SIMPLE WATER TREATMENT METHODS FOR USE IN THE HOME 1) What is involved ? The methods presented in this factsheet are used to make water drinkable. They can be applied at hole, at the family level. The methods described comprise : * Straining * The three pot method * Treatment by boiling * Trea...

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
  • I really expect this training the problem the time is not in utc

    Seminar Series: Research in Global Design
  • Poverty is more properly an economic than engineering problem. The basis of economic success and growth is in property rights, rule of law, free trade, free markets... multiplied by low cost government, transportation, communications... Engineering tends to be involved in higher levels of complexity...

    Engineers Are Not Ending Poverty. Time for a Change?
  • I think Lawrence and Mitra have valid points to the argument. Scale, capacity building, how we measure poverty, all need to be considered. Like the solutions developed, they can't be in isolation, otherwise, there is too much risk of failure.

    Engineers Are Not Ending Poverty. Time for a Change?
  • Yes, but. We may be helping with improvements in ways, that aren't measured in the official statistics. Many of the systems we work on, IF they are done in co-operation with the community are both repairable and duplicatible by/in the community. If those actions only require local materials and labo...

    Engineers Are Not Ending Poverty. Time for a Change?
  • I think Engineers need to not only think broader - i.e. at the related systems causing the poverty, but also AT SCALE, i.e. at the scale of the problem. For example, a small scale, locally built water filter may be the perfect solution for the village you are working with, but have you thought about...

    Engineers Are Not Ending Poverty. Time for a Change?
  • Hi Jana! I am using Microsoft Edge and have tried your suggestions several times now still with no luck. Are you able to get to the download link or do you have trouble when trying?

    Design for Impact with Solid Edge 3D Tools
  • We are sorry you are having troubles with the download. What browser are you using? Did you try logging out and then back in, and then trying to page again? Please let us know.

    Design for Impact with Solid Edge 3D Tools
    Jana Melpolder
  • I am not able to download a copy of the software. The link provided only comes up with "access denied you must be logged in to access". I am definitely logged in since I am able to leave this comment.

    Design for Impact with Solid Edge 3D Tools
  • Please see the webinar video for download instructions, or sign in to the site and go to this page: https://www.engineeringforchange.org/siemens-link/

    Design for Impact with Solid Edge 3D Tools
    Rob Goodier
  • How do you get the solid edge download

    Design for Impact with Solid Edge 3D Tools
  • Is there any effort in developed nations (like the US) to use rain water collection system to provide water to flush toilets instead of city water?

    Three Startups Are Changing the World One Drop of Water at a Time
  • God awarded us with our senses to whom we utilize to explore the world. Object sensation caused by our first glance. All of us have a sense of vision that we utilize to explore the beauty of nature. But most people lose this sensation by some fatal diseases like diabetes. Diabetes disease occurs wit...

    Fellow Visionaries
  • Hey my name is Samson Micubu and I love the report you have done. I'm interested with the Compressed AgriFiber panels (CAF) since currently I'm doing a research on it's adaptability here In Kenya. I would greatly appreciate if you shared what you know about that technology or even the local manufact...

    Affordable Housing in Kenya: A Performance-Based Analysis of Available Technologies in Kenya and Abroad
  • The video is now available on this page. I know the webinar team would welcome your feedback if you have anything to share after seeing it.

    Virtual Salon: ICT Access & IoT in Low-Resource Settings
    Rob Goodier
  • Thanks for sharing, Kyambogo University; Kampala Uganda wholefully attended

    Virtual Salon: ICT Access & IoT in Low-Resource Settings
  • Yes, I'll send you a link when it's up.

    Virtual Salon: ICT Access & IoT in Low-Resource Settings
    Rob Goodier
  • Will this be recorded ? It sounds relevant to the work I'm doing at the Internet Archive to make their material more available where the internet is poor, but I'm based in Australia so its a bit early (2:30am) for me.

    Virtual Salon: ICT Access & IoT in Low-Resource Settings
  • BRAVO!!! Excellent, EXCELLENT read!!! I would love to implement this system in our area, if would please be so kind as to email me your construction manual to: my username @yahoo dot com, please and thank you for all you do... Be safe, stay vigilant... HOOAH!!!

    EcoSanitation: Trading “Flush and Forget” for “Cycle and Sow”
  • Newt, we invite you to look over the job opportunities in kite energy or airborne wind energy. http://energykitesystems.net/AirborneWindEnergy

    Up Is the Way Forward for Wind Energy
  • I'd love to take a look at the manual, as well. My email is my username (no hyphen) at gmail.com. Thanks in advance!

    EcoSanitation: Trading “Flush and Forget” for “Cycle and Sow”
  • I have done considerable thinking along these lines. I think that watersport kites should be used initially, thus avoiding much trial and error that is history. Developers should concentrate on cross wind performance, which is the best point of sail for these kites, and allows very high power genera...

    Up Is the Way Forward for Wind Energy
  • Kindly send me the details of construction so that I can implement this in my area.

    EcoSanitation: Trading “Flush and Forget” for “Cycle and Sow”
  • please send the manual to tomboga82@gmail.com

    EcoSanitation: Trading “Flush and Forget” for “Cycle and Sow”
  • Can you please send me the manual too? Will it work in temperate climates? trimbitassorin@gmail.com Thanks!

    EcoSanitation: Trading “Flush and Forget” for “Cycle and Sow”
  • […] Low Cost Ways To Purify Water […]

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Low Cost Ways to Treat Water – Haniff Wilson's Website
  • A very interesting article. thanks. Africa is leading all this movement for payg for off grid, but LATAM would be a great place to enter.

    Rural Solar Energy Enterprises Can Learn from Mobisol’s Hard-Earned Lesson
  • I am very interested to try this processor in my country as we also have a huge plastic waste problem. Please advise and help me on how to obtain this processor and receive training on how to operate and maintain this processor unit. Thank you. Mr. Oveai Morea

    Emerging Economies Convert Plastic Waste into Fuel
  • […] A wonderful infographic by OXFAM demonstrating the impact of climate change, waste and hunger  on our food production system http://www.engineeringforchange.org/whats-wrong-with-our-food-system/ […]

    What's wrong with our food system?
    Can Disruptive Innovation and Start-ups provide the new “Miracles” tackling Climate Change? – ENERGYBIT
  • Hello! Thank you for your comment. Please provide an email address so we can send you a construction manual about this sanitation system.

    EcoSanitation: Trading “Flush and Forget” for “Cycle and Sow”
    Fernanda Petrus
  • Hello, how could we get more info to design plants like this? Even better would be to know if you can help us build at least one in El Salvador so we learn and become able to duplicate

    EcoSanitation: Trading “Flush and Forget” for “Cycle and Sow”
  • Do you have any data to support the reduction in room temperature? It makes sense that the temperature in the cooler would be low, but it seems that room cooling would be limited without active flow.

    Designed: This Air Conditioner for Homes and Offices Uses No Electricity
  • If there is one thing that is certain about the decentralized identity space its that its far from unified, and hasn't been for the decades that its been proposing everything from OpenID through to IOTA and the various "self sovereign ID" proposals. For any distributed id to be likely to be persiste...

    The Case for a Unified Identity
  • Hi, This is a very nice article and gives a lot of insight. I am however concerned about the sustainability of the connectivity. Has there been work around it? The other thing that I would like to say is about community involvement and community benefit that comes about from this connectivity. I hav...

    Wi-Fi? Why Not.
  • With no electricity, it might be a good idea to build a greenhouse-like structure with agricultural plastic, leaving open air at the bottom of the structure for airflow.

    Heating a mealworm farm without Electricity
  • Hello, where can I find a construction manual to build this units?

    Designed: This Air Conditioner for Homes and Offices Uses No Electricity
  • Hi, I'm a filmmaker based here in southern Africa zambia. I'm currently developing a proposal to produce a series of videos entitled.. BRIDGING THE GAP..I'm read your input of strategies to build a more gender tech sector...where the female folk lag behind bye are the growing consumer of most ICT pr...

    Strategies to Build a More Gender-Equal Tech Sector
  • Reply to Jpkearns excellent comment. It is true that field kits can be unreliable. From the many projects that I have been doing in arsenic mitigation in the field the way I circumvent this issue is as follow: If when testing the well water there is no stain I accept the result that the well water i...

    A Forgotten Public Health Crisis
  • Please be cautious relying on field test kits for arsenic. A lot of research has cast doubt on their accuracy/reliability. For example, see our recent paper, "Evaluation of arsenic field test kits as a learning exercise for engineering students in global water and sanitation class" https://ojs.libra...

    A Forgotten Public Health Crisis
  • Amartya - I've touched up a few of items here. Couple thoughts: 1. Can we add an additional photo? The primary one is perfect, but another (perhaps in an urban environment) would be helpful. 2. Add links to each of the products int he competitive landscape. 3. Target Users: Is/are there better terms...

    Qr6 Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
  • Leaving a brief overview of the clean-up. -Seemed like details about the QR5 (the previous model) were widely available with multiple sections and subsection on their website, unlike QR6 which is very covertly presented. - I have removed most of the links from the QR5 product report as all those URL...

    Qr6 Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
  • To whomsoever it may concern, Myself Darshil Panchal from SK Engineers company. Our company promoting new design products for the purpose of rural development and waste management. These products are Manual Briquetting Products which are used to make Briquettes using various types of BIOMASS includi...

    How can rural villages manage mountains of empty plastic bottles?
  • I'm a mechanical engineering student developing a charcoal retort kiln product and would love to hear feedback from everyone! Responses are anonymous and are super helpful in development. Thanks! Follow this link for the short survey...https://byui.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3UeARXilukcNRhr

    How to Make a Biochar Gasifier
  • Hi rajanbh24tech, Absolutely! In fact we pilot tested this process in Tamil Nadu a few years ago. We used the fuel for irrigation pumps. The plastics that we use are polyethylene (HDPE and LDPE) and polypropylene. Although polystyrene makes good fuel, there are some potential toxicity concerns with...

    Emerging Economies Convert Plastic Waste into Fuel
  • Hi Jeff, This is amazing. Is there a way we in India can get access to this pilot program and move it real Plastic Fuel pumps for villages.. I would be very keen to get it launched.Secondly is the a way to use Solar heat for 'slowly pyrolizes plastic waste using heat instead of heat produced by burn...

    Emerging Economies Convert Plastic Waste into Fuel
  • Nice insights. Especially answer to second last question is interesting and worth to note.

    Five Questions with Manoj Sinha, CEO of Husk Power Systems
  • Hi Mitra, For our field trials, the users were trained to separate the plastic. In Uganda, there is a thriving economy for people working in the trash dumps picking and separating trash of all types. So far, the issue of separation hasn't caused us a problem, but we are working with NGOs to select t...

    Emerging Economies Convert Plastic Waste into Fuel
  • Interesting did you see anyone do this plastic separation in your field tests ? From the one project I saw in southern India plastic separation was expensive and significantly added to the cost. For the flotation method it sounds like they need a shredder which adds the questions of can you shred pl...

    Emerging Economies Convert Plastic Waste into Fuel
  • Hi Mitra, Great questions! Several of them are addressed in a paper we recently published in the Journal of Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy (DOI:10.1002/ep.13086). As our published work demonstrates, the energy balance is positive, even for wood fuel, and the total CO2 emissions are lo...

    Emerging Economies Convert Plastic Waste into Fuel
  • Hi Newt, the temperature required is about 450C. The time of course depends on the heating time and batch size, but for our process the process runs for about 3 hours and begins producing within about 20 minutes. As for solar concentration, I don't know of a small scale unit that gets up to 450C, bu...

    Emerging Economies Convert Plastic Waste into Fuel
  • What are the time and temperature involved? Is there any chance that a solar concentrator stove could be used instead of a wood burning stove?

    Emerging Economies Convert Plastic Waste into Fuel
  • There have been many plastic->oil "solutions" before, but each of them has had at least one major problem slowing adoption - as I understand it, and applied to what I read above for your system, the typical issues are: a) a lot of energy required to run the process - for example the system from bles...

    Emerging Economies Convert Plastic Waste into Fuel
  • Rob Goodier
  • luisgast
  • At what time is this taking place?

    A Tool to Measure Household Water Insecurity Globally
  • nstruble
  • Hi Anna, Thanks for your question. The energy to run the process comes via a rocket stove manufactured by InStove (www.instove.org) in Cottage Grove, Oregon. This wood fired stove is incredibly efficient. The stack gas produced doesn't actually need any scrubbing. The InStove rocket stove reduces pa...

    Emerging Economies Convert Plastic Waste into Fuel
  • I'm curious about the emissions from the process - that's a large smokestack, do you have any scrubbers in there?

    Emerging Economies Convert Plastic Waste into Fuel
    Anna - E4C Fellow
  • Looks like the link is password-protected, which doesn't make sense, sorry about that. Here's a link to view the document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UFuhlHlXtm59r9MNBWrGIbLzNru-645F/view?usp=sharing And I'll change it above. Thanks

    Call for support with curriculum development on green building methods
    Rob Goodier
  • I am curious about whether biogas generation and use, and 100 Watts, or so of solar power are part of the curriculum. Why am I locked out of the link labelled "here" above?

    Call for support with curriculum development on green building methods
  • Solar water heaters are much older than solar photovoltaics. Ordinary glass is transparent to visible light, but nearly opaque to infrared. Copper tubing in a black painted space, with a glass, sun-facing front, will heat water that you can circulate to the worm bed.

    Heating a mealworm farm without Electricity
  • I attended today's webinar on AI. I would like to forward an e-mail that I sent to the "biochar" discussion group complimentung E4C. I cannot recall/find the E4C moderator's name. Can you please send me the correct e-mail address(es). Ronal W. Larson, PhD Below is the start of my note: List: This is...

    Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics for Human Development
  • Dr. Vijay, it's great to hear that you've developed an way to bottle biogas. A while back a couple of us ran some calculations to bottle biogas and found that it was cost prohibitive to do this. Does your process change that? Does it provide a positive ROI?

    Waste to Fuel: Bottling Biomethane for Transport And Cooking
  • 4Ocean is just a marketing scam. It's makes no measurable difference in our oceans and it only enriches a few marketing guys. Dumb.

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
  • Good essay but looks like an undergraduate project! Considering the technical value of materials as provided by nature is important. Burning a material as a waste is itself a wasteful process. Coconuts from coconut water as a drink to the hard kernel stage yields various food products. As the coconu...

    Building Material Matters and the Coconut Value Chain
  • The group should work the whole chain from bio-waste to bio-gas to biomethane. For example, they should work with Indian Railways where they collect human waste from millions of passengers regularly. The first step is the development of technology, which should be followed with logistics and busines...

    Waste to Fuel: Bottling Biomethane for Transport And Cooking
  • Hello I'm working on clean and self-healing energy, and I'll be able to provide you with an energy-free energy source.

    Made in Guatemala: Clean Water and Nutrition Technology in Central America
  • To Rob Goodier: This an invitation to join the group in IEEE Collabratec, that is developing the TRANSFORM! rewrite of switching power theory. TRANSFORM! includes the DC Transformer invention, and starts with household size DC solar systems, then will expand to DC Nanogrids that connect several hous...

    Promising Prototypes to Watch in 2019
  • I think that Ilumexico should nominate a technician to build test articles and collaborate with the group, developing the TRANSFORM! rewrite of switching power technology on IEEE Collabratec. TRANSFORM! includes the DC TRANSFORMER invention, and is targeting first, household systems and Nanogrids, c...

    Five Questions with Manuel Wiechers
  • Is good to pay attention to how to improve handwashing for kids; the above new designs are an improvement, but not a breakthrough and still focussed on the existing designs, because the most persistent problems are not yet dealt with FairWater.org has developed several innovative handwash units, one...

    Rooted in Research, Handwashing Stations Designed to Encourage Kids to Wash Their Hands
  • robinsonchege95@gmail.com
  • englishbeyazli
  • Thanks it's a good thing for those without power from the grid

    Evaporative Cooling Chambers
  • […] A wonderful infographic by OXFAM demonstrating the impact of climate change, waste and hunger  on our food production system https://www.engineeringforchange.org/whats-wrong-with-our-food-system/ […]

    What's wrong with our food system?
    Tackling Climate Change – Can Disruptive Innovation and Start-ups provide the new “Miracles”? – Cleantech Geek
  • Thanks so much for your interest. You are registered! (And nothing is broken.)

    Sustainable Infrastructure as a Driver to Achieve the 2030 Agenda
    Rob Goodier
  • Nice effort BUT... Where is "building" here ? It is just a assembly job. We are basically doing the "BUYING the Cells" from someone. If we can build that core thing, then only we should publish that work here at engineering for change. Because there are ample videos like this https://www.youtube.com...

    DIY Solar Panel: A step-by-step how-to guide
  • When I clicked Register Now and entered my email address, nothing happens. Is something broken?

    Sustainable Infrastructure as a Driver to Achieve the 2030 Agenda
  • Sorry, I am not able to access the webinar!!!!

    Reflections on the Profession: Careers in Impact Design
  • I don't seem to be receiving an email to join the webinar.

    Reflections on the Profession: Careers in Impact Design
  • Civil engineering was fun to study in college, where projects and subject matter changed every couple of weeks. Courses offered a variety of challenges, from structural engineering to geotechnical to environmental and so on. However, after college, the field got a lot less interesting. As an environ...

    Jobs for Change: Engineers Without Borders Around the Globe
  • Hello. It's always important to question metrics, and global standardization will always have its drawbacks. Having said this, I think it is critical to acknowledge the big leap in comparative understanding that should come out of moving from the MDG's "improved" metrics that you discuss to the 'saf...

    Are one-size-fits-all metrics for global WASH really appropriate?
  • Awesome article Riley! I've always wondered how they came up with the definition of safe/unsafely managed water or sanitation. It also completely ignores that not all water needs to be safe- if its just used for irrigation or washing then it is alright.

    Are one-size-fits-all metrics for global WASH really appropriate?
    Anna - E4C Fellow
  • […] Building with compressed-earth blocks makes sense, and not just because most of the construction materials are right under our feet. Earthen walls regulate temperatures, dampen sound, repel mold and, with the right build, they can resist earthquakes, fires and other disasters. [For more on...

    Five Questions with Jim Hallock
    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home - Abundant Earth Global CDC
  • Looking forward to the webinar.

    Energy Access and Requirements of Rural Communities
  • Wow,thank you for the guide. I have just been selected as a mentor a student boys club in my school,in Ghana and we shall be also engaging in science, and or technology related activities including climate change related activities. I am a non professional teacher in a junior school, Darul Hardis JH...

    DIY Solar Panel: A step-by-step how-to guide
    Bashiru Seidu Zimpa
  • Narayan Seva Sansthan’ is one of the best non profit Charity Organization that was established in the year 1985 with a fistful of flour and with a view to serve the patients belonging to the poorest of the poor sections of the society through the ‘free of cost’ corrective surgeries of patients suffe...

    A new charitable giving platform vets Indian nonprofits to give donors peace of mind
  • foni_pioneer@yahoo.com
  • "Ocean tidal energy has the potential to provide unlimited gigawatts of power worldwide" https://www.technologyreview.com/s/537656/why-hasnt-tidal-power-taken-off/ Unlimited source of energy “Ocean tide” can provide low cost zero emission reliable electricity (unlimited). Tidal energy Is the form of...

    Energy Access and Requirements of Rural Communities
  • Iana Aranda says: As per Bob: reliable source of power or electrical storage and/or backup power is required. This limits the application to where this type of power is available. UV if applied appropriately can be both a safe and effective means of sterilization.

    Sterilux Steribox and Control Station
  • foni_pioneer@yahoo.com
  • sbcsurya@gmail.com
  • OcTOBER 2, 2018 A0A PLEASE send print as under for Pakistan & Afghanistan; 1-Handbook of Participatory Design for Appropriate Technology. ENERGY | SANITATION0 OCTOBER 10, 2018 2-Biological Waste to Biogas: A Solution to Self-Sustainable Energy in Rural IndiaOCTOBER 20 3-Handbook of Participatory Des...

    Handbook of Participatory Design for Appropriate Technology
  • AOA ok we like purchase 3-6 machines (under noted),send details,prices etc. at.k_nationaltraders@yahoo.com CAMARTEC is a manually operated oil expeller machine used to produce oil from different kinds of seeds. thanking you in anyicipation

    CAMARTEC Oil Press Machine
  • Interesting, thanks. Nepal has been quickly gaining local capacity for tunneling projects for tunnels for its many hydro projects to larger automobile tunnels (latest in Lamjung) and much delayed Melamchi tunnel coming on line soon to bring drinking water to Kathmandu valley and to a just initiated...

    Five Questions with Jon Hurt, Tunneling Engineer with Arup and EWB-USA
  • hello everyone, can i have a practical design for this pump as i am planning to fabricate it for small communities water supply here in laos. thanks and more power! Longtree

    AIDFI Ram Pump
  • Great technology to address livelihood challenges .............

    Designing Elephant Repellent in Rural Botswana
  • nancyhines
  • What a great write up.Here in my country Cameroon, most rural areas are depending on non-environmental friendly sources of energy to meet their needs in cooking and lighting. I hope to study the Techniques mentioned here and make a change in my community. Thanks very much for sharing

    Biological Waste to Biogas: A Solution to Self-Sustainable Energy in Rural India
  • Iana Aranda says: As per Bob: Steam technology requires a source of water and steam – implying high power heating elements. Appropriate sources of clean, chemical free (Calcium, Iron etc.) water are necessary. Although in developed countries this is not a significant issue in developing countries...

    VIP 10-40 Steam Engine
  • Very helpful we too have a problem with elephants in Sri Lanka.

    Designing Elephant Repellent in Rural Botswana
  • Hi John, thanks for the comment. The use of smoke to repel insects is actually one of the criteria we included in the protocol. There's a section dedicated to location-specific user needs like this one (which can be expanded to include other/uncommon, but important, needs we haven't identified).

    How to Design Improved Cookstoves with Users in Mind: A Usability Protocol
  • One of the key issues involved in the roll-out of ICS is that swathes of households in low-income countries are convinced that, although they may not like it, a smokey house environment inhibits biting insects. I've had quite a few householders tell me why smoke is a good thing, for this and other r...

    How to Design Improved Cookstoves with Users in Mind: A Usability Protocol
  • GoSun now has a full array of solar cookers and solar ovens, including a solar cooking solution during cloudy periods or night.

    GoSun Solar Cooker Sport
  • Depending of the desired temperature and the way you want to heat the mealworm. For low temperature, a solar heater (like the ones for water heaters for homes) could be enough; but if you want a higher temperature, a solar concentrator must be used.

    Heating a mealworm farm without Electricity
  • Interesting solution, some concern about vertical reinforcement being necessary for seismic and hurricane application getting lost -- shown in some drawings not others. All in all, a lot of good technical information and by highlighting the building material in the context of the application -- post...

    Good Earth Global Earthbag Construction
  • No standards in design, requires engineering design. No windows, limited protection, unclear durability. Again, not a solution, more like an example of the use of pallets for construction in limited 1st world applications.

    I-Beam Pallet House
  • I'm not sure this is appropriate as a "solution". It is certainly a concept and an innovative use of the pallet material. There have been no updates to the pallet house humanitarian design webpage since 2010.

    I-Beam Pallet House
  • Seems like an advertisement for the company and their product, not an honest description of what the actual solution is. Includes an integrated list of solutions (kitchen sink planning) but does not go into great detail about any of them individually.

    Tiguri Green Village
  • In general, a good concept around integrated services and financing. Still a concept, not a lot of insight for engineers or designers except from a planning perspective.

    Tiguri Green Village
  • Nice concept, good they have have a prototype. Good example of a concept around a set of principles and requirements. Limited engineering guidance or information, but could inspire an architect/engineer team to develop something with similar goals in mind.

    Sustainable Incremental Construction Unit (Modular Housing Scheme)
  • Building collapsed due to poor maintenance in 2 years. Indicative of serious engineering challenges or failures. Interesting concept of a floating house, though I'm not sure it should be advertised as a "solution" to land issues. Perhaps lessons can be learned from the base of the structure.

    NLÉ Makoko Floating School
  • Again, this seems more like an article about a concept or prototype that can serve to inspire designers but has limited value as a solution to be replicated. I guess there are some lessons learned from the failure, but that may be better suited to a different format or different section.

    NLÉ Makoko Floating School
  • I would like to see if you are in the trial or final release stages. I distribute glasses and would love to be more accurate in eyeglass matches and want to use instrumentation that is more accurate than the methodologies we use now. Thank you. I am at +1 614-449-1095 or may be reached @ uitsca7@gma...

  • Thorough and reliable details. Thanks. Perhaps more information about places it could be used (schools, hospitals, orphanages, etc). Also I do not see specific mention of the accessories (autoclave, pasteurizer, pressure cooker) so it might be nice to include those options if possible.

    InStove 60-L Cookstove
  • Nordica_Advisor
  • Details of success and performance in field settings would be helpful, and should be available if 100 units have been deployed?

    PP20 Power Pallets
  • Sweden is spelled incorrectly in the "Manufacturing/building method(s)" section. The first sentence in the "User Provision Model" section is not clear and should be rewritten. Regarding the "Distribution to date", even if exact numbers are not known, a rough order of magnitude estimation would add s...

    HemoCue Hb 201 Data Management System
  • This is a good overview of this product. The primary feedback that I have is that there isn't any information on what temperature (or temperature ranges) it will keep the baby at. While it claims to have a 1C temperature variation, the nominal temperature isn't stated. It's unclear to me how it can...

  • This is a good overview of this product and I don't have any specific feedback. As is always the case, more details add value but what is here is sufficient.

    Raybaby Monitor
  • Overall I think this is a good overview of this product. A few comments include: 1. This states that this product doesn't use any consumables although a battery is used (which only provides an estimated 72 hours of use). It is unclear if the product is intended to be rechargeable, disposable or have...

  • In description is labeled as African and for the people of Africa, only needs one (and is it really that broad or is it country/region specific)

    Mondo Ride
  • Should target users field explanation include the word 'commuters' or similar rather than entire population?

  • In the SDG targeted field previous products state the exact SDG word for word , where as here they are discussed relative to the products meets them. Should either method be consistent across products?

  • In safety field consider replacing 'hind' with 'rear' wheel

    Cycle Connect Bicycle
  • In technical support field the word 'spanners' may not be understood by wider audience. Consider 'bicycle tool' or similarly generic term?

    Cycle Connect Bicycle
  • The info in the Design Specifications field reads like it should be in a Delivery Method field or similar?

    Cycle Connect Bicycle
  • In competititive landscape field there is a typo: 'in the greater Africa' should likely say 'in greater Africa' or 'in the greater African region'

    Cycle Connect Bicycle
  • The Quinta Monroy project is widely publicized and has received a great deal of attention, arguably overblown. In terms of a housing model, I would not consider it to be innovative because it can be considered as an advanced Sites & Services program. As a concept, such top down incremental housing m...

    Elemental Quinta Monroy
  • Types of Building Components Used Cast-in-place concrete. I would add concrete block in-fill.

    Elemental Quinta Monroy
  • Fuel needs to be a consideration, and may be a limiting factor in under-resourced communities. Transporting the machine to site locations with limited road-networks and poor conditions may prove to be a limitation.

  • It would be important to note what is verified claims and what are manufacturer's claims.

  • Target User: This needs clarification if 'user' will be the actual person who buys blocks, or the block machine purchaser. For the person who buys blocks, unless a business/supply chain model is explained, I'm not sure how the average home-builder would obtain these blocks. If a machine purchaser, t...

  • Competitive Landscape: Hydraform Earth block machine. Waste to Value blocks? Or alternative blocks? Could Strawbales, other CEBs and adobe also be competitors?

  • Intellectual Property: If this category is to be included, it will need to also indicate which specific aspects are protected, the country of protection, and whether or not the patent has been granted or is in process. All (and others) are factors in intellectual property rights, and it may be misle...

  • Market Suggested Price: Will costs be determined per block or per machine? The end-user will be purchasing blocks for $X, but the cost of the machine is actually $100,000. The cost of the machine, and the set-up service costs, are all factors in determining the market. A machine purchase may be acce...

  • Accessibility of the machine is a key issue that perhaps needs to be addressed. Accessibility in terms of shipping/distribution to various locations (remote areas?), accessibility to distributors/dealers, as well as accessibility in terms of cost. If this machine costs US$50,000, then the business m...

  • The amount of human labor and time required to use the device must be considered; The product appears to involve continuous attention by a provider which may be challenging in settings that are dealing with provider shortages. There are complex healthcare supply chain challenges in emerging markets...

  • Quality management practices needs to meet international standards.

    IES Medical Sterilization System
  • Potential forms of misuse of the technology need to be considered to ensure safe and appropriate use.

    IES Medical Sterilization System
  • Additionally, this product requires a reliable source of power.

    Lifebox Pulse Oximeter
  • The price point for this product may be prohibitive for certain low-resource clinical environments, especially those that do not currently have access to autoclaves.

    IES Medical Sterilization System
  • While this product has undergone conventional mechanical testing, more testing is needed to validate the performance of the wheelchair on uneven terrain. Further validation is also needed to confirm that the wheelchair is maintenance free, as that would be important for a product that is intended to...

    Wheelchairs of Hope
  • It is important to consider the battery life per charge cycle as resource constrained environments are constantly handling high volumes of patients and limited access to medical devices and staff. It would be ideal for the battery to last up to 8-12 hours or more to account for extended usage in the...

    Lifebox Pulse Oximeter
  • Academic literature and evaluation is extensive for a product designed for use in resource constrained clinic environments.

    Lifebox Pulse Oximeter
  • The row titles and entries do not match up when compared...

  • Why do different items appear on the compare page, as opposed to the individual page for the LIfesaver cube? (e.g. Date of commercialization, Distributions to date)

  • - The line "It is sold online by LifeSaver and distributed by Oxfam in South Sudan" seems to be one example of where it was implemented, but this shouldn't appear in the Product Description. - Minor, but I would change "Online for USD115" to be consistent with how prices are listed across other pord...

    LifeSaver Cube
  • - "End of life indicator (yes/no): Yes. The filter will automatically stop working after 5,000 Liters have been filtered": I find this hard to believe... how does that happen? Does it measure that volume of water, or does it clog after a long time and then you're supposed to stop?

    LifeSaver Cube
  • "Pumping life/water depth (m): 7-60" is confusing. I am not familiar with the term "pumping life" - I think maximum depth would be more applicable.

    Practica Motorized Rope Pump
  • - These two things in the table are confusing: "Dosage unit per No. Liters: 1 ppm", and " Target Free Chlorine Residue (mg/L): 0.2" . Does this mean that it is dosed with 1 ppm, but the expected residual is 0.2 ppm? It is weird that they are in different (though equivalent) units - ppm and mg/L. - I...

    PurAll Water Purification
  • Another similar product is an in-line chlorinator that has been used in hand pumps in Bangladesh. See the informatio here: https://water.stanford.edu/research/water-sanitation-and-health-sustainable-service-models/chlorine-disinfection-systems-low https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371...

    PurAll Water Purification
  • [disregard previous comment - found the download] sorry!

    Kohler Clarity Water Filter
  • Power to the poop: let's use human waste to run vehicles or as a cooking fire!

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
  • Using human faeces or animal manure as fertilizer is devastating for health, soil, plants and the water! This is a black market I don't support at all! The world is in need for a global dung ban.

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
  • "Fog" seems like a strange water source type. The other similar product in the library lists "air" as the source type.

    Aqualonis CloudFisher
  • The statement "Each full-size 54 cubic meters CloudFisher Pro can provide 18 L/day of clean drinking water to up to 25 people under ideal conditions" doesn't seem correct. Typical water needs are on the order of 15-20L per person per day. Also, this does not match the 52 L/hr listed at the top. Whic...

    Aqualonis CloudFisher
  • Wow, the power requirement on this is huge! is that correct? It seems very different from the other competitive products.

    Pumpmakers DIY Solar Pump
  • Comments on Pumpmakers DIY Solar Pump in this comparison: - Listed for distributions to date is "650 - No data" which doesn't make sense. - Market suggested retail price seems to be MUCH higher than competitive products. is this because that price includes the solar panels and structure, where the o...

  • On behalf of Rahimafrooz, I can see quite a bit of conflicting info. Distributions are listed at 600k in the listing and here they are listed at 1-10M. User provision model in the listing is from the provider and here it mentions from a Partner NGO. It'd be helpful to see the entire range of product...

  • Under design specifications, it's unclear what "The upgraded PM Solar Pump" is versus the DIY Solar Pump. This is the only mention of this I've seen... it's misleading if the specs are listed here but nowhere else.

    Pumpmakers DIY Solar Pump
  • Hi! I am glad to add my feedback to this product posting. I find that having the web url in the product description is useful (http://www.rahimafrooz-solar.com/). Since there are so many SHS products in the world today, a bit more differentiating details of Rahimafrooz against all the others may be...

    Rahimafrooz Solar Home System
  • tom
  • Looks good! The below article could be an interesting tidbit to add in the other information section: https://www.ashden.org/winners/rahimafrooz-renewable-energy

    Rahimafrooz Solar Home System
  • Is there a way to list all the power ratings, battery capacities, lumens, etc across all product offerings in the white/yellow rows? When I only see 50W at first, I think there is only one product offering @ 50W. Then I scroll down and see the table with the 6 product offerings. I find consistent re...

    Rahimafrooz Solar Home System
  • Is the 600k number validated with a date? When I clicked on the link, I couldn't see a date. If you're able to get confirmation from Rahimafrooz that'd be helpful.

    Rahimafrooz Solar Home System
  • Awards: World Summit Awards 2017: https://www.worldsummitawards.org/winner/giftedmom/

  • Competitive landscape: MomConnect (http://www.health.gov.za/index.php/mom-connect, https://www.praekelt.org/momconnect-1/)

  • Tagret users: Pregnant women, mothers of newborns

  • Point out it's deployed in Uganda

  • Target users: Illiterate children in developing communities

  • Awards: 2014 Echoing Green Fellows 2015 Clinton Global Initiative Members 2015 Forbes 30 under 30 in Social Entrepreneurship 2015 Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Awards

  • Academic research: Pedro J Muñoz-Merino, José A Ruipérez Valiente, Carlos Delgado Kloos, 2013. Inferring higher level learning information from low level data for the Khan Academy platform

    Khan Academy
  • Add Philippines to list of countries

    Mobile Technology For Teachers (MT4T)
  • Application: Use of mobile devices to promote development of higher order thinking skills (HOTS) in both students and teachers. Use of social media to promote student learning and professional collaboration among teachers.

    Mobile Technology For Teachers (MT4T)
  • This is an excellent overview of the completed project. I would suggest refraining from showing completed overall projects because it then creates a showcase and portfolio scenario- which has been done repeatedly on many platforms. While it's important to see the final completed form, I believe it w...

    METI Handmade School
  • Competitive Landscape: Because this project heavily relies on locally sourced natural materials, the competitive of commercial, manufactured products is minimal. Sourcing is limited to local availability of natural materials.

    METI Handmade School
  • Types of Building Components Used: In my view these should be the categories of HABITAT, and 'Completed projects' could be one other category. For example, I would like to see the number of options for Loam in the Wall Systems category, bamboo in the Beams and Wall Systems category, Brick and concre...

    METI Handmade School
  • Thanks for the positive feedback - we are always on the lookout for guidelines (particularly in other languages) and independent evaluations. You can share on the RWSN Sustainable Groundwater Development group (https://dgroups.org/rwsn/groundwater_rwsn) or to me directly.

    Water Has a Bright Future in Solar Pumps
  • […] member and a Jury member of empowering people. Award 2019 – Iana Aranda, President of Engineering for Change, a New York based organization working with the international engineering workforce to improve […]

    Who We Are
    Low-tech Solutions Likely Rooted in Communities EPN Blog
  • […] network member and a jury member of empowering people. Award 2019 – Iana Aranda, President of Engineering for Change, a New York based organization that works with the international engineering workforce to improve […]

    Who We Are
    Low-tech Solutions Embody Principles of Sustainability Leading to Meaningful Impact | EPN Blog
  • It's interesting, isn't it. The source is written on the bottom of the image, but I see now that the bottom is cut off in the display above. It says "created by @juancommander. That's a Twitter name where you can find the author.

    Global Educational Inequality Fuels the Demand for “Open Science” 
    Rob Goodier
  • Thank you for the article. What is the source of the map illustrated above? Could it be cited please. Thank you.

    Global Educational Inequality Fuels the Demand for “Open Science” 
  • Nice Piece, i found extensions(documents) that have proved quite interesting apart from this main material.

    Water Has a Bright Future in Solar Pumps
  • Good to all ideas low cost filter system are the solution to face the climate change.

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
  • i would love to get inolved

    I Teach Refugees to Map Their Worlds
  • Hi Praveensagar311! Going to a place to monitor and observe helps ensure opportunities are suitably identified and solution implementation is achieved appropriately. Going somewhere and learning how communities operate, even trying to do the same work to "walk in their footstep" is a great way of em...

    Service Learning or Voluntourism?
  • Sure, let me know what information you need. Thanks!

    The Solution Is in Biology: A Startup Takes Biogas to the Kitchen
  • Great piece. Does anyone know what the name of the solar pump pictured in this article?

    Water Has a Bright Future in Solar Pumps
  • Excellent initiative to a better environment which is renewable and sustainable .

    Water Has a Bright Future in Solar Pumps
  • Now you have reached.Once you tested in Kitale and it worked well,then move close me in Bungoma where there is scarcity of water.You will save families.

    Water Has a Bright Future in Solar Pumps
  • The greatest reliable boost in the agricultural sector is the use of solar powered water pumping technologies. these pumps can be submersibles, surface and many options including the hybrid systems. In Uganda, you can find these solutions and reliable services for the water sector, agricultural, and...

    Water Has a Bright Future in Solar Pumps
  • Voluntourism will help us to know what was really going on right out there and it makes us to improve some knowledge and working skills. engineering for CHANGE was doing a fabulous job in all aspects

    Service Learning or Voluntourism?
  • This is very important and valuable. How can i join this program .

    Service Learning or Voluntourism?
  • thank you very much for telling us about this biogas, but I will love to know more

    The Solution Is in Biology: A Startup Takes Biogas to the Kitchen
  • Test2

  • Mariela_advisor
  • From experience in Malaysia I can confirm these processes work well. About seven years ago I met and worked with a Malaysian engineer in Kuala Lumpur who had developed a design using redundant magnetrons to process food market waste into fertiliser and methane as its power source (after being starte...

    A New Microwave Pyrolysis System Targets China's Mountains of Toxic Sludge
  • Hello Hubert, Here is the link to the recording of this webinar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZDRprh7d3I Thank for supporting the Engineering for Change webinar series!

    Virtual Demo: The Toolbox on Solar Powered Irrigation Systems
    Shirley Cheng
  • shahinmbasheer@gmail.com
  • I registered but did not receive any link to the webinar

    Virtual Demo: The Toolbox on Solar Powered Irrigation Systems
  • You're welcome to apply to contribute to our site as a guest expert. Look for the link on this page: https://www.engineeringforchange.org/what-we-do/news-and-insights/ Thanks for your interest!

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Rob Goodier
  • Hi I want some gust post on your site .How much? I will you pay . Thanks!

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • The DC Transformer is invented, but not developed. I would like to enlist local help, from builders of DC Microgrids, in development for specific applications. I expect to offer kits, as opposed to finished articles, so that local makers can participate in the specific design, and do all of the cons...

    For-Profit or Non-Profit... Is There a Third Way?
  • You say that," Low-cost innovations are critical" but this website shows only developed products. You rightly say that electricity is the key to progress in developing countries and I have been looking into biogas digesters which could provide much of the power if developed properly. But there is li...

    Empowering the powerless: Let's end energy poverty
  • The figures stated in here are really alarming. I am shooked by the thought that even after so much of advancement in the technological field there still are people who do not have access to clean, drinking water. We really should do our own efforts in order to make the conditions better. Thanks a l...

    How to successfully distribute water filters
    David bird
  • How much is solar irrigation pump system for watering 50acres

    As Costs Fall, Designers Take a New Look at Solar Irrigation
  • Some for-profits do have non-profit programs. I do not mind knowing that my bracelet purchase goes towards paying someone to coordinate the removal/reclaiming of plastic trash that is polluting our environments. Volunteering is time given, and to be productive there needs to be someone (or more) tha...

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    Sue Lossing
  • Thank God someone is doing something to save our oceans. We need to do all we can to save our planet for our children and grandchildren

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    M L Weber
  • I received my bracelet today. I am so pleased it came in days of my order. Thanks for the decal. It's on my bumper. What a good cause. I was haply to make the donation. Thank you for making a difference in our oceans!

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    Joan carmichael
  • Having гead this I believed it was rather enlightening. I appreϲiate you taқing the time ɑnd effort to put this artiϲle together. I once again find myself рersonally spending a lot of tіme bօth reading and posting comments. But so what, it was still worthwhile!

    High Tech-toilets? What we need is a low-tech toilet revolution
    Plumbers in Kempton Park
  • This is a method of particulate removal from stored water. This I assume also needs a clean water treatment container (hopefully sealed). Can this filter be used untreated and treated water containers. Filtration capacity is 12 litres over what period of time? Can we take two Water Hippo rollers (wa...

    Hippo Water Roller
    Syed Kamal
  • Pritpal
  • Dear Mahesh a 0.1 million tonne torrefaction plant for agri residue will cost about Rs.27.0 crore to set up and operate with 1 year raw materials and one cycle of working capital costs. If interested kindly mail me at ksatheesan@yahoo.co.uk or call leave message at +91-6302826397

    A greener, wealthier future for farmers with village torrefaction plants
  • insightful, we have a waste problem in Nigeria, and i am pioneering an independent research to solve it. Sewage is directly dumped in rivers, lakes and other gradual moving waters, sometimes canal. What advice can you give me. My country is Nigeria.

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
  • It is a great contribution on the post-construction on rural water system. How can I volunteer...

    Post-Construction Support For Rural Water Systems
    Aaron S Pittman
  • great topic to be involved in. am an electrical engineer in africa...this is a game changer

    Technology Access is Ushering in Agriculture’s ‘Data Revolution’
    andy james
  • Hi Jon, thanks for the recommendations! Iyour feedback about incorporating "Engineering Education" in this list is noted. It is a critical topic because I also whole-heartedly agree social justice needs to become mainstream in eng education! Unfortunately, I cannot edit this entry to add your SUGGES...

    Reading list: Exploring the Connection Between Engineering and Social Justice
    Ankita Joshi
  • Nice article. I really enjoyed while reading your article. We proud of our Indian people who have invented these innovations. People need to know the innovations invented by Indians. So that they feel proud of our nation. https://fusion.werindia.com/innovation Here all of you go through the unknown...

    Made in India: 10 life-changing Indian technologies
  • No, that is not what we do. If you're looking for products, though, we do standardize information about technologies that meet basic needs in underserved communities. You can find them in our Solutions Library here: https://www.engineeringforchange.org/solutions/products.

    E4C at age 1: The best of our inaugural year
    Rob Goodier
  • it has been years... any product to sell, or still just talk...?

    E4C at age 1: The best of our inaugural year
    William Yates
  • We currently have a gravity fed community water system. We are no longer meeting the water quality for our area. The government/EPA is requiring us to put in a chlorination system or find another source. We would like to find a system that could be put inline at the source to bring us into complianc...

    Post-Construction Support For Rural Water Systems
    Dick Bluff
  • We want more about solar energy as well as maintenance of battery which cost a lot for urban in developing countries.

    Can Community-Scale Solar Become the Model T of Clean Energy?
    Dr Khin Maung Ye
  • Actually Barbara, 4Ocean is a FOR PROFIT company (just Google 4oceans for profit and you'll see), so an unknown amount of your "donation" or purchase goes to ocean cleanup (probably 10-20%) and the rest lines the pockets of the owners. Everyone thinks they are a non-profit and some even "donate" mon...

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
  • Very useful intermediate technology for developing con

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Dr Khin Maung aye
  • I am in a country where we have rivers with strong flow to generate electricity, however we are in a crisis never seen by neglect and neglect, so I want to study more about solar energy to contribute in my country venezuela.

    Can Community-Scale Solar Become the Model T of Clean Energy?
    ana veronica valderrama
  • Hi we are looking at developing biomass based coal plants on a large scale. Could there be a scale down of costs from $25000 for 7 MT. Also is a 300 MT / day project possible. If yes, what would be the approx cost.

    A greener, wealthier future for farmers with village torrefaction plants
  • In the interest of fostering free speech I'm leaving your comment here, but please try to be more respectful in the future. You're not just wrong, but you're rude about it. It's easier to be polite than it is to be right, so at least shoot for a goal you can hit and say it nicely.

    Sexism and the city: how urban planning has failed women
    Rob Goodier
  • Are you working on food storage in world or not and also on less fertilizer food production ?

    The Five-Step Innovation Process: UNLEASH's Design Workshop, Introduced and Critiqued
    PArwinder singh
  • Hello Ankita, Thank you for sharing a reading list on engineering and social justice with readers of the Engineering for Change website. One useful addition would be a category on Engineering Education, which has increasingly engaged the role of social justice in engineering education, via books suc...

    Reading list: Exploring the Connection Between Engineering and Social Justice
  • What a load of utter feminazi crap. How about doing some proper research and not infesting the world of engineering with social justice feminazi garbage? Men are more interested in building things, they have a genetic predisposition to do so. Some women make excellent engineers but they are the exce...

    Sexism and the city: how urban planning has failed women
    Barry Taylor
  • The 16' diameter and under yurt is a good shelter. Larger are not cost effective. The round deck is easily framed in day or day half, and yurt goes up short day. The 16' provides 200 sq ft of space. They have excellent resale once things improve. Pacific Yurts is a good product. Once persons impacte...

    Ten great emergency shelter designs
    jay c failing
  • I do a beach clean up 2 to 3 times a week in Dorset - about one hour per day between high and low tide. Yesterday, I caught a lot of plastic and paper out of the water as well.

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
  • Rotanak chum
  • I want to know more clearly, how to learn by online? Currently, i am a IE manager in Cambodia.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Rotanak chum
  • l.k.sritharsan
  • I want to use more cheaper solar energy in our developing country, Myanmar and we want technology.

    Can Community-Scale Solar Become the Model T of Clean Energy?
    Dr Khin Ma Aye
  • mohammad riaz kabir
  • Tom Decker
  • Keep up the good work. YOU can make a difference!

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
  • Dear Rob Goodier, I am Ir Martin from Eentral African Republic. I fully agree with you but I am very sorry if I remember I worked very hard in that field and no funder attached any attention to me. Even through E4C, I tried to express that concern and as long as I remember, I registered no echos. If...

    The Key to Food Security Is Post-Harvest Management, Experts Say
    Martin Koma Ben-Bala
  • Best technical article I have ever read...best luck !!!

    Service Learning or Voluntourism?
    Engr Shah Saud jan
  • Thanks about the data.

    Low-Tech Solutions Fight Hunger
    Thi han kyaw myint
  • I just found out about this company because I applied for a position just minutes ago. I must say after reading about the company and what they do I am very impressed! Not only would I be honored to work for this company I would be honored to volunteer to be a part of the clean up process on the bea...

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    VictoriA mcDonald
  • is Haiti's field stone foundation earthquake resistant or can it be reinforced to be more resistant in an earthquake?

    Earthquake-resistant Homes in Haiti
    Lionel Olivier
  • iam a 12 grader .i wish to do mechnical engineering after 12th .during my summer holidays i wish to do some online course in mechanical engineering free of cost.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • you do realize this is a nonprofit and not Zappos, right? they stated the shipping policy, things like lost mail happen and a small nonprofit cannot spend money, time and energy on such things, that's why they created the mail policy that you must not have read before you made your donation.

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    Barbara Willmore
  • shelta
  • Need more information, you jest gave the idea. But not the pathway to achieve what you proposed. Also it sounds impractical without any justified ways mentioned in the content which may say that it can be actually implemented.

    Can Community-Scale Solar Become the Model T of Clean Energy?
    Mubarak Kham
  • I've ridden in one of the three wheeled electric trikes used as a taxi in the lowland cities in Nepal. They used 4 batteries each 12 volts to give 48 VDC at 175 ampHr, if my memory and notes are right. The drivers I talked with said the run pretty well all day and recharge at night, cost was reporte...

    Mission (im)possible: The Quest for Affordable Electric Vehicles for Emerging Markets
  • Every time &good to see you

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
  • It's for profit! That's why you can't find a rating or the percent of monies taken in that go toward clean-up, versus profit, on charitywatch.org. 4Ocean is NOT a charity.

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    Penelope A Turpin
  • Karthikeyan
  • Good Evening to all. I think there is a way we can help in providing portable water to all less privileged people in the rural sector in Nigeria under a banner of CDM Projects such as the Bio sand water filter. This filter can also work as a carbon setback and can earn carbon credit in this way the...

    Post-Construction Support For Rural Water Systems
    Stephen Lazars
  • Engineering for change!

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Meareg desta
  • At 73+, I have been studying, survey, & researching how to get a community, town or city to be self-sufficient in their food, energy, etc. & trying to get an example of my ' Dream Project ' of ' GREEN @ ECO SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY ' into Public, especially, those who are poor & needy .........

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    pairote leetavorn
  • Peter, Could you send me more info on how to make this Bird Windmill. I have a small farm that is running 2 1.5 hp fans for evaporative cooling. Would like to use the wind coming from these fans to pump water from a small creek nearby to irrigate some fruit trees during summer as it is very hot here...

    15 concepts to replace diesel-powered water pumps on Indian farms
    Benson Gapuz
  • Want to read more articles and if agree want to send an article about foot opeta

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Dr khin maung aye
  • Douglas Ajagbe
  • The Chesapeake and Severn rivers are definitely in need of this. Is this program in that area of Maryland?

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    Pat Soderberg
  • I made my purchase of bracelets last week along with the removal of 3 pounds of garbage. Got all bracelets with a great bags and a Thank you card. They look great. Thanks for the work.

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    Harry Peltier
  • Your website & activities are very interesting. I realize you aren't a nonprofit, but I've been trying to find out what percentage of your expenses are used for programs (i.e. Cleaning the waters). I'd love to donate to this cause but I'd really like to know where the money goes.......

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
  • what is the most recommended filter?

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
  • Hi Good Morning Every One I m Mechanical Engineer ... It was nice to reading ... Thanks for providing us this types of articles..

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Sujay Gharami
  • Hello, I'm Seth from Innov8tia. Thanks for reading the article and asking about our system. There are several ways our R2S compliments AD and differentiates itself: 1. We focus on treating industrial sludge and mixed partially corroded plastics, waste streams which are not recyclable, are often haza...

    A New Microwave Pyrolysis System Targets China's Mountains of Toxic Sludge
  • This is really excellent and Important to showcase these social businesses! I hope you will be present at the Volcano Summit Conference on May 20-22 in Antigua! Here is a great example of how Israel has been growing its Social Enterprises - https://ivn.org.il

    Made in Guatemala: Clean Water and Nutrition Technology in Central America
    Isabel Maxwell
  • Hello there, First of all, i am so impressed with the projects you are running and for your generosity to the people of the world. Thank you and may God reward you abundantly. I would like to ask Chris if he can give me some advise, guidance and help in starting a mobile clinic. I am from Eastern Ug...

    Lessons Learned Running Mobile Clinics in Rural Uganda
    Tracy Wanyama
  • Very nice information. Thanks

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Murari prasad Sharma
  • Please Mr Odundo how can i get one of the machines my contact is 0725510326

    Sisal Twine Manufacturing Machines
    Allan Otieno Odhiambo
  • Can this sludge be treated by an anaerobic digester, such as the one used on yard waste at CC&R at Perris, California? Here, the principal output gas is methane, and the remainder is fertilizer. The digester, said to be the largest in the world, has a much higher throughput than any pyrolysis is...

    A New Microwave Pyrolysis System Targets China's Mountains of Toxic Sludge
  • this is a very nice writeup but i will be more greatful if this is written to me in a theorithical format. i want to use it as a seminer topic here in my school and i will give you feedback on those who are intrested on the practical. thank you.

    How to build a solar-powered USB charger for phones and other small devices
    uche gift
  • Zaidatul Akmal bt Mohammad Khairuddin
  • this education system is so good.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    John Smith
  • I need a small decorticator machine sir. I am a Nigerian and new in sisal plantation. Pls how can I get this ?

    Sisal Twine Manufacturing Machines
  • Great contribution on the post-construction on rural water systems especially for poor economic settings including my own country. Regards

    Post-Construction Support For Rural Water Systems
    Samson Babala
  • I know, the world needs to conserve fresh water. These, new alternative methods are bridging gaps in the conventional idealism. The night soil needs to be addressed in the day time.

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    Sharon Ellis
  • Hi Tom, Very well written and thoughtful piece. We need a way to translate these technologies and solutions at an affordable price point for developing countries and find appropriate business models to get into those markets. Look forward to more such articles from you. Best Satya

    Transfer Sanitation Technology from Developed Markets to Meet the SDGs
  • How long Have you guys been doing this?

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
  • I might be able to help. I posted an update a couple of years after this article and you can see it here: https://www.engineeringforchange.org/news/a-teenage-inventor-upgrades-emergency-rescue-technology/ And Chase (now Alexis) Lewis has a website with contact info here: https://www.alexislewisinven...

    A 12-year-old engineer designs a life-saving travois for refugees
    Rob Goodier
  • One good website in the area of Electronics and Electrical Engineering http://www.engineeringdone.com/

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Engineering Done
  • I just started as the STEM Education Advisor for Brilliant Star Magazine and I ran across this article. I tried to contact Chase to see if there were any developments since it was published to see if it would be worthwhile to highlight his innovation in the online version of the magazine, but his em...

    A 12-year-old engineer designs a life-saving travois for refugees
    Stephen Scotti
  • Hi my name is Bohlale Machinini and I am 12 years old, for a science project I will testing whether a solar powered power bank would be useful in a persons everyday life. I would like to ask you if I could get one of your solar powered power bank kits to perform this experiment. please do get back t...

    How to build a solar-powered USB charger for phones and other small devices
    bohlale machinini
  • Hi I’m Florence from Montréal in canada. I have a grocery store zero waste bulk and I think we have the same goals. Please tell me if I can buy you a lot of bracelet and sell it in my store. Have a nice day Florence

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    Florence de vette
  • Interesting article and great work.

    The Necessary Trade-Offs When Co-Designing New Technology
    Dr Aruna Shekar
  • Have you found bracelets in your beach trash?

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
  • Hey! Great article. I'd like to mention that there are Environmental Laboratories that provide testing services too. Lab testing is more accurate than Do-It-Yourself tests and we are customer focused. We offer testing packages for common contaminants on our online store as well.

    Wanted: An easy test for bacteria in drinking water
  • there 120 mooc courses for free, of course, with certification. visit www.advan-kt.com

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • I thank the author for having invested time to write something about the ICT in DRC. This field has been too dark for DRC in a way that, specific figures are rare to be found online and even in libraries. I would encourage the author to give us more references so that this article can be taken as sc...

    ICT in the DRC: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunity
    Vyannee matsoro
  • who ever said that solar cooking in developing countries was a disaster is grossly misinformed. There are many thousands of solar cookers successfully utilized in every day life.

    10 Solar Cookers That Work at Night
  • Mahesh Bende
  • Hi. I have to make this decision now whether to purchase two diesel water pumps or find an alternative solution so I found this article helpful. However what is not clear is how much wattage can be generated from solar panels. For example, I need diesel pumps to deliver 35 cubic meters and 120 cubic...

    15 concepts to replace diesel-powered water pumps on Indian farms
    Ash K

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • I need to construct but wear I can buy mud block meacin in banglore

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
  • I like to reconstruct our regular kitchen into the modular kitchen we face them so many problems can you help me from where do I have to start and who will go to help me? I hope I will get a response from you.

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
  • I've just completed a Panama/Caribbean cruise. Beautiful destinations but the rubbish around the place was very disappointing to see. Under the Natural Bridge in Aruba was full of rubbish. I hope these areas can be cleaned up too. Maybe get the cruise lines involved. Above all people need to be resp...

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
  • I think creating more prominent interlocking protrusions.Might negate the need for rebars.

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
  • has this building method being introduced to Nigeria yet?

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
  • Not a geologist myself, but I think the consistency should be such that it has enough sand for compressibility and enough fine clay for adhesiveness.

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
  • Pay-as-you-go seems like a system that incentivizes theft. What is stopping people hacking this system since it is trivially simple to cut a pipe -- even a copper one -- and access the water for free?

    Pay-as-You-Drink: Digital Finance and Smart Water Service
  • Work India provide best free blue collar jobs in Mumbai. Now they have also include many other cities plus they are expanding in all India. If you are blue collar or some what white collar like in Computer, Back office or Tele-calling, than it is best compare to other. Why ? Because it have selected...

    The Babajob story: How Blue-Collar India Finds Work
  • That's an important point, thanks for making it.

    The New Digital and Mechanical Tools on African Farms
    Rob Goodier
  • Riley - thanks for your comments, and sharing your important post ("learning to listen" - yes!). Maybe this should have been titled "less collection of data for data's sake, less action by external actors, more support of local actors towards systems strengthening," but that's not as catchy. ;)

    Less Data, More Action
    Susan Davis
  • Ultimately I look at it as: You want to have the quality data you need, to know how to take action, to achieve better WASH services. Depending on what you currently gather, that may be more or less data, or in most people's case, more of some and less of others. My recommendation is to be intentiona...

    Less Data, More Action
    Ryan Reif
  • Hi Bob - thanks for your comment. Yes, of course, I agree that service providers and governments need to regularly monitor and manage services. This article is focusing on the monitoring and evaluation activities of (some, not all) external actors like non-profits and their donors who (often) focuse...

    Less Data, More Action
    Susan Davis
  • I would like to meet with other WASH experts who focus on behavioral change.

    Achieving SDG 6: The Need for Local Centers of WASH Expertise (and How to Do It)
  • Interesting read. I have always known that the situation in the DRC was not so favorable but thank you for putting things into perspective.

    ICT in the DRC: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunity
  • Hi, My name is Jonathan Vinton. I've been looking all over the internet for low cost, durable, and functional prosthesis. I grew up in a village in the Iringa region of Tanzania. There are several amputees in my village and the current prosthesis have multiple problems (poor design.) Is there any ch...

    Prosthesis Design Mobilizes Developing World - Engineering for Change
    Jonathan Vinton
  • Susan, WASH resource management and importantly economic regulation of water price depends on a strong understanding of the status of assets & service infrastructure. The real price of water service is linked to the sustainable costs for quantity and quality (incl abstraction and treatment of wa...

    Less Data, More Action
    Prof Bob Kalin
  • Thank you for writing this, Susan! This is such a valuable challenge. So much of the effort for data collection essentially revolves around maintaining funding and keeping programs or organizations operational, rather than moving toward the point where the clipboards are no longer necessary. I've wr...

    Less Data, More Action
    Riley Mulhern
  • I just bought two bracelets. I'm glad to know the organization is legitimate.,,l

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    Doris Miller
  • I think this is a great thread that needs to be fleshed out much more. In last 10 years or more more there has been a minor revolution in development of scale appropriate and affordable ag and rural based capital goods AND their . spread. Machinery like the small scale, affordable machinery like min...

    The New Digital and Mechanical Tools on African Farms
  • HI i am very interested in ceb but am trying to find ways to build without or as little cement as possible .i am also interested in how to make a two story house as well i was told you need steel to do this .i am just learning of the methods and the different brick styles that are used and trying to...

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
  • Lo ve your ideas

    How to Make Penetrating Oil
  • Love my bracelet. Going for another.

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    Eileen Schauermann
  • FYI. The design shown is for patients with partial hand reductions, not wrist disarticulation.

    3D printed prostheses may not be practical in developing countries, yet
    Jorge Zuniga
  • What proportion of proceeds to go profit vs. the charitable act of cleaning the ocean?

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
  • skhuthu
  • Structures are tested in labs by placing them on a platform that moves like the ground might move in an earthquake. Also, just to nitpick here (sorry), they don't call structures earthquake *proof* because nothing can withstand any size of earthquake. Meaning that there are earthquakes that could po...

    Earthquake-resistant Homes in Haiti
    Rob Goodier
  • But how do you know for sure that they are EaRthQuAke proof?

    Earthquake-resistant Homes in Haiti
  • tutorially
  • Hi, We are interested in learning more about this product and if it is commercially available now. We have a large project for remote monitoring shrimp farms in Ecuador, LATAM Could you please put us in contact with the inventors. Thanks, Juan Francisco Jaramillo Business Development Manager DIGITEC...

    Salinity sensors boost yields on shrimp farms
    Juan Francisco Jaramillo
  • Giving Rise is concerned with donating funds, whereas there is not much structured information in respect of donating in kind to the needy in India. We have tried to address this aspect through our platform www.donateinkind.in, which provides vetted information on organizations and people who seek d...

    A new charitable giving platform vets Indian nonprofits to give donors peace of mind
    Jerome Quadros
  • WebEmployed has shared more online courses that offer free certificates. Here's the list: http://www.webemployed.com/best-free-online-courses-certificates-in-2017/

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Denise hilton
  • That's wonderful and as a Town planner student from University of Engineering and Technology Lahore Pakistan I have full command on issues and problems regarding Habitation etc. I am here to provide my services in order to improve policies and strategies regarding Housing and habitation in these Are...

    Easing Land Conflict in DRC: An Introduction to Open-Source Mapping Tools
  • Dear Mr. Rob Goodier We are looking forward a low cost torrefaction plant to convert agriculture residue into pallets or briquets to mix with coal for Coal Based Power Plant uses in India. Look forward for your valuable guidelines & advice on it

    A greener, wealthier future for farmers with village torrefaction plants
    Mahesh Chand Goel
  • Yoo-Yoo Yeh says: Hello - Were any research studies on efficacy and behavioral change carried out using this sensor? It looks like the sensors have all stopped working - is there any plan to replace the batteries and keep them going? Who would be a good person to contact about this project? Thank yo...

    MoMo Remote Sensor
  • i watched the whole process of selection ,i saw you there sir,i wish i gain that much as you ,and i am already engage in hot climate problems solutions ,

    Head in the Stars, Work on the Ground
    Asim khan
  • […] https://www.engineeringforchange.org/webinar/humanitarians-in-the-sky-how-uavs-are- changing-disaster-response-2/ […]

    Humanitarians in the Sky: How UAVs are Changing Disaster Response
    Engineering For Change – ADRA – Technology
  • HI I am keshav jha.i want to do manufacturing of solar chulha or stove under prime minister employment generation programme.i need business partner which is a able in solar energy field.please contact me 9934777115

    10 Solar Cookers That Work at Night
    keshav jha
  • mahvashafzal
  • You'll find a complete biogas digester construction manual here: https://completebiogas.com/build.html. I updated the link in the article, thanks for mentioning it. Good luck!

    Biodigester Energy Generation
    Rob Goodier
  • 4Ocean bracelets can be purchased in the UK at http://www.soulhippy.com - we are a UK distributor for 4Ocean and your purchases will still result in 1 pound of trash being removed from the ocean, along with support for other good causes like Breast Cancer Awareness, Shark Awareness, Polar Bears Inte...

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    kirsty andrews
  • Hi, I could not find the construction guide via the link would it be possible to share it separately. Also, where I live most houses have an underground pit for sewage, is it possible to retrofit that to produce biogas?

    Biodigester Energy Generation
  • i want also more information about solar energy .and also want to work and study in solar energy...

    Can Community-Scale Solar Become the Model T of Clean Energy?
  • Adam De Jong
  • Completely agree with you Rob!

    Service Learning or Voluntourism?
    Cristian Birzer
  • Hi Autumn, please note that this is a news article about 4Ocean and their bracelets, but this site is not related to that organization in any way. It's likely that nobody at 4Ocean will read your comment on this site, I'd suggest that you write or call them directly with your complaint. Thanks for r...

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    Rob Goodier
  • Interesting take on the three things, Cristian. It seems like there is a value in volunteering time in addition to donating money, and that's probably the driving force behind "voluntourism." But after thinking of it from your point of view, maybe the best use of money might be to send it directly t...

    Service Learning or Voluntourism?
    Rob Goodier
  • You finish with a lime render. This maintains the breathability of the walls.

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
    Mark G
  • Cost of kit I need it mailed to me Derrion.

    How to build a solar-powered electronic circuit
  • We are making solar hooters The first photo of hooter which you placed in this website is ours This was installed by zero fuel energy systems Contact no 7661883103

    A “solar hooter” protects southern Indian farms from animal raids
  • Nice article. What i like is the Bio toilet that burns the waste and treats the water. The one with the solar panel etc the last image by RTI international. I would love to Pilot test this in INdia in some tribal areas. Do let em know how i can get more info on it. Im sure it can get a bit more frug...

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    Luke Mendes
  • Hi Tommy, Tourism is a really important way of improving the quality of life of those in developing communities. Similarly, volunteering using difficult-to-transfer skills also has a big impact in raising quality of life. However, voluntourism is not a positive hybrid of the two. For example, someon...

    Service Learning or Voluntourism?
    Cristian Birzer
  • Hi Muhamed, Thanks for the feedback, especially from someone who has seen the issues first-hand.

    Service Learning or Voluntourism?
    Cristian Birzer
  • […] Build this aquaponic system […]

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    16 Simple DIY Aquaponic Systems for Beginners
  • You did get the product, the REAL PRODUCT. A pound of garbage was removed from the ocean.......... The bracelet was just a trinket...... a thank you. So I say Thank You Autumn, for sending $20 to help clean the ocean.

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    Patricia Hedtke
  • Hi all, Anybody to help me, i would like to write a proposal on changing old windows to a new ones to an organization. thanks

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
    Thomas karisa
  • Thanks David. I think it is a balance between feeling good and doing good.

    Service Learning or Voluntourism?
    Cristian Birzer
  • Spot on, I am from developing country, I had same thought before when I saw foreign engineerng students who can have a lot to offer, trimming/prunning trees in a school compound, using power hacksaw. Something local do without using power/ fuel.

    Service Learning or Voluntourism?
  • I disagree strongly. Getting people with money to visit people without much is the goal, not building some out house. Volunteers are the product, as they go home and donate so that what they did on an outing can be funded without them.

    Service Learning or Voluntourism?
  • Great job guys. Keep up the good work.

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    John Dozier
  • You can find best solutions on http://www.avasva.com website.

    How to build a solar-powered USB charger for phones and other small devices
  • I donated to you cause, because I think it is a very good cause, but I have been having problems with your customer relations. No matter the outcome, the ocean and getting it clean is what matter the most to me. My problem is that I never received my bracelet from you company. The package was marked...

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    Autumn Hanna
  • My name is Liya Yosef. Iwant to learn any civil engineering courses online so pleas register me.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Liya yosef
  • hi would really appreciate your kind assistance to do the same in my country Kenya. kindly contact me on email Zippyrudisha9@gmail.com or cell no +254728805554.waiting to hear from you soon.regards

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    zipporah kariuki
  • salma
  • Why not a simple hyrdocyclone? Cyclones for removing dust from air are amazingly efficient, and I pelieve there is a way to simply swirl water to remove sand, grit, slurry, etc. There has to be a way to do this.

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Pat McCormick
  • Good afternoon, I am extremely interested in watching your webinar. However, on February 27, I have a meeting, so unfortunately, I can not attend your event. That being said, I was wondering if you could send me the video and other materials after the event was taken. Thank you very much in advance....

    Improving Water and Energy Service Delivery with IoT Solutions
    Ines Vieira
  • Yes, brave is a good desccription. Glad you appreciated it.

    What We Can Learn from the Closure of SIMLab
    Rob Goodier
  • Rabiul islam molla
  • Thank you so much for writing this and E4C for publishing this. It is important to share such lessons with other people who might be interested in working in the field of tech for social impact. It is also brave of the writer to acknowledge the mistakes.

    What We Can Learn from the Closure of SIMLab
    Mahvash Afzal
  • I am a big fan of the water purifyer

    The best appropriate technology DIY plans
  • Very good article Cris! And very true, I can support this from the bottom of my heart...

    Service Learning or Voluntourism?
    David Hoffmann
  • I have learnt so much. Really some fascinating things especially about innovations like Outernet and Project Loon. Thank you.

    ICT in the DRC: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunity
  • yes we are. im in developing phase right now but its for hydroponic system. with little basic automation like auto watering, temperature and humidity monitoring and for the improvement, pH and nutrient meter will add later even its costly enough

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
  • Lots of problems, no direction for solutions?

    ICT in the DRC: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunity
  • hi, I think when we r focusing on mid-range solar power production we need to educate people about these systems more and govt also encourage people to use more solar panels for generating green energy. thanks for sharing this blog with us

    Can Community-Scale Solar Become the Model T of Clean Energy?
    solar-e- tribe
  • Great idea , hope other people will agree with you

    ICT in the DRC: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunity
    Hortense vitswamba
  • To every good work deserves a very good compliment. Mr. Professor Vitswamba pap yourself on your back and say I did a very good job . You took your time, attention and consideration to write about our Country’s reality. I am sure with people like you who are trying to improve and fight for their hap...

    ICT in the DRC: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunity
    Gracia Sawa Sawa
  • This article summarises the current state of DRC

    ICT in the DRC: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunity
  • The content is good and useful.Requestion for sample drafts that can ive a guide to come up with a proposal. Thanks Susan - Uganda f

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
  • the last picture that the man holding fish is that fish is Salmon??

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    Jonghyeon Lee
  • Very impressive. Sustainable designs at its best

    Old Fused With New: Sustainable Architecture Where It Is Most Needed
  • Thanks, bringing it up with site admins

    Everyday Transportation Around the World
    Rob Goodier
  • Hi Peter, sounds interesting. Note that this news article is about a Greenpeace contest that took place a couple of years ago. Comments you leave here will not go to anyone at Greenpeace, so if you'd like to get in touch I'd suggest emailing them. Or better yet, look for a current contest and enter...

    15 concepts to replace diesel-powered water pumps on Indian farms
    Rob Goodier
  • Website problem: The heart shape button under the phrase "Like it so we can provide you more relevant content" responded with "nope" when I tried to like it.

    Everyday Transportation Around the World
    Gwyndaf Jones
  • Serve people's is service of God

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Trilok Jani
  • I have the cheapest solution of all. It's called the Bird Windmill. It costs almost nothing and can be just tied together. If Greenpeace wants the solution to providing poor Indian farmers with water pumping, this is it, as long as they have some regular wind. . It is designed for that purpose. It i...

    15 concepts to replace diesel-powered water pumps on Indian farms
    Peter Sharp
  • i want a good computer enginear

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    sahista bukhaari
  • Really appreciated the low cost water filtration overview. I think this can become a passion of mine with certain addition I can see a business which has global applications.

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Belinda Chung
  • Hi Looking for a Baobob Powder / Seed Perpetrator and Oil Making Machine so plz contact me on my Mail Id mangotra.sandeep@gmail.com Want to use in Nigeria My GSM No - +234 8079843774

    A new mechanical grinder processes baobab fruit in Benin
    Sandeep Mangotra
  • Hello Rob God bless you. Always

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
  • Bruce Southerland
  • Way to rip the bandaid off on that discussion. As a so-called "Sustainability Professional" I appreciate this accurate and sobering assessment of the world's condition. In my darkest moments, it is that future that I fear, and I hold hope that we avert serious disaster - but these are all the views...

    Let's stop using the word "sustainability"
  • Bonjour, belle initiative, j'ai d'ailleurs acheté un bracelet. Dans un premier temps, il faut bien sûr nettoyer. Mais cela ne suffit pas à réduire le nombre de déchets. Pourquoi ne pas en jeter, puisqu'ils sont récupérés ? C'est ce que pourraient penser les pollueurs. Aussi parallèlement, faites vou...

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
  • HI great concept..may i ask what kind of material you use at picture 9..where you seed the plants in this material and put in the holes, i dont even understand how burlaps will be installed, will it be inserted troughout the whole lenght of pipe or just at the holes?

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
  • […] Tunnel Practice in the Americas and coordinates the philanthropic program for the region. E4C asked Jon Hurt five […]

    Who We Are
    Five Questions with Jon Hurt, Tunneling Engineer with Arup and EWB-USA - Sustainable North Florida
  • Hi Godfrey, I suggest that you get in touch with the African Robotics Network. They have a website and a google group with a newsletter. For more on their work, see our article, Build Your Own Robot Affordably. Good luck!

    Build Your Own Robot Affordably
    Rob Goodier
  • hey my is godfrey from kenya.i am so interested to understand how robots work and how to make one.in my country such technology has not be discovered..we can make good money if we work together.i need your help

    Build Your Own Robot Affordably
    Godfrey gachomo
  • Mitra Ardron says: Does anyone know the price of the silver impregnate bulb. The cost of the device itself is reasonable, but its quite likely that the real cost is the bulb itself, and there is no number on that?

    D-Rev Brilliance Pro
  • I would like a copy of that file

    Tools You Can Build From Recycled Parts
    Dean blevins
  • thank you so much.very useful information.

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
  • I am based in Tanzania and interested in baobab powder and oil processing machinery.please advice if you can assist

    A new mechanical grinder processes baobab fruit in Benin
  • Recordings of the webinars are available to view as videos often within one week of the presentation. This video is not up, yet, but it should be up by next week. You can look for it here: https://www.engineeringforchange.org/webinar/how-cities-are-managing-their-transportation-growing-pains/. Thank...

    How Cities Are Managing Their Transportation Growing Pains
    Rob Goodier
  • i want to study more about solar energy .

    Can Community-Scale Solar Become the Model T of Clean Energy?
  • Is it possible to listen to the content even after the date of presentation ? If so please kindly provide the link.

    How Cities Are Managing Their Transportation Growing Pains
  • Great! Thanks for sharing.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • George sizoomu
  • Well executed guidance for general audiences. Really good use of visuals - examples of issues and severity scale.

    A Visual Inspection Guide to Detect Faulty Solar Products
    Dale weber
  • I want lo learn about power engineering

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Solomon Girma kassa
  • Hi, u am Saidu OSMAN Conteh fringe Sierra Leone. I would really want to help me write a project proposal for a school toilet facility

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
  • bonface
  • Excellent article!! And luckily, it looks like you have a lot more relevant info. I have 21 acres in high mountain desert that every drop of water is more precious than gold

    Improving Farms in the Worlds Drylands, Part 1: Ancient Methods and Lowest-Cost Technology
    Charles Martin
  • renewable emergy working in both day and night ..............any project idea ......contact number:7418682432

    Challenge: Make a solar cooker that works at night
  • I very highly appreciate this method of using human waste and turning into something useful. I think it must be applied in India very specially in villages where people go out in the fields for sanitation and pollute the land. I wish toilets are made in villages where all the villagers could go for...

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
  • I am currently doing a project on low-cost housing in hilly regions of Nepal and this article has provided me with a great insight on utilization of local resources. Thank you.

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
    Chandra khadka
  • Junaid
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    Tools You Can Build From Recycled Parts
    eugene konen
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    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    What Is Shy Bladder Syndrome
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    Future-proofing Water Systems in Developing Countries: A Q&A with Susan Davis
  • Thank you for the piece of information on how to write better during proposal writing. I need more news feeds on this area. Best Regards,

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
    Gibson Sosanika
  • Mohd sharique
  • What a great blog.When it comes to 3D printing, there are ways in which the technology can be employed. Keep writing such stuff.

    3D Printing with E-Waste: Five Questions for Roy Ombatti
    3d printing for education
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    Round Two: Banana-fiber sanitary pads need curves and wings
  • Do you have an update on equipment for making sanitary towels from banana materials?

    Round Two: Banana-fiber sanitary pads need curves and wings
  • Good article. Some additional info about the above mentioned "BlueZone" approach for low-cost, regional Public Water Supply. The basic idea is that Community handpumps (for 100 to 1.000 people) are installed and maintained by a regional operating organization, using the reliable Dutch BluePump. Data...

    Six practical ideas to reach Sustainable Development Goal Six (SDG6): Safe Water Access
  • I like this innovative thinking,thank you E4C

    Communities learn to build low-cost schools made from plastic bottles
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    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
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    Cheap Primary care provider in Kent
  • Great article for Global affordable housing solution & this is where my passion lies how ican assist thousand of Kenyans who in need of affordable housing solution,iwish ican get potential partners.

    A new digital tool takes the guesswork out of making compressed earth blocks for construction
  • Thanks, just added you to the list.

    Tools You Can Build From Recycled Parts
    Rob Goodier
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    Artificially intelligent traps alert farmers of insect invasions
  • excellent website please put me on your email list

    Tools You Can Build From Recycled Parts
    Keith MacNeil
  • Thank you very much Rob,you really inspire me &am one of your great follower,let me thank God because engineering for change is one of blessings of 2017 because its inline with my dreams & that's why I can't wait to start EGD online course.

    Introduction to Engineering for Global Development: E4C’s new online course prepares newcomers to the practice
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    Global development engineering in America: How technology is easing poverty on Native American reservations
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    The Solution Is in Biology: A Startup Takes Biogas to the Kitchen
    Vivek Patil
  • E4C offers this free online training in the principles of engineering for global development. Completion awards 1 CEU for continuing education for engineers. Find it here: https://www.engineeringforchange.org/what-we-do/intro-to-egd/. Good luck!

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Rob Goodier
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    Drones and other robotics for social good: Five questions with Andrew Schroeder
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  • Patent has been granted for the Greenhouse Solar Cooker (NG/P/2016/426...see attached diagram) by the Nigeria Patent Office....This solar cooker comprises mainly of a parabolic borosilicate glass boiwl that is similar to the Alorno Borosilicate glass bowl (https://www.amazon.in/Alorno-Borosilicate-G...

    10 Solar Cookers That Work at Night
    Akintunde Lawal
  • A good going Wanna work with you To learn and to show it's effectiveness

    The Role of Robotics in Global Development
  • We would like to re- sell these pumps in Nigeria advise me

    Bicycle-Powered Irrigation Pump
    Morakinyo Johnson
  • arunmaruti
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    How Building Footbridges Can Improve Rural Economies
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    The versatile AgRover is like the Swiss Army knife of African farm trucks
  • So great idea and help ful for improve work speed

    The versatile AgRover is like the Swiss Army knife of African farm trucks
  • I alwayas try to invention new product but many economical and raw material problem so i don't COMPLETE my dream please EGD give me one chanse in your organization.My dream help people and complete my engineering idea and try easy world always so please give me volunteer post in your organization.

    Introduction to Engineering for Global Development: E4C’s new online course prepares newcomers to the practice
  • Really a good piece of work, the contribution to the developing nation on it basic needs without affecting the environment it would save them the resource in re creation process. I'm glad to work with the team in the deployment of off grid area power source development project.

    A Toolkit to Identify Sustainable, Market-Based Energy Solutions in Off-Grid Areas
  • I also subscribe to this conference, but not sure whether or not to attend because my internet is too poor Solution for off-grid energy, efficiency sustainable, already have I sent the design, at the International Exhibition for People with Disabilities 7 - 9 November 2017 , watch at this Conference...

    E4C Virtual Salon: Innovation in Microgrids
  • Day conference, internet area I could not enter , I have the perfect solution for off grid energy . 24/24 hour non-stop activities ,unfortunately, does not reach you

    Innovation in Microgrids
  • We would be interested to test this instrument in preparation of fish ponds in the Philippines.Dirk J. Bouma, PEU.S. Peace Corps Responsec/o Dr. Elizabeth Farin (+63 98 586 6509)Ramon Magsaysay Technological UniversityIba, Zambales 2201 Philippinesemail dirkbouma@gmail.commain +63 47 811 1683 /mobil...

  • Hi my Name is Harith from Yemen now days we do not have electricity in all the country because of the war we have complet blackout . So we are working in lighting homes with solar panels and also we are installing street lighting solar LED panels .

    Innovation in Microgrids
  • sir my request is civil diploma is learning so plz comment

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    luqman khan
  • I am happy to join this initiative and bring local impact in my community

    Innovation in Microgrids
  • well, a lot has been done but more also should be done especially in developing countries where most people are poor and ignorant. am developing a solar water treatment system which could be affordadable to most ugandans who are facing a problem of waterborne diseases

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    mugiri amando
  • Hello. My name is Jessee McBroom. I have been working in the Clean Energy Field as an inventor and engineer on zero emissions systems and fuels for over 10 years now.

    Innovation in Microgrids
  • Bruce Grulke bgsolarweb@gmail.com

    Innovation in Microgrids
    Bruce Grulke
  • Want to know details 10 KW solar power plant.

    As Costs Fall, Designers Take a New Look at Solar Irrigation
  • I do not understand where the biofilter is in this design. There is no river rock just the burlock. Please can you clarify. Other than that it seems a great idea

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    Michael roberts
  • […] https://www.engineeringforchange.org/ten-low-cost-ways-to-treat-water/ […]

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Drinking Clean Water May Help You Avoid The Dangers Of Tap Water – Best Life Daily
  • What do you recommend for the crisis in Puerto Rico?

    The best appropriate technology DIY plans
  • deveerv
  • Please forward the manufacture and model/part number of the white 4-in. diameter PVC. I have looked for PVC that is ribbed and cannot find supplier. Thanks.

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
  • I am interested on duplicating your bicycle that will pump a well pump, do you have plans made up already ? are they accessible ?

    Bicycle-Powered Irrigation Pump
    Michael lozinski
  • I want get this port ultrasound in your mobil phone

    Ultrasound is Now on Smart Phones - Engineering for Change
    Dr jamali ayaz
  • Saurabh
  • I have tried. Loctite, Plus Gas, Freeze, WD 40 , WD 40 SPecialist Blue Works, WD 40, Fast Release specialist , PB Blaster, BG In force, Bilt Hamber Ferrasol, Liquid Wrench, Kano, Lidil own brand, Aldi Own brand, Halfords, Shock Release, 3-in 1, Sea Foam Deep Creep, Wurth Rost Off, Wurth Rost off Ice...

    How to Make Penetrating Oil
    Mac John
  • Respected SIR/Madam, I have keen interest in chemical engineering but I don't know what to do or what to select. Your cooperation in this regard will be highly appreciated. I am a graduate and I have no problem about learning and understanding anything. Regards

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Zahid Iqbal
  • This is one of our assignment for the ED 192 ,that we should write one of the project proposal based on one of the specific needs of school community. So I need alot to do but how could I get my information..

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
    Makitalena Tuimasiala
  • This is an outstanding resource, I intend to share it with colleagues at Engineers Without Borders USA. We have an emphasis on in-country sourcing to support local vendors and create linkages to technicians and access to spare parts. This guide to local equipment inspection and quality assurance is...

    A Visual Inspection Guide to Detect Faulty Solar Products
    Frank Bergh
  • I liked it very much though the final pictures could have a very powerful message. I am searching of how to keep the fish, vegetations and flowers indoors/outdoors. Thanks

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
  • […] Professionals (LVP) chapter of Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) is partnering with the Centennial Secondary School (CSS) in the village of Mattru Jong, Sierra Leone. The school was ransacked and occupied by rebels […]

    Engineers rebuild a war-damaged school in Sierra Leone
    | MAREA
  • If standards are important in a field, they need to be read and agreed to. As we learned long ago on the internet, an open standards process is essential to people actually following them. Unfortunately the IEEE (and IEC) still publish their standards behind expensive paywalls. At a conference of 20...

    The Next Generation of Standards
  • Sylvie
  • Hello. I am studying a project of production the building materials mixed with polyurethane plastic (foam) that the represente raw material in production. I want to get information about your product and inform you that the process of production is limited to smelting and melting the plastic under t...

    How can rural villages manage mountains of empty plastic bottles?
  • Hi, i am Juma Benjamin from south sudan, i wuld like your help on how i can generate community development project that would target the youths by empowering them in skills and sustainability that can stop their mind set from arms and cattle raiding activities, thanks.

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
    Juma benjamin(bads-hons)
  • I am living in Jordan were we have a lot of sun and lack of water. I would like to install an aquaponics system in my balcony. To grow my organics vegetables to avoid buying the commercial harmful vegetables in the local market. The majority of people here live in apartments with no access to normal...

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    Hanna awais
  • Frode Liland
  • never give up on what you want

    Tweet roundup
    byukusenge gabriel
  • This is what all grassroots organisations need.It answers all the questions asked by donors during their monitoring visits to communities. Thank you.

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
    Fred Zitithera phiri
  • Well I now know what to do if our paths ever cross. This perception of a personal network as hollow mechanistic process fillled out a spreadsheet is both shallow in the extreme and career-limiting. The heart of your personal network should be a genuine interest in other people; sufficient self-estee...

    How to network your way into a new job
    Director of a GLOBAL Network
  • It is a nice device,can i get the address of the institue or of the students those who have developed it and it should be low cost.Thanks !

    A “solar hooter” protects southern Indian farms from animal raids
  • It is the best system to control the pest at an early stage and can avoid the losses and it will help for organic farming, but it should be cost effective means the indian farmers should afford it.

    Artificially intelligent traps alert farmers of insect invasions
  • The Raspberry Pi is a world leading low cost computing device. It runs an open source operating system and offers minimal peripherals and hardware and can be used with TV or other visual display. The line of products are well respected and proven. Many use cases of extension of this hardware can be...

    Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
  • PremisePremise makes use of crowdsourced observations from a community of users who record and verify information such as market prices and mosquito breeding sites, although economic applications are the strongest use case. The added value here is increased time and space resolved data points. This...

    Premise Data
  • On competitive landscape, I would not call out Gadyen Dlo specifically, but would just say liquid sodium hypochlorite (Such as Water Guard or Gadyen Dlo). Also, Bishan Gari (Bishan Gari Purification Industries PLC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia), and Water Makerâ„¢ (Control Chemicals, Ltd, Johannesburg, Sou...

    Gadyen Dlo
    Anna Murray
  • Agree about confusion between filtration and disinfection as the method of treatment. It's a little misleading to have this listed alongside disinfection products.

    Water Pasteurization Indicator (WAPI)
    Anna Murray
  • These devices are so helpful for any developing countries who have no way to determine if their water is safe to drink. Thanks for sharing!

    Wanted: An easy test for bacteria in drinking water
  • Wawouh this is so interesting am a prosthetist also here in Rwanda but I wish to know how u print the prosthetisis we wish to do it here in FabLab

    Nia's 3D-Printed Prosthetic Limbs Cut Costs and Production Time
  • Robots asisting others and n the field of medicine will suit more apt

    Three Ways Robots Could Improve Infrastructure in Developing Countries
  • this is a great job, incredibly professional . good job guys and God bless all of you

    Ten technologies to manage a crowding world
  • Hi Please I am impressed with your innovation . I want to buy that machine give me the cost and location where I can get you . I Will be so grateful to receive your kind response Okilan Joseph Patrick

    Sisal Twine Manufacturing Machines
    Okilan Joseph Patrick
  • […] source and ‘homemade’ hardware (for a definition of this type of hardware, please visit here: https://www.engineeringforchange.org/buckle-up-for-fast-tracked-science-thanks-to-open-source-hardwa…) to Materials Characterization. In parallel, they will submit a hardware paper to Hardwa...

    Buckle up for fast-tracked science thanks to open-source hardware
    Using open source hardware in scientific experiments – a collaborative initiative between Materials Characterization and HardwareX | WARFAREWEB.COM
  • Here is a video with some info that hopefully helps....https://vimeo.com/38501679

    How to Make a Biochar Gasifier
    Josh Kearns
  • Do you have any videos of the process of using the gasifier? I cannot tell from the description in the article how exactly it happens. It sounds like you pack the reactor (bottom) full of carbonaceous material, but do you light that material or some other combustible in the crown (upper). Also, if c...

    How to Make a Biochar Gasifier
  • where is engineering mechanics course

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • Please contact the researchers for more information. Their lab's website is linked in the article. Thanks for your interest!

    A solar thermal aerator prototype could improve aquaculture in developing countries
    Rob Goodier
  • I’m surprised you didn’t mention http://paperity.org/ In my opinion it's also a good source of knowledge and very interesting articles about plenty of topics.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • The article was not useful. What was the depth of water, technical design of the aerator etc.inadquate information? One can not make an inform decision on its workability.

    A solar thermal aerator prototype could improve aquaculture in developing countries
  • Takuwa Mercy
  • PVC pipe and chlorine- Cheap and lasting water treatment in Nicaragua Its seems to be really cheap when i read your article. Good Job.

    PVC pipe and chlorine: Cheap and lasting water treatment in Nicaragua
    Alloy Steel P91 Pipes And Tubes
  • I like this article so much. We girls needs sanitary pads for low cost especially in developing countries ,not only pads we need also some education on menstruation . All the thanks is for SHE which helps Rwandan students to affords sanitary pads easily. Thanks to the writer and publisher of this ar...

    Sanitary pads for underserved populations – two common approaches
    Marie claire NIshimwe
  • Riley, Wow - your journey is incredibly inspiring! Thanks for sharing what you are learning with such eloquence. John

    Surrendering control, improving outcomes: Learning an engineering of accompaniment
  • Thank you for mentioning that just by using a bucket, clay, and sawdust, you can actually filter out dirt and other microbes. My husband and I have been wondering whether we should get our water treated and if so how. Though your ceramic filter can catch disease-causing microbes easily, we will prob...

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Ashley Turns
  • Iraq, Basra, Hamdan Industrial area Ashar, P.o.B 475

    10 Solar Cookers That Work at Night
    Mahmood Majeed
  • ajith kumar
  • Thankyou For the Article . Its Really Helpful.

    PVC pipe and chlorine: Cheap and lasting water treatment in Nicaragua
    Copper Pipes And Tubes Exporter
  • Dear Henk - thank you so much for your thoughts on how to get the marketing of point of use water treatment right and these excellent resources. Susan

    Why companies should not sell or give technology intended for individual and household use to NGOs
    Susan Davis
  • It is most fantastic and sky is the limit if we can market this knowledge and product specially in Asian Countries. I am willing to join the group with my 40 years experience in marketing in energy sector.

    Packable solar picnic grills subsidize sales in underserved communities
  • It is fantastic. I am very much willing to join team to work and make it most successful event.

    A Toolkit to Identify Sustainable, Market-Based Energy Solutions in Off-Grid Areas
  • Dear Susan Thanks for this interesting article. You say that Companies should not give or sell household technologies to NGOs and many would agree, but what could be the role of NGOs to reach the Bottom billion, the poorest? Until everyone has safely managed water supply, HWTS (Household Water Treat...

    Why companies should not sell or give technology intended for individual and household use to NGOs
    Henk Holtslag
  • Plants of cleaning dirty water should be mounted in drainage systems and after filtration the filtered water should be left in rivers. The extracted

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    MUKul mani singh
  • Wastage should be used fully and should be recycled and used. We use our less valuable things first and after that we use our more valuable things. We save our more valuable things. Wastage are lesser valuable and so it is used totally. It is found free and daily. If we use them we will save our val...

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    MUKul mani singh
  • Selbstverständlich können die Sackgärten auch hierzulande genutzt werden. Auf dem Balkon oder der Terrasse sind sie nicht nur ein Hingucker, sondern bieten die Möglichkeit Gemüse und Kräuter stets frisch und griffbereit zu haben. Eine Anleitung (auf Englisch) findest du hier

    How to make a sack garden
    Sackgärten in Kenia - Mach dein Leben grüner

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    siakhile ngomane
  • I am interested in knowing about a simple water pump which can be used to lift water from a flowing canal without using electricity or diesel to irrigate land near the canal situated at some height from the level of water in canal.I would like to discuss this with u and the ur experts if you are int...

    Ten low-tech ways to irrigate crops
    Prakash tekade
  • A study in to energy gap in a super conductors

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    Dawuk fwangshak yohanna

    Humanitarian technology development grants roundup
  • raaz
  • Iam interested in mordern faming by using illigation and terracing. I will be greatfull for your support and guidance.

    Improving Farms in the Worlds Drylands, Part 1: Ancient Methods and Lowest-Cost Technology
    Bosco Rangira
  • It's supper please help me how to get training in aquaponic and supplies of tools required. Am in Tanzania 0755178790

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    James karokola
  • This will be a very good solution to such a problem. But how do the various components work together to make it a success

    A “solar hooter” protects southern Indian farms from animal raids
    Kwabi abel oppong
  • pankaj kumar chauhan
  • Dear friend. I really appreciate your effort.keep it up. I belongs to India. I works as a social worker for rural development. In rural side of India more than 90% Female are unable to use pads due to lack of money. I would like to know that how could I get the machine for providing them a low cost...

    Sanitary Pads in Rwanda = Better Education and Better Pay
    Shiv Kumar Singh
  • Am Polly from Uganda. I love to conserve by mobilizing and training people living around our national parks in art and craft. As an artist and a service provider in these parks, I have proved that poaching is rampant. How can I help my country.

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
    Akampwera Polly
  • I suggest u to use EN-353 or phosphorus-bronze as a material for shaft. EN-353 has HRC:-56-58

    Design support for charcoal extrusion process
  • Hi- Has anyone thought about how asphalt is recycled at a high rate. One one modest sized project we recycled 13,000,000 lbs of asphalt into the pavement of a new structure. The problem we ran into was from some rubberized asphalt. When the mix of recycled asphalt and new aggregate are mixed togethe...

    Roads Paved with Plastic Bottles: Making Use of an Ecological Threat
    John barrie
  • very good article, do you have the tech drawings with all the dimensions? would like to try it out in Uganda.

    Field Report: The Redesign of a Modular Greenhouse in Mozambique
    Robert ssebandeke
  • I m engineer at renewable energy at tanzania contry

    Welcome to E4C's Research Fellows of 2017
  • I am nicholas chw I need to write aproposal to our MP to built us an office in an hospital we are atouched to.please help.

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
    nicholas yieko
  • I believe they will be available soon. They said they plan to ship the kickstarter units in August and they should be sold publicly after that. Check their site in the links above!

    Packable solar picnic grills subsidize sales in underserved communities
    Rob Goodier

    Packable solar picnic grills subsidize sales in underserved communities
  • There is no single organization that manufactures all of those things, so you will have to contact each manufacturer directly. I suggest googling their sites, or some of them are in our Solutions Library and you can find contact info there. For example, the Ayzh Clean Birth Kit: http://solutions.eng...

    100 Under $100 catalogues technologies that improve women's lives in developing countries
    Rob Goodier
  • That sounds like an interesting project and I'd suggest that you contact One Earth Designs directly through their site. Here's a link to their contact page: http://www.oneearthdesigns.org/contact-us/. Good luck!

    Packable solar picnic grills subsidize sales in underserved communities
    Rob Goodier
  • It's taken to a recycling center.

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    Rob Goodier
  • we wish to set up a women technology park. Can we involve women to manufacture these and get some buy back help? Would you be willing to transfer the technology in India to improve livlihood of rural women?

    Packable solar picnic grills subsidize sales in underserved communities
    neelima Jerath
  • I visited your site by chance. We wish to set up a women technology park in Punjab, India to improve livelihood opportunities for rural women. I feel that the Clean Birth Kit, Solar Ear Technology and wheeled seeders are good technologies which can be promoted in the Park. Whereas women can prepare...

    100 Under $100 catalogues technologies that improve women's lives in developing countries
    neelima Jerath
  • What happens with the trash that's removed from the oceans?

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
  • In my free time, I always watch movies. I think its a perfect time to relax and enjoy the day. Never had the chance to watch this. I will add it to my movie to watch checklist. Thanks for letting us know!

    Rafea' Documentary - Movie Review
    Viral Nomaly
  • Hi Miftah, There actually exist commercially sold plastic BioSand Filters manufactured in the US. An important difference between that approach and ours is the community empowerment and longevity/sustainability that comes along with having filters that are built using 100% local materials, tools, an...

    How to make a wooden mold for biosand water filters
    Dylan Lunney
  • i would like to implement it around my village ...could you please send the technical details

    A “solar hooter” protects southern Indian farms from animal raids
  • B227 L15 PH2 Mabuhay City, Paliparan III, Dasmarinas City, Cavite

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Rafael Aquino Jovellanos
  • Alright. I have churned out a few appropriate tech projects especially in the water sector - namely an innovative (clean) rain harvesting system, and spring development. I came up with these technologies while engaged as a lecturer and has not as yet set up any organisation to implement them on larg...

    Building Materials and Methods: E4C’s Essential Online Resources for Professionals
    Kwame aboraa
  • What about leveraging those 125 million with cell phones but not enough sanitation or clean drinking water to do the data backhaul for the sensor nodes? WIfi, bluetooth, NFC, as well as the cellular radio itself to the sensor and back, even outside of cell coverage, piggybacking the cell phone to ha...

    The Internet of Broken Things
    ron davison
  • We would like to connect with the team who can help us with "Wildnet Long Distance Wifi". Our state Uttarakhand in India is an hilly terrain and religious visiting terrain. We are looking for a communication solution in rural and hilly areas. Would like to discuss with you over a videocon meeting if...

    How advances in long-distance Wi-Fi can connect rural areas cheaply
    Anil Tadkod
  • this interests me very much. i would love to experiment with this tech.

    Open-Source Cell Network Could Cut Costs
    Aaron Cronkrite
  • We will be very grateful to partner you in Ghana. Our Organization is an NGO INTO AGRICULTURE AND HOUSING. We have read much about you in the appropriate technology magazine and we appreciate your activities to our satisfaction hence the need to work together.

    Building Materials and Methods: E4C’s Essential Online Resources for Professionals
    Rev. Christopher K. Mensah
  • Name changed from MAPS G110 to AgRover

    Trevor Nagaba
  • You can find them at 4Ocean's site here: https://4ocean.com/. Thanks for your interest!

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    Rob Goodier
  • pugalenthi
  • The tech is ingenuos.im not quite sure does one size fit all or they are of different sizes.

    How to Make a 3D-Printed Corn Sheller
    oliver madzima
  • Question: I want to get a rubber mold of a real foot. Is there a good 3-D scanning product that can then be imported into a rubber mold?

    How to make a 3D-printed mold for rubber prototypes
  • Where/how do you buy the bracelets?

    Can a bracelet craze clean our oceans?
    iris davenport
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  • Hello Isaac and thank you so much for your kind words. I am not an expert in computerized information systems but you might learn from lessons described here http://programme.worldwaterweek.org/sites/default/files/20131219_ict_for_wash.pdf and RWSN is a great resource for documentation and connectio...

    How to improve the adoption of innovative technology in developing countries
    Susan Davis
  • Mam i have an idea on using of solar energy on agriculture field

    As Costs Fall, Designers Take a New Look at Solar Irrigation
  • Hai sir i have an idea that why cant we supply a biogas to the peoples as the normal gas cylinder?

    Design for Individual or Community Ownership?
  • What level,of power was produced by the speaker? Watts?

    How a loudspeaker in a cookstove can power appliances and cut pollution
    Martin Langley
  • Yogesh Gurav
  • The article and concept is so brilliant. Very much appreciate the the information provided. I will like to use in a different context. Specifically in creating a framework for adopting computerized information systems in developing countries such as Ghana. Any suggestions on ensuring it's translated...

    How to improve the adoption of innovative technology in developing countries
  • Yaa.I like this idea where it is very helpful for the farmers.20% of the crops are destroyed by the animals ,this device ll be the sollution for this.

    A “solar hooter” protects southern Indian farms from animal raids
  • I'm not sure if SDI is appropriate as it is for steel decking which is a completely different product with a different function. Thoughts?

    Housing Research Fellow
  • 105/286 C,Sri nagar Opp Kesco & Police Station Chan Gunj Kanpur

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Shamshuddin Ahmad Mukhiya
  • judith merino
  • If possible I would also like to get the design to make them myself?

    A “solar hooter” protects southern Indian farms from animal raids
  • Nice to know about this device. I am interested to build for my own use in farm. Please can I get more about technical details. Thanks

    A “solar hooter” protects southern Indian farms from animal raids
  • Is there any opportunities for Indian school students

    Welcome to E4C's Fellows
  • This can make a differant to some one whos cluless like me but an example would make it more cleare.

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
  • Kingsley Murphy
  • However, the solution can be accessed by any feature phones without advanced level of literacy. so it is perfect ICT solution for the Farmers...

    Ethiopia's 8028 Hotline: Aiding farmers through text and interactive voice messages
  • All these are nice and innovative ways to make life easier.But we must consider the environmental problems it'll pose and how to curb them.....Thank you

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    Kwabi Abel Oppong
  • Hey This is a great initiative and a platform for those who want to make a change in the world. You people are working in the betterment of world and people. I also want to contribute to this thing and also participate in various activities. Your visions are same as mine , So lets come together and...

    Welcome to E4C's Research Fellows of 2017
  • I want to take this, turn the concentrator mirror at the front upside down, and use it to melt metal!

    Solar Fire's beautiful concentrators: An open source secret
    Kendall Meade
  • This is totally fucking awesome! I've got a thing up at https://hackaday.io/project/20591-sun-tracking-solar-steam-turbine to do something similar, but with a few different paradigms, and the idea is to compact all of this into a single-user makeable AND portable system. Ideally, I want it to be bot...

    Solar Fire's beautiful concentrators: An open source secret
    Kendall Meade
  • It is really surprising that Dr. Rajvanshi will not show you this invention. It is an open source and all the information is available including the video on the water purifier site. www.nariphaltan.org/swp.pdf People from all over the world come to see this invention and sombody or the other in the...

    Made in India: 10 life-changing Indian technologies
  • me
  • Hey hai am Santhosh.S , am very much intresred in Aquaponics and am from India . I want to use this method in Native place , So suggest me some of your technics as much as possible.

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
  • i.want to be a computer engineering

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    bobby aimuawosa
  • thanks buddy for share great info.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • This usually means homeowners have to finance the cost of solar themselves, although there are often great $0-down loan options available.

    Introduction to Engineering for Global Development: E4C’s new online course prepares newcomers to the practice
    solar energy India
  • Just starting out a project in Tanzania. We have two qualified prosthetic technologists. Will be printing and evaluating some of the enable hand designs and comparing results with your report. I would be very interested in what others who are working in Africa have to say. With limited experience, I...

    3D printed prostheses may not be practical in developing countries, yet
    gilbert cameron
  • Muchas gracias por comenzar a publicar en espanol!

    C-Innova Demuestra la Creación de Alianzas Como un Movimiento de Base
  • No dout the vehicle do it every thing like a tractor but actully my question about safety where is operator safety. In my opinion if your engineering made a cabin on it for operator he will also protected from heat and also from sands It just in my mind Tahir

    The versatile AgRover is like the Swiss Army knife of African farm trucks
  • Gabriel B. Nuez
  • Adylson da costa
  • I am working myself with drill machine from last 10 years. Have new model for more easier work ?

    Tools You Can Build From Recycled Parts
    Michael Stover
  • sample of project proposal for development work in communnity

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
    Maxson Poloso
  • My name is MOGES MENGESHA from Ethiopia. l am 5th year electrical and computer engineering. l want to follow in related fields. thanks

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    moges mengesha
  • Vishal
  • this is awesome thanks for the facts I am building my own at school for a project;):):););):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):);):):):):);):):)

    10 Solar Cookers That Work at Night
  • One good website in the area of civil engineering is http://CivilEngineeringBible.com

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • Interesting about the microgardening. I'm going to send you an email.

    Why technology alone will never provide sanitation for the poor
    Rob Goodier
  • Rob Goodier
  • Hi Graham, besides the logistical comment I just made I also wanted to address the concern you raised here. I think it goes to the heart of a debate and a shift in global aid and development in which charity models are being supplanted by subsidized sales or even straight, capitalistic (unsubsidized...

    Why technology alone will never provide sanitation for the poor
    Rob Goodier
  • Hi Graham, thanks for commenting. I noticed that your post had some odd capitalization and I saw another commenter mention that there might be a bug in our commenting fields, so I took the liberty of editing your comment to give it normal capitalization. I assume that's what you intended (but of cou...

    Why technology alone will never provide sanitation for the poor
    Rob Goodier
  • Riley -thanks for highlighting this important concept. I continue to see Prizes and attention given to technical solutions, and even simple ones (building latrines) are fraught with challenges. We looked for evidence of success over time and didn't find as much as we'd hoped. http://www.improveinter...

    Why technology alone will never provide sanitation for the poor
    Susan Davis
  • Yeah, that's weird. I edited your previous comment to take out those capitals. I'll bring it up with IT. Thanks for saying something.

    Why technology alone will never provide sanitation for the poor
    Rob Goodier
  • I agreed with nearly everything said in this article until I got near to the end where mention is made of "successful businesses." What does this mean? I can only assume selling products to customers with real money! It cannot be for the poor! But there are sanitation techniques that could be introd...

    Why technology alone will never provide sanitation for the poor
  • I would like this course after greeting and thanks how to learn this cour

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    mascud ali
  • There's some crazy random capitalization of words. the typing into the reply field is in all caps and I can't tell when I've weirdly capitalized something!

    Why technology alone will never provide sanitation for the poor
  • I'm not against vertical gardens. I'm not against any technology, but I think it has to fit in context, and even better if it has a hand in improving social equality. I did my dissertation research on urban farming in Senegal and one of the things that the government was doing was supporting microga...

    Why technology alone will never provide sanitation for the poor
  • Thanks for sharing stephanie... I enjoyed your extension of these same ideas into your field...

    Why technology alone will never provide sanitation for the poor
    Riley Mulhern
  • Thanks for sharing this. You make an interesting comparison with food systems. Does that mean that you're not a fan of concepts like vertical gardens for improving urban diets?

    Why technology alone will never provide sanitation for the poor
    Rob Goodier
  • Hi. I enjoyed your article and reblogged it, with a few of my own observations. Per your guidance in the comments, I've cited you on that Page, and am leaving the link here, as well. http://www.foodnoodle.social/2017/04/reblog-why-technology-alone-will-never.html

    Why technology alone will never provide sanitation for the poor
  • rahul_bhopallnct
  • the ALMIGHTY susan approves (that's me)

    Ten great emergency shelter designs
  • susan
  • greg
  • greg
  • You can become a member by signing up at this link (it's free): https://www.engineeringforchange.org/sign-up/ .

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    Rob Goodier
  • Andrew ibhagbemien
  • My name is Mustafa Mune from Ethiopia. l have completed BSc.degree in civil engineering. l want to follow MSc.in related fields.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Mustafa Mune
  • I wanna to be trained on Civil engineering courses.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • Good idea. well demonstrated. thanks.

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    dr Keshav Mohan
  • 010 Quirino Street, Tondo, Manila, Philippines

    How to define a strategy focused on user needs and impact
  • Hi Dave. The thought came from experience really, as an engineer who has worked in a number of very varied locations and countries over the years the logistics of undertaking remote repairs can be a problem, often its not physically possible to carry everything that is required and power supply is s...

    The versatile AgRover is like the Swiss Army knife of African farm trucks
  • I had written about this technology (IOT) in my website(http://talwork.net/introduction-to-the-internet-of-things). it is something i love and believe that it can change people's lives. i however have a problem, i am not seeing much education about the technology here in africa. i am a kenyan (and m...

    How the Internet of Things Is Improving Lives and Livelihoods in Developing Countries
    michael jaroya
  • Hi, Steve! Great question. We haven't actually attached a generator to it, but there is no reason you couldn't. It is a very simple attachment method so if you have a generator with a v-belt pulley, you can run it off of the engine. Thanks, - David, from MAPS

    The versatile AgRover is like the Swiss Army knife of African farm trucks
  • such a informative and b etter techniques u provided

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    anila tahir
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  • Great concept Rob, I am a great believer in keeping it simple. Can you attach generators for welding and power to the PTO? Steve.

    The versatile AgRover is like the Swiss Army knife of African farm trucks
  • Abhishek saha
  • Hi Riley, I have done translating and will put it up after I write down some of my thoughts related to your topic but about agriculture. I have a note for you: in your article you out Darwin and Spencer together as supporter for social Darwinism but Darwin was actually against it. He once said, "If...

    Why technology alone will never provide sanitation for the poor
  • i d love to hear about your proposals for your community. am also planning the same for my country kenya. :-)

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
  • Thanks! Yes, please include author credit and a link back to the original publication in your blog. And please post a link here to your translated version!

    Why technology alone will never provide sanitation for the poor
    Riley Mulhern
  • Thanks for writing this! I really enjoy it. May I translate it into Chinese and put it on my blog?

    Why technology alone will never provide sanitation for the poor
  • We are happy that you find it useful! ThANKS SO MUCH!

    10 mThings Changing Lives in Developing Countries
  • i want to learn how to modify Apps or software i would like if i get help by this webside and i got a kind response thanks

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    NAdir khan
  • Sanjay govind kandare
  • manjit.singh
  • Hello Roy, I am the ED of a nonprofit organization who works with extraordinary NGOs in western Kenya. Is there a way we can get involved? We have just brought machinery into Kenya after completing a project in India making sanitary pads out of water hyacinth an invasive species and other agricultur...

    3D Printing with E-Waste: Five Questions for Roy Ombatti
  • Do you have internship programs for postgraduate students?

    Welcome to E4C's Fellows
  • It is good.but why not use a plastic pipe which will save all the trouble of casting. BESIDES the weight would be less and removal of top layer of sand,after clogging, would be easy.

    How to make a wooden mold for biosand water filters
  • excellent article, and great to see such a positive INITIATIVE adding to the good work already being done in this sector.

    1 World Connected: Bridging the Data Divide to Connect the Unconnected
    Michael Oghia
  • These and many other inventions can change the world. If even a fraction were used , it could greatly improve our world. What if you scaled bACK ? uSE EVERY AND AND ALL GREEN INVENTION? DESIGN AND BUILD A GREEN COMMUNITY. EVERYTHING FROM THE GROUND UP! FRESH WATER GENERATION AND STORAGE, RENEWABLE E...

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    Eric Sandoval
  • You can earn the equivalent of 10 Professional Development Hours awarded by IEEE upon completion.

    Introduction to Engineering for Global Development: E4C’s new online course prepares newcomers to the practice
    Rob Goodier

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
  • Jimmy Lim
  • Anna Murray says: - As with the others, would find references useful on the removal of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa

    P&G Purifier of Water
  • Anna Murray says: - Note: P&G has re-branded its PUR product as "P&G Purifier of Water" - Typo: "Waterbed" in the "Market suggested retail price" and "Health target" sections

    P&G Purifier of Water
  • Anna Murray says: - Suggest adding the word "filter" to the following line: "...uses a submersible electronic pump and a 0.02 micron pore size FILTER to remove bacteria..." - Retail price is now listed as $2900 with that link

    WateROAM ROAMfilter Ultra System
  • Anna Murray says: - A reference for bacteria/virus/protozoa removal would be helpful

    CTI Water Chlorinator
  • - Note: US EPA doesn't actually "approve" products like this. They can be tested against a guide standard protocol (link to document here: www.biovir.com/Images/pdf06..., and products or manufacturers can be listed with EPA, but that's not exactly the same as EPA "approving" their performance or use...

    Kouzin Dlo
    Anna Murray
  • The statement "Water is produced to WHO guidelines" is a tough claim to make. WHO drinking water guidelines are MANY and this treatment system has surely not been tested for meeting every drinking water guideline for every parameter (which would also depend on influent water quality). I think what t...

    SunCulture SP-300 Solar Pumping System
    Anna Murray
  • GENERAL: - "Protozoan removed" should be changed to "protozoan cysts removed"- References for the bacteria, virus, and protozoan cyst removal would be helpful.- "End of Life Indicator" is formatted differently here. One says "N" and one says "No." Similarly, some say "logs" in the organism removal r...

    Living Water Treatment Systems
    Anna Murray
  • - The "Competitive landscape" entry here is not the same as the other two water containers, which may have only listed jerrycans. - "The Aquatainer improves access to clean water for low-income populations." This is a bit of a bold statement. A container doesn't really directly improve access to cle...

    Aquatainer 10L Collapsible
    Anna Murray
  • - "Academic research is not traditionally done on water containers" is not actually true! Although, there is usually not a comparison of different types of safe water storage containers. This paper reports on safe storage reducing diarrhea, although it wasn't this type of container: http://journals....

    Rootio Radio Station
    Anna Murray
  • - The link in the first line is incorrect. It should go here: https://www.cdc.gov/safewat...- Product description is a little repetitive. I would remove the last sentence, but change the first paragraph as follows: "The lids snap on to prevent entry of the hands or objects into the container, AND WA...

    Pocket FM
    Anna Murray
  • - I think there's a typo in the Container Volume section of the Performance Parameters section at the top - it should be listed as 20 L.- "Replacement Components: These are produced in-country," - is this supposed to mean that they are available for purchase as replacements in those countries? Like...

    Solar Milling Small-Scale System
    Anna Murray
  • - "Target product user" for the Oxfam bucket says community as well as household - though Iwould imagine that all three of these should have the same end user (which I imagine is a household)- This is not product-specific, but there is a recent study that looked at diarrheal disease reduction from c...

    Oxfam Bucket
    Anna Murray
  • Hi rob, This sounds interesting. is a certificate awarded after completion?

    Introduction to Engineering for Global Development: E4C’s new online course prepares newcomers to the practice
  • Hi can you send the link to where the ppt can be saved from?

    Professional Water Well Drilling in Africa: Incentives and Support
  • haftush weldegebreal
  • Is there a way to make this work with smartphones and such. My battery states that power source is unstable.

    How to build a solar-powered USB charger for phones and other small devices
  • Software devloping course online only

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    saiyed naushad ali
  • Hi, i want to write proposal of building community hall to the investor. Can u please assist me with how to write it, Coz i really want to impress investors

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
  • Dear Engineers for change/ rob goodier, thanks for posting the information about our granulated ceramic filters, but please checkout in addition, the following wixsite. this is largely about the other urgent of ceramics in environmental health: environmentally responsible cook stoves; self explanato...

    Packed particle bed filters: A simple solution for pure water
    Reid Harvey
  • Where are you trialling these in Tanzania please? would it be possible to get involved in a pilot?

    Chameleon Soil Moisture Sensor
    Janet Chapman
  • Pumping performance curves are very useful, and are a good example of the kind of performance curves necessary to better evaluate other systems.

    Dispensers for Safe Water
    David Klaus
  • "Pump Type", "Power Requirement" etc. can be filled in using the pump specifications in the link I posted below. Again, I would clearly specify when specifications like Maximum Flow Rate are for the pump itself or for the system.

    David Klaus
  • Double check "Required Pressure". 71 MPa is over 700 atmospheres of pressure. Also, I'm not entirely sure what "Required Pressure" refers to.

    CARC Hybrid Wheelchair
    David Klaus
  • It's unclear which configuration these performance parameters are for: AMIS-FOUNDATION, AMIS-50, AMIS-MVUA KALI, AMIS-IMPACT, or AMIS-DRIP. Essential to clarify is what pumpset goes with which configuration, and to list the specifications of the pumps and other components (i.e. drip emitters, impact...

    CARC Hybrid Wheelchair
    David Klaus
  • Its a fantastic & motivating debate shown ,how to utilize a 'waste' into a usable sustenance of adaptation. So, where the PROBLEM exists…? Human Defecates provides Food-Ingredients to Insects like Ants/Bees/Birds/C’roches /Grasshoppers/Bugs/Fish/Dogs/Jackals etc…etc… It acts as Compost/Manure af...

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    indrajeet mandal
  • Sistema BIOBOLSA this your biogas can be marketed in Nigeria and the market will spread like VIRUS. Believe me. In NIGERIA, WE're suffering on the high cost of gas.

    Case study: How an offline CRM helps a biogas business expand in Latin America
    Kenneth NWABUDIKE
  • Anna Murray says: This safe storage container has an integrated tap, handle for carrying, and is the same typical size as most jerry cans used for drinking water in sub-Saharan Africa. It is also manufactured in several countries, which supports local economies and keeps shipping costs lower. While...

    Aquatainer 10L Collapsible
  • •Rebranded to Safe Water Book•Also filtration? What is the primary mechanism - filtration or disinfection?•How do you have a "user provision model" already if it’s still a prototype?•Price not $0, not being sold yet•Any information on flow rate through the book’s page?

    Water Pasteurization Indicator (WAPI)
    Laura MacDonald
  • •Rebranded to M-Drop•Could put you in touch with Madi Drop to learn about #s distributed

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
    Laura MacDonald
  • “Long service life compared to other solutions” – how is this the case if lifespan is "Unknown"?

    P&G Purifier of Water
    Laura MacDonald
  • $65 not $0 according to communications with ACIMore than 10,000 distributed according to communications with ACI

    P&G Purifier of Water
    Laura MacDonald
  • Website says $70. Where was $20 found? Is this the difference between market price and NGO price as discussed in the comments for Lifesaver Jerrycan?

    P&G Purifier of Water
    Laura MacDonald
  • •Why was the jerrycan chosen over the cube? Curiosity, not saying it shouldn't have been•Given the large difference between “market price” ($330) and NGO price ($65-80), I wonder what is intended by market price, since the majority of users will not be purchasing at true market price, becaus...

    Oxfam Bucket
    Laura MacDonald
  • Shannon Smith
  • Add "i.e. reduced drudgery" to the health target.

    Clean Team Toilet
    Craig A. Atkinson
  • Related academic research: Sorghum Flour Production Manual for Compatible Technology International (CTI) Burr Grinders KE Duville - 2012: http://digitalcommons.unl.e...

    Clean Team Toilet
    Craig A. Atkinson
  • Wouldn't the energy requirement be "human power"?

    Multi-Crop Ewing Grinder
    Craig A. Atkinson
  • Target region for the CTI Ewing Grinder: there is no specific target country per the individual product report, but Subsaharan Africa could be listed as the target region in the comparison view (as this is where the website says they are meant to have impact).

    Multi-Crop Ewing Grinder
    Craig A. Atkinson
  • Add the note about solar operational requirements to achieve the stipulated feedstock rates (Note: Average Solar Operation Hours*: 6 hours/day).

    Solar Milling Small-Scale System
    Craig A. Atkinson
  • Feedstock type: must be dry grains as per "Wet grains could clog the stones and be not effective." (http://solarmilling.com/faq/)

    Solar Milling Small-Scale System
    Craig A. Atkinson
  • CTI Ewing Ginder: Target region is Sub-saharan Africa? Or is there a "global" data option?

    Multi-Crop Ewing Grinder
    Craig A. Atkinson
  • Include linked text to the CTI fact sheet after the list of feedstock types. URL: https://compatibletechnolog...

    Clean Team Toilet
    Craig A. Atkinson
  • In addition to the English link, provide a link to the French version of the manual: https://compatibletechnolog...

    Clean Team Toilet
    Craig A. Atkinson
  • i am already a member but because of busy shady these days i have been not active and i have missed a lot as far engineering for change is concerns but what caught my eyes is the upgrading electronics with paper cards smooths the work to digitize medical records in rural uganda its very good innovat...

    Upgrading electronics with paper cards smooths the work to digitize medical records in rural Uganda
    simon mulungi
  • Great information! I will try tomorrow. Only thing I wonder(For practical purposes - mine.) is how long the penetrating oils were allowed to soak into the nuts/bolts, prior to removal? For those who don't spend much time at grocery or drug stores, vegetable oil and acetone are available at many, cer...

    How to Make Penetrating Oil
    Jesse T. Genevish, Jr.
  • There is a reason why society has changed so much in the last 60 years in most of the western world and that was an abundance of cheap energy and resources, quite a lot of this done on the back of third world citizens.

    Sunblazer Solar Trailers could electrify 7 million homes by 2020

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
  • Careful observation of energy, currency & carbon flow & waste disposal in prisons, monasteries, & "primitive" or isolated communities may yield dividends in understanding methods for the reversal of marginalization & unemployment Among those lacking education or opportunity.

    For-Profit or Non-Profit... Is There a Third Way?
  • higher studies after mechanical engineering?

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education

    Case study: How an offline CRM helps a biogas business expand in Latin America
  • mia
  • However I suspect it would do little harm to recycle the plastics, metals, glass & electronic waste, while using the bulk organic residue for fuel.

    For-Profit or Non-Profit... Is There a Third Way?
  • However using waste & sunshine as one's initial & primary resources effectively turns the modern world "upside down" with potentially disastrous results as it provides a destabilizing caveat to "laissez faire". laissez faire has worked very well these last 3 centuries & i am reluctant to...

    For-Profit or Non-Profit... Is There a Third Way?
  • In terms of the most successful contemporary societies, singapore & the island of penang, malaysia, come out well ahead of everyone else. However though these islands are entrepreneurial "hothouses", their economies are largely based on trade. I am not sure how well these models would translate...

    For-Profit or Non-Profit... Is There a Third Way?
  • Perhaps the most dynamic, innovatory systems involved trade between competing city states - Hellenistic city states, The Italian renaissance cities or between superpowers. controlled conflict may create the most innovation. however, as computerized technology now intrudes on almost every aspect of m...

    For-Profit or Non-Profit... Is There a Third Way?

    For-Profit or Non-Profit... Is There a Third Way?
  • Yes, I have ARRIVED AT the same CONCLUSION: empower communities to realize their wealth through COMMUNITY-OWned enterprise. FIRST up, mindset training that EMPOWERS AGENCY. Communities are poor to the extent they refuse agency, the outcome of oppression. When agency has an economic OUTLET, communiti...

    For-Profit or Non-Profit... Is There a Third Way?
  • I have seen in Africa and southeast asia the so-called benefits of Chinese investment. they provide all the material, all the manpower (except the most basic unskilled levels) and the transfer of technology to the local populace is nil. they have well over a billion mouths to feed at home, and aren'...

    An Ambitious Railway Project Could Revitalize East Africa's Economy
    grant nielsen, ph.d.
  • you can also use urine to make saltpeter for use in gunpowder

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
  • Please contact me. I am interested to learn and take this technology to our country thRough government or private sector. Or you may send me your contact information, i will call you or contact through email. My contact number: 281-253-4849 from Houston, Texas.

    New open-source tools analyze sites for small hydropower generators
    Golam Mostofa
  • I like this. Also I think the best online computer science tutor is https://preply.com/en/skype/computer-tutors

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • if we add the blazing tube to one small solar panel and battery and S/controller and S/inverter same as solar street light. they can use at night with l/change at the d. I think.

    Challenge: Make a solar cooker that works at night
    Mohamed A.
  • i was just gonna cut a usb phone charger and the find a way to plug it directly in this will work great

    How to build a solar-powered USB charger for phones and other small devices
  • Amol

    Engineering for Global Development: Academic Programs Worldwide
  • suleman khan
  • I want to learn about mechanical and automobile.

    How to prototype and test your design
  • I training for automobile future in job for out of country

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Ahmad raza
  • laurovivo
  • Hi I am learn something about engineerning

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • Would like to schedule a call regarding new water & Power stations in rural regions in 150+ nations using fossil free energy and atmospheric water generators.

    Ten technologies for rural water supplies
    Eric Williams
  • I had no idea that 3D printing had anything to do with prototyping. I also had no idea that there was such a thing as a 3D scanner and that it is important in prototyping. I've also heard that buying prototyping systems online is where you can find the best deals, I'll have to look more into it.

    Tips and tools for rapid prototyping
    Baxter Abel
  • Hello, I'm interesting on a decoricator machine that can produce one ton of sisal fibre per day.please call me on cell #+255742208032. Regards, Victor marwa

    Sisal Twine Manufacturing Machines
    victor marwa
  • I think the infirm, unable/disabled will be better catered for as there will be less traffic and congestion around if more people are using the skycycle.

    London's SkyCycle: Imagining a World Without Cars
    Alan Read
  • i see many people are struggling with the concept of ratio... the way you figure that out is by figuring out the size of your fish tank. your fish tank will depict how many fish you can raise and that size would be able to tell you the amount of fish you can raise in that space. then it's abut 3-1 r...

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
  • It is wonderful service in rural area with low cost and good service for weker section

    A home-grown bike business rolls out emergency health care in Uganda
  • i do not understand the process of flowing of water,please help me.

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
  • Hi my name IS Glenn i do missions work in HAIti by nuilding churches and HOMES in an area called citi solie one of the worst and most dangerous place TO.Live in the western hemisphere. We have favor in that area and i am looking to teach the local people in the community to build thier own homes. I...

    Five Questions with Jim Hallock
    Glenn Chavez
  • Hello, how are the old, infirm and unable/disabled, catered for?

    London's SkyCycle: Imagining a World Without Cars
    Dr qureshi
  • I wonder why they did not make the pillars, in front of the house, with the same blocks.

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
  • I am working as a marketing head but planning to do PHD from good and reputed university.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • Every bit of universe is a set of system that has been already design with its own distinct characteristics and our duty is to utilised it

    Practical steps to place people at the center of your research
    sondinglen haokip
  • How long do the panels cure before they can be lifted into place? In our application they would have to be cast at the worksite where there is very limited flat space to cast more than one or maybe two at a time.

    Earthquake-resistant Homes in Haiti
    David Draeger
  • Compliments.. This works. community demand based solutions.. keep up the flow #blessings

    The case for open-source design in low-cost medical patient transport
    Roy sios
  • Huh, interesting. Sounds like there might be more money in recycling these days...?

    Recycling on Tricycles in Lagos: Five Questions with Bilikiss Adebiyi-Abiola
    Rob Goodier
  • I live in a poor rural community in Southern California. We Had many people collecting scrap for recycling. First they used old shopping carts, then small carts pulled by bycicles. Now I see people using trikes with small gas engines cruising the area with nice little trailers.

    Recycling on Tricycles in Lagos: Five Questions with Bilikiss Adebiyi-Abiola
    Gerald Katz
  • congrats on the successful greenhouse redesign; The Penn State hese program and your ag engineering degree are powerful tools. Keep up the good work; khanjan metha will be proud!

    Field Report: The Redesign of a Modular Greenhouse in Mozambique
    Liz Kisenwether
  • These are both interesting concepts with potential for positive impact on communities but also for improvement of the product. Some comments below.Tryctor: As reference, motorcycles converted to "tractors" are being sold from organized companies and local workshops in India, the following comments a...

    Guillermo Diaz L
  • HI Nia Technologies , WONDERFUL , How can I be part of this wonderful project , i HAVE SOME iDEAS CAN i RUN IT BY YOU .

    Nia's 3D-Printed Prosthetic Limbs Cut Costs and Production Time
  • I am from Jajpur,state-Odisha,Pin- 755001(india).people of the area about 60% are under poverty line.because want of pure drinking water many people specially children of the underpriviledged class suffer from serious diseases mostly of uncurable type.today i saw from "z"tv 2 delhi school girls dist...

    How to successfully distribute water filters
    Batakrishna Behera
  • mukeshrathodpalsud
  • Is there any details about this subject in other languages?

    Case study: How an offline CRM helps a biogas business expand in Latin America
    Aba Egitim
  • how many blocks did you use for the construction of the house ?

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Muhammad faisal
  • sagar
  • I couldn't admire more the people who makes effort in making clean and safe water to drink available to everyone. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post. Cheers to a happy and healthy life!

    Implementation and Monitoring of a Large Scale Water and Energy Program in Rwanda: DelAgua Health and Development Program
  • Not very useful, nor very well designed. You need to test all lubricants with all bolt sizes to have useful comparisons. All this test shows is (possibly) the optimal VO and acetone mix. But the ATF and acetone mix, which is a commonly used homemade penetrating oil, is not well represented. The norm...

    How to Make Penetrating Oil
  • Stating following a design toolkit shouldn't be in 'Compliance with regulations'. Consider removing ?

    DFA Paper-based liver function test (AIDS, TB)
    Noel Wilson
  • Replacement components could state modularity to different wheel sizes per local parts available?

    Maya Pedal Bicycle Mill
    Noel Wilson
  • Complimentary technical support about attaching it to a car seems tangential. Could a solar still or other water collection tech be a better match?

    Vecna Cares CliniPAK
    Noel Wilson
  • Could safety state ergonomic unknowns?

    Noel Wilson
  • Vetted performance statement seems a little tangential. Could it state actual independent vetted performance pending or carried out?

    Noel Wilson
  • Distribution statement may need some elaboration to explain the math.

    Multi-Crop Ewing Grinder
    Noel Wilson
  • Does it have emergency relief as a target user?

    Multi-Crop Ewing Grinder
    Noel Wilson
  • Health target is questionable. Sure head loading isn't wild but ergonomic implications of 20kg sloshing packs arent either. This statement obviously comes from Grief and should say so?

    Multi-Crop Ewing Grinder
    Noel Wilson
  • Target regions reference Grief claiming all around acceptance is not true. I have anecdotally heard they leak, are uncomfortable and not attractive to Haitian users (from a consultant who worked on it which may also not be true. Could this be removed from this field as this statement is not pertinie...

    Angaza PAYG Platform
    Noel Wilson
  • There is likely some relevant research on electric vehicle distribution/legislation/impact.

    Noel Wilson
  • Vetted performance could include limitations of pure electric vehicle (if they run out of charge they can't move) and the need for charging infrastructure?

    Noel Wilson
  • I dont think the Mellow Cabs should be defined as 'Personal Transport' it is more public transport or a mobility service.

    Noel Wilson
  • Good other information section but some of those links should go in the 'research' or other fields rather than other? (and are contrary to what it states in Academic Research')

    Noel Wilson
  • Complementary Tech systems could benefit from dynamos/ag equipment designed to work with a bicycle.

    Noel Wilson
  • The 'This keeps children learning' section could be removed as it is a big assumption.

    Aquatainer 10L Collapsible
    Noel Wilson
  • Competitive landscape should include other bicycle NGO bicycles (California bike) and make mention that there is a small but local bicycle assembly and distribution industry.

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
    Noel Wilson
  • Complimentary Technical Systems could also include Ag equipment designed to attach to bicycles, or dynamo phone chargers (e.g. Global Cycle solutions).

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
    Noel Wilson
  • Where it states 'Replacement components are available locally' is not completely true, and a recurring issue in bicycle distribution. Should state here if the parts are standard to the given distribution market (i.e. 28" tyres in Uganda rather than the 26" it looks to have).

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
    Noel Wilson
  • The 'distribution to date' field could benefit from a 'user picture upload' portal eventually?

    Fyodor Urine Malaria Test (UMT)
    Noel Wilson
  • The wording on 'Health Target' where it refers to 'increase access to local transport' could be better replaced with simply 'increasing range of mobility' otherwise it could be mistaken as aiming to increase access to other local transport options.

    Noel Wilson
  • Noel Wilson says: Health target maybe should just refer to increased water access? There is no treatment tech on this product currently.

    Dispensers for Safe Water
  • Noel Wilson says: There is some research on development motivated bicycle distribution (in Africa especially). See ibike.org as an example.

  • Noel Wilson says: Specs, schematics and Tech support section is great.

    Aquatainer 10L Collapsible
  • Noel Wilson says: Safety could mention the need for training on how to ride bicycles and road rules etc if users arent familiar before sending them out? Have heard anecdotes about how this was handled badly.

  • Noel Wilson says: Target users could make specific mention of people who solely rely on bicycle to increase/make their income (transport/taxi/courier etc)?

    Bandha Bikes
  • Noel Wilson says: Academic research see ibike .org as an example. WBR would also have some reports on the Buffalo by now.

  • Noel Wilson says: Health target could discuss increased access to health service locations within range of bicycle vs foot.

  • Noel Wilson says: Target users could also mention income opportunities increased by bicycle ownership.

  • Noel Wilson says: The competitive landscape would benefit from actual company's distributing bicycles in Uganda rather than other forms of transport (foot/car). Local bicycle shops/distributors/assemblers, World Bicycle etc)

  • Can i read engineering in combination of electrical and computer science is there any department for it in tamil nadu

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Sathya Krishnan
  • Agreed, Hernan! We've made the updates accordingly.

    Saathi Pads
    Iana Aranda
  • I want best mechanical course to study and to get good job

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • I'd change the description a little to explain better about what it is. Here's a re-write: The G110 is a three-wheeled farm truck that hauls goods and doubles as a power source for attachable tools. The truck provides power and transportation to small-holder farmers and agricultural businesses that...

    Rob Goodier
  • Can I Use a vertical aquaponics system to grow a new harambe?

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    Harmbe's not deas
  • Hi, I do consent your ideasyou've present on this post. Toilet problems are always nasty but you have to do, also the repair payment is not cheap. Sometimes I prefer to do the job by myself. Do you still have any other posts about this content?

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    toilet problems
  • please call me as soon as possible i need an engineer asap in haiti , 561-427-8955 call me please. I like to talk about business with you i have a build to build i need to know price asap!!!!

    Engineers and interpreters are needed in Haiti
    jefff charles
  • Great magazine I was introduced to it by a colleague and I find it very useful

    10 mThings Changing Lives in Developing Countries
  • I am askar khan from Pakistan kpk I am a mason the tiles and marbles. Etc

    A new digital tool takes the guesswork out of making compressed earth blocks for construction
    Askar khan

    How the Internet of Things Is Improving Lives and Livelihoods in Developing Countries
  • Hi the i am anthony bekeli eni looking at this situation is not good for our future even for life below water are not save. this is happening in my community everyday i have done everything possible to counsel this idea but it seems not working this a very good information here

    Untreated Wastewater: A Growing Crisis and Its Solutions
  • SAURABH nainwal
  • Why have 2 drums, can't you pump water out from the same drum that is having fishes?

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
  • I look forward to getting connected to arpit for using his invention for controlling pollution in delhi at a large scale.

    A Hardware Entrepreneur in Delhi Turns Soot into Art with a Boost from E4C
  • Checking the ICT only field, the performance parameters make more sense for Angaza and Lumeter: User coverage, service needed, etc.

    HemoCue WBC DIFF System
    Hernan Figueroa
  • Two fields in the performance parameter table for this kind of products: "ICT technology platform" is not appropriate (Maximum current and Maximum power)The firmware that Angaza provides should be in terms of quality of service. Two suggestion would be additional cost to products, bandwidth requirem...

    HemoCue WBC DIFF System
    Hernan Figueroa
  • Most of the links should be updated to reflect the transformation of the company.

    Lumeter PAYG Technology
    Hernan Figueroa
  • The links in this page are broken, probably because the meter is no longer a product. However, the description in the fields: technical support and Manufacturer specified performance targets is somewhat still accurate. Design specifications have to be updated, most likely reduced to what is availabl...

    Lumeter PAYG Technology
    Hernan Figueroa
  • The manufacturing method should be updated to licensing or integration into 3rd party manufacturers.

    Lumeter PAYG Technology
    Hernan Figueroa
  • This post needs to be updated: Lumeter networks no longer sells or manufactures the Lumeter Customer Meter. Lumeter network transitioned into an ICT technology provider and licenses or integrates their PAYG technology into other manufacturers. Here are the actual products that include Lumeter techno...

    Lumeter PAYG Technology
    Hernan Figueroa
  • hernan.figueroa says: ANGAZA has also transformed itself into a "ICT technology provider" that licenses or gets a share of each payment in their technology platform. I think the competitive landscape should be updated to reflect only the companies that provide platforms as opposed to products.

    Angaza PAYG Platform
  • gurjit singh
  • We would like to re-sell these pumps. kindly advise

    Bicycle-Powered Irrigation Pump
    Mikul Shah
  • It's so cool that there are so many options out there for irrigation pumps! I'm glad that there are options for people in poorer and more rural areas, that perhaps can't afford a mechanical pump. Having the ability to draw up water at will would really improve the ability to maintain good agricultur...

    Ten low-tech ways to irrigate crops
    Georgia B
  • You can also try considering www.peezbowl.com, their website designed for primary school students. They have huge number of quiz questions, study materials and videos available for class 2 till class 8 students. ( i AM SORRY FOR CAPS, BUT I do not see an option to type in lower case)

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • No age bar for somthing new learning

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • hello, i would like to ask chris whether their is a chance of parntership with you . as trust future uganda deals with ares of education, health and empowerment. thanks

    Lessons Learned Running Mobile Clinics in Rural Uganda
  • hey, i am mechanical engineer i am searching some course who help in my field for GRADUATION and increment in SALARY.because yet not i am fiend my dream job so please help me i am really confused

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • Update Market Suggested Retail Price to ....

    Iana Aranda
  • emekaiyabo
  • Although we all can agree that more environmentally sensitive materials should be promoted, not all can agree on the GUIDELINES that select one MATERIAL over another IN meeting that goal. Your list above lacks the most important consideration, what material(s) will result in meeting the greatest ENV...

    Sustainable Building: Changing the Way We Look at Construction Materials
  • I done btech in department of civil engineering in 2016

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Puneet Kumar
  • european cup 2016
  • All medical device manufacturers must have the ability to collect customer complaints, evaluate them and address each of them. No mention of this regulatory requirement is made in the product specifications.

    Vecna Cares CliniPAK
    Robert Hauck
  • This product states that repair parts will be available to the customer but that on-site support will be provided to the customer by the manufacturer. This is not practical for an installed base of more than ~50 units. The global distribution to both Africa and India will require 24 x 7 staffing and...

    Vecna Cares CliniPAK
    Robert Hauck
  • Both coverage to obtain orders and logistics to ensure delivery must be designed to function effectively in the specified environment. The stated distribution of “Africa” and “India” is unclear as to whether these products will be used in capital cities or more broadly in regional centers or...

    DFA Paper-based liver function test (AIDS, TB)
    Robert Hauck
  • Given where these units will be deployed effective quality control is essential. For any unit to contain manufacturing defects or to arrive ‘dead-on-arrival’ at the customer is absolutely unacceptable. This requires both process control and appropriate testing during manufacturing as well as fin...

    Ringing Bells Freedom 251
    Robert Hauck
  • The effort and rigor in the design and manufacturing process to secure regulatory approval should not be underestimated. This requires documentation starting at the initial design and concept stages of the product. For example, is there a documented Failure Mode and Effects Analysis to guide the des...

    CTI Water Chlorinator
    Robert Hauck
  • Manufacturing of this type of product requires documented process and assembly standards. In volumes of 100 special attention needs to be paid to ensure that each unit is not a unique “one of” but rather follows and industrialized, documented and controlled assembly and test process. This is esp...

    Dispensers for Safe Water
    Robert Hauck
  • The effort and rigor in the design and manufacturing process to secure regulatory approval should not be underestimated. This requires documentation starting at the initial design and concept stages of the product. For example, is there a documented Failure Mode and Effects Analysis to guide the des...

    Laerdal Upright Newborn Bag-Mask
    Robert Hauck
  • All medical device manufacturers must have the ability to collect customer complaints, evaluate them and address each of them. No mention of this regulatory requirement is made in the product specifications.

    Corrugated Metal Panels
    Robert Hauck
  • This product states that repair parts will be available to the customer but that on-site support will be provided to the customer by the manufacturer. This is not practical for an installed base of more than ~50 units. The global distribution to both Africa and India will require 24 x 7 staffing and...

    NRG Insulated Block
    Robert Hauck
  • Both coverage to obtain orders and logistics to ensure delivery must be designed to function effectively in the specified environment. The stated distribution of “Africa” and “India” is unclear as to whether these products will be used in capital cities or more broadly in regional centers or...

    Reinforced Expanded Polystyrene Panels
    Robert Hauck
  • Given where these units will be deployed effective quality control is essential. For any unit to contain manufacturing defects or to arrive ‘dead-on-arrival’ at the customer is absolutely unacceptable. This requires both process control and appropriate testing during manufacturing as well as fin...

    Motivation Rough Terrain Wheelchair
    Robert Hauck
  • Manufacturing of this type of product requires documented process and assembly standards. In volumes of 100 special attention needs to be paid to ensure that each unit is not a unique “one of” but rather follows and industrialized, documented and controlled assembly

    Laerdal Upright Newborn Bag-Mask
    Robert Hauck
  • The effort and rigor in the design and manufacturing process to secure regulatory approval should not be underestimated. This requires documentation starting at the initial design and concept stages of the product. For example, is there a documented Failure Mode and Effects Analysis to guide the des...

    Laerdal Upright Newborn Bag-Mask
    Robert Hauck
  • This product states that repair parts will not be available and that support will not be provided to the customer by the manufacturer. This is not practical for an installed base of more than ~50 units. The global distribution to both Africa and India will require 24 x 7 staffing and when repair is...

    DayOne Waterbag
    Robert Hauck
  • Trained users imply that training processes and support materials will be made available. Ongoing application and service support will be required. Trainers will be required to develop user guides and training classes.

    DayOne Waterbag
    Robert Hauck
  • i have to admit i have learnt alot from this article , as a second year mechnaical engineering student - i intend to go back to my home country and hopefully make my community a better place . i was wondering whether the ORGANIZATION does offer WORKING activities -where someone can actually take par...

    Changing the Hydrophilanthropy Paradigm (How Well-Intentioned Engineers Can Get It Wrong)
  • Both coverage to obtain orders and logistics to ensure delivery must be designed to function effectively in the specified environment. The stated distribution of “Africa” and “India” is unclear as to whether these products will be used in capital cities or more broadly in regional centers or...

    SeaChar Deluxe Estufa Finca Farm Stove
    Robert Hauck
  • Manufacturing of this type of product requires documented process and assembly standards. In volumes of 100 special attention needs to be paid to ensure that each unit is not a unique “one of” but rather follows and industrialized, documented and controlled assembly and test process.

    SeaChar Deluxe Estufa Finca Farm Stove
    Robert Hauck
  • The effort and rigor in the design and manufacturing process to secure regulatory approval should not be underestimated. This requires documentation starting at the initial design and concept stages of the product. For example, is there a documented Failure Mode and Effects Analysis to guide the des...

    Greif PackH2O Water Backpack
    Robert Hauck
  • Robert Hauck says: Trained users imply that training processes and support materials will be made available. Ongoing application and service support will be required. Trainers will be required to develop user guides and training classes. This is especially important to ensure safe operation of this...

    Sterilux Steribox and Control Station
  • Robert Hauck says: All medical device manufacturers have the responsibility to support their products throughout their entire lifecycle. No mention of this requirement is made in the product specifications. Appropriate retirement and recycling in developing countries is required.

    Vecna Cares CliniPAK
  • As per Bob: Steam– Pros & Cons: reliable source of power or electrical storage and/or backuppower is required to power the unit/heaters to reliably produce steam. This limits the application to where this type of power is available.

    MyChild Card
    Iana Aranda
  • As per Bob: Theusers of this product are specified as “public Sector”. It does not specify if training of the publicsector is required. Given that this product will require the loading of ampulesinto their appropriate containers a minimum of clear user instructions arerequired. Training processe...

    Sterilux Steribox and Control Station
    Iana Aranda
  • As per Bob: Allmedical device manufacturers have the responsibility to support their productsthroughout their entire lifecycle. Nomention of this requirement is made in the product specifications. Appropriate retirement and recycling indeveloping countries is required.

    WateROAM ROAMfilter Lite
    Iana Aranda
  • as per Bob: Allmedical device manufacturers must have the ability to collect customercomplaints, evaluate them and address each of them. No mention of this regulatory requirement ismade in the product specifications.

    Simpa Solar Home System
    Iana Aranda
  • As per Bob: Trainedusers imply that training processes and support materials will be madeavailable. Ongoing application andservice support will be required. Trainers will be required to develop user guides and trainingclasses.

    Corrugated Metal Panels
    Iana Aranda
  • As per Bob: Bothcoverage to obtain orders and logistics to ensure delivery must be designed tofunction effectively in the specified environment. The stated distribution of “Africa” and“India” is unclear as to whether these products will be used in capital citiesor more broadly in regional ce...

    Greif PackH2O Water Backpack
    Iana Aranda
  • As per Bob: Givenwhere these units will be deployed effective quality control is essential. For any unit to contain manufacturing defectsor to arrive ‘dead-on-arrival’ at the customer is absolutely unacceptable. This requires both process control andappropriate testing during manufacturing as we...

    Greif PackH2O Water Backpack
    Iana Aranda
  • As per Bob: Manufacturingof this type of product requires documented process and assemblystandards. In volumes of 100 specialattention needs to be paid to ensure that each unit is not a unique “one of”but rather follows and industrialized, documented and controlled assembly andtest process. With...

    DayOne Waterbag
    Iana Aranda
  • As per Bob: UVtechnology requires a source of UV. Although in developed countries this is not a significant issue indeveloping countries and in remote areas the availability of UV hardware islimited. Other components such ashousings, covers, electronics and controls are available if an appropriatesu...

    AFD-1 Water Flow Sensor
    Iana Aranda
  • Iana Aranda says: As per Bob: NOx technology requires a source of appropriate chemicals (4 consumables - ampule (generates NO2), scrubber (absorbs NO2 gas), up to 8 acids, and up to 8 chemical indicators) are required. Total cost is $20 per set of disposables. Although in developed countries this is...

    Diamedica Baby CPAP
  • wilfredo.torres says: it could be interesting to know how is the network topology used to connect sensors to the central point. Understanding that with GSM/GPRS centralized (star) and large-coverage topology is used, an important additional performance parameter to take into account is the AVERAGE B...

    MoMo Remote Sensor
  • As I mentioned for MoMo, it could be interesting to compare the products taking into account the AVERAGE BATTERY LIFE for different samples frequencies.Also is important to know the tipical topology of the solution, to estimate the complexity of the deployment.

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
    Wilfredo Torres
  • Great, the "smart stoves" solution.

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
    Wilfredo Torres
  • It seems to be a very flexible and open solution for remote sensing. The only drawback I see is related to cost. I think 100 USD per device is a lot of money. This kind of technology has been developed a lot in the recent years, so we can review some alternatives to slow down the costs in the deplym...

    Be Girl FlexiPads
    Wilfredo Torres
  • Wilfredo Torres says: It's a wonderfull idea to have a worldwide reachable service by satellite. Even that, satellite technology depends strongly on the environmental conditions, so if it's cloudy or raining, then the service will be unavailable. Because of that, Outernet is not suitable for critica...

    Outernet Lantern
  • BRCK seems to be very difficult to implement in undeserved out-of-coverture communities, because of the need to use Mobile Services like 3G-4G to adequately get the services. Even that, for the communities who have adequate mobile access, BRCK can be a good tool to fully exploit a shared mobile data...

    Wilfredo Torres
  • It seems to be a wonderful complementary information service to reach a lot of people around the world, due to using satellites as access network technology.

    TATA Swach Smart
    Wilfredo Torres
  • wilfredo.torres says: Add specific performance parameters related to Quality of Service in the network for diferents applications (data-based, audio, video and multimedia): Average throughput | delay | jitter and packet loss. Also a parameter to know the "time to download" different kind of media. I...

    Outernet Lantern
  • […] Pls check the below link for some low cost ww treatment : https://www.engineeringforchange... […]

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    What is the most efficient and low in cost waste water treatment for agriculture? - Quora
  • Kelley Elahi says: "The Baby CPAP requires time to calibrate before use." Are you sure it is calibrating? Or is it just warming up? Typically oxygen concentrators need time to warm up.

    Diamedica Baby CPAP
  • krishn kumar patel
  • Was the clinical study in Lilongwe published academic research?

    Eniware Portable Sterilizer PS-25
    Kelley Elahi
  • Hi Any chance you manufacture these for South Africa? I know a community that could benefit from a few of these Love the design!

    From the E4C community: Low-tech irrigation with the water-powered Current Pump
  • Power supply type should just be "hand powered" right?

    Angaza PAYG Platform
    Kelley Elahi
  • The category labeling "ventilators" is confusing to me for the first 3 products. Could it be something more general, like "respiratory support"?

    Laerdal Upright Newborn Bag-Mask
    Kelley Elahi
  • Any more information on patents? Which countries?

    Kouzin Dlo
    Kelley Elahi
  • "relative to the UN Millennium Development goals" seems unclear to me.

    SeaChar Deluxe Estufa Finca Farm Stove
    Kelley Elahi
  • For "Compliance with regulations in target market", I think more information than yes/no is important. For example, "Yes - CE Mark" would be more informative.

    Laerdal Upright Newborn Bag-Mask
    Kelley Elahi
  • In categories where it seems like there are discrete options to choose from, for example "pricing structure", I think it would be nice for the reader to know what all of the potential options are.

    Laerdal Upright Newborn Bag-Mask
    Kelley Elahi
  • Kelley Elahi says: Could change "does not require compressed gases" to "does not require a separate compressed gas source."

    Diamedica Baby CPAP
  • The DDG malaria device offers the promise of extremely rapid malaria detection based on plasmodium hemoglobin digestion into hemozoin precipitates that can be detected with an optical reader. Other manufacturers have shown that the use of a portable powered device in a remote setting is a successful...

    DDG Rapid Assessment of Infectious Diseases (RAID) Device
    Jeremy Schonhorn
  • A malaria RDT focused on urine is a welcome addition to the malaria detection armamentarium. There is wide appeal to move away from collection of blood as a sample matrix (local superstitions need to be overcome). The use of urine as a test matrix may help overcome patient reluctance.In the field, t...

    Fyodor Urine Malaria Test (UMT)
    Jeremy Schonhorn
  • An isothermal NAT to determine TB is a useful technology. The ability to monitor TB accurately and safely will help physicians and health care providers detect infection and manage therapy. The TB device as implemented by Ustar Biotechnologies is promising but with shortcomings.The requirement for t...

    EasyNat TB-CPA Diagnostic Kit
    Jeremy Schonhorn
  • Overall, the technology approach is sound. Measurement of liver enzymes (AST/ALT) is a standard approach to a physicians understanding of liver function. Changes in liver enzyme level in response to medication or infection can aid in the guidance of patient treatment.The ability to deliver a tool th...

    Eniware Portable Sterilizer PS-25
    Jeremy Schonhorn
  • Jeremy Schonhorn says: Hemocue IP Lindberg, Stellan, and Johnny Svensson. 2009. Enumeration of white blood cells. USPTO 7521243. US Patent, filed April 11, 2005, and issued April 21, 2009. https://www.google.com/pate....

    HemoCue Hb 201 Data Management System
  • Jeremy Schonhorn says: The Hemocue WBC Diff system is a vetted technology to determine white blood cell count (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils). Although the device is powered with batteries, they are increasingly accessible in remote locations and should not be consid...

    HemoCue WBC DIFF System
  • Jeremy Schonhorn says: A few more references Hemocue References Casey, Janet R., and Michael E. Pichichero. 2009. “A Comparison of 2 White Blood Cell Count Devices to Aid Judicious Antibiotic Prescribing.” Clinical Pediatrics 48 (3): 291–94. Russcher, H., N. Van Deursen, and R. de Jonge. 2013....

    HemoCue WBC DIFF System
  • you can use it to keep your toilet from flushing.lol

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
  • Not much to add to this product.A general concern for urine (or oral fluid) diagnostics is that the state of hydration contributes to the quality of the sample. Urine is tricky...to much fluid will dilute the sample. Dehydration will concentrate the sample. There needs to be a normalization to a wel...

    Fyodor Urine Malaria Test (UMT)
    Jeremy Schonhorn
  • The Hammersmith Hospital links are dead

    Medic Mobile
    Jeremy Schonhorn
  • Additional comments (rest in comparison):USD 1500 is a very high price for what is offered.Closed access - can lead to a wide variety of usage issues.Image 3 above - where device is kept on a table/desk without rollover or fall protection is highly bothersome.Needs a lot of risk mitigation etc. for...

    Be Girl PeriodPanty
    Arun Venkatesan
  • Not available yet?

    HemoCue WBC DIFF System
    Arun Venkatesan
  • Arun Venkatesan says: Portablity is a plus - although I'm worried about a. is there a use case for phototherapy in non-clinical settings? I understand the remote resource limited scenario well, but without some skilled supervision, this needs some thought. AAP guidelines recommends evaluating respon...

    Little Sparrows Technologies Bili-Hut
  • Matt,Thanks for the comment and insight. I conducted the research on the CARC Hybrid, and may have conducted research on the Motivation (it was completed about 2 years ago, can't truly remember). I agree that they are very different products, especially since the Motivation has been designed for ind...

    CARC Hybrid Wheelchair
    Sean Reischel
  • CAN you use the number one cylinder for your other foot and shift body weight from one foot to the other to increase its output without much more ?

    Tools You Can Build From Recycled Parts
    John l fanberg
  • Overall I'm impressed. I do have a few questions to clarify performance but overall it looks like a solid product. They have definitely been working on the problem for a long while and have done some great work in this area. I particularly like the evidence of their testing (both from a usability an...

    Banka BioLoo
    Steve Harston
  • There may be a slight discrepancy in information among a few different sections. It is unclear to me if power is needed or not for the product to work. If it doesn't require power than how long can it maintain adequate performance without power? In other words, can the reported 72 hours be achieved...

    MyChild Card
    Steve Harston
  • Although the article is good, I have to say that I don't buy penetrating oil by the litre, which makes it a poor comparison. I have a small can of WD40 that I use, which is relatively cheap. It is more hassle and expense to get neat acetone outside of a lab (I spent over a quarter century in one) Fo...

    How to Make Penetrating Oil
    Peter Mirtitsch
  • Steve Harston says: Under the section "Distribution to date" it would be nice if there was a date associated with the comment. For example, the text currently says that the MiraCradle is in 88 hospitals but when was this information last updated?

  • Other than a picture and a link to their website, there practically isn't any information provided on this product. When I go to their website there is additional information and it appears that they have enough information to fill out many of the empty categories on the E4C page.However, in general...

    Steve Harston
  • I interpret the "Safety" category differently than the owners of this product did. I don't know which is correct but I interpret it as what are the hazards of using the device. For example, if caustic Phase Change Material is used in their ice packs or if high voltage is required to run their system...

    Steve Harston
  • It's unclear to me how this product is intended to be used. Is it intended to be a stationary or mobile device? If it is a stationary device, what is the advantage of the GPS? This is probably a cool design feature but the value of it is not described anywhere. Is this cooler intended to be plugged...

    Water Pasteurization Indicator (WAPI)
    Steve Harston
  • The information provided in the section "Product IP" isn't relevant to the product. It is more of an advertisement for the company and the founder. I believe stating "Currently no IP exists for this product" would be sufficient.

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
    Steve Harston
  • Steve Harston says: I believe that more of these categories should be able to be filled out if the product is “being readied for field evaluation” as stated under the tab “Manufacturing & Delivery”. While the final details may not yet be known, if they are doing a field study they should have at lea...

    Arktek Passive Vaccine Storage Device
  • Steve Harston says: I believe that more of these categories should be able to be filled out if the product is “being readied for field evaluation” as stated under the tab “Manufacturing & Delivery”. While the final details may not yet be known, if they are doing a field study they should have at lea...

    Sure Chill Vaccine Refrigerator BLF100 DC
  • Steve Harston says: I believe that more of these categories should be able to be filled out if the product is “being readied for field evaluation” as stated under the tab “Manufacturing & Delivery”. While the final details may not yet be known, if they are doing a field study they should have at lea...

    Vaccine Refrigerator BFRV55
  • from many days I was thinking of humane waste transform into gas ,as fertilizer ,etc . we can get free energy also ,what if we take a big step to get energy from human waste ,instead of using coal . because of this we will not pollute our rivers , it will help I many ways but we have to do more rese...

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use

    Urine is fertilizing crops and saving money in India
  • This webinar was creatively design with great graphics, but unfortunately the audio was terrible.

    How to define a strategy focused on user needs and impact
    Bill Gordon
  • Alex says: *** Disclaimer: I am a current UNICEF employee so my feedback is limited in order to be impartial. mHero relies upon integration with mobile network operators to supply free SMS messages and therefore suits a larger deployment. The tool is however extremely well documented.

  • On closer inspection, it seems that there is a demo instance so that users can test the platform interface.http://openmrs.org/demo/

  • Appreciate the recommendation. Lett me try iit out.

    Future-proofing Water Systems in Developing Countries: A Q&A with Susan Davis
    car used colorado
  • The platform supports both ODK and OpenMRS which are both well trusted and robust open source software projects.Unfortunately there is no literature on the adoption and use of CliniPak. This is likely due to the lack of time to gather these experiences.

    Vecna Cares CliniPAK
  • The CliniPAK node offers the ability to set up a LAN network and for other devices to transfer data which can then be uploaded to a central database. The node requires a constant supply of energy which is obviously a limitation. I would like to see some description of the effective range and also va...

    Vecna Cares CliniPAK
  • In addition, I would like to see some mention of encryption or security of data both while being stored and while being transmitted from handsets to the central node.

    Vecna Cares CliniPAK
  • The CliniPak is an mHealth reporting system that uniquely has hardware and software components to allow centralised mobile data colelcetion in the absence of any connectivity infrastructure. The software component builds from the robust and open source standard Open Data Kit (ODK). The hardware comp...

    Vecna Cares CliniPAK
  • The CliniPak is an mHealth reporting system that uniquely has hardware and software components to allow mobile data colecetion in the absence of any connectivity infrastructure. The software component builds from the robust and open source standard Open Data Kit (ODK). The hardware component allows...

    Vecna Cares CliniPAK
  • A quality steel form would cast perhaps 100,000 tanks, not 2. The advantages of a wood form are low cost, light, simple assembly using household tools and ease of repair. Wood is a lot less likely to be stolen for salvage/scrap as well. In the construction industry unprotected plywood forms are most...

    How to make a wooden mold for biosand water filters
  • Too bad they did not talk to a carpenter before they designed their form. No REINFORCEMENT. I did not see them casting, but how is this concrete waterproofed? To get many re-uses of plywood forms you need to keep somethings in mind. The faster you strip the longer your form will last. Plywood is PER...

    How to make a wooden mold for biosand water filters
  • […] Learn about how to design and deliver sustainable solutions with E4C’s new course! “Introduction to Engineering for Global Development” is a free, on-demand training resource for anyone interested in improving quality of life for underserved communities. Click here to learn mor...

    Introduction to EGD
    Ashoka U October News U Can Use | Ashoka U
  • Compressed earth walls for those in poverty largely ignore that most in poverty are not without work and sitting idly all day. Compressed earth walls take a lot of time/labor to build, and require concrete a seen in the buttresses, post details, plastering and roof in the above mock up. Why bother w...

    Workshops teach earthen block construction and land management for a sustainable future
  • Truly, truly great photos. There is simply so much to see. I like the casting done with chain saw cut lumber, the hammer and the scaffolding, it demonstrates how RESOURCE LESS these places are. Having lived in places like these pictured, your photos bring back nice and not so nice memories. Thanks f...

    Architecture, Tools & People
  • How thin? From what i see it is simple post, beam and panel... no real change at all. Thin cast implies you are also using thin reinforcing elements, like wire in stucco. The key to casting thinly is supporting the wire inside the form, the key to reclaiming it's economy is casting the height of the...

    Earthquake-resistant Homes in Haiti
  • Matt McCambridge says: This reads as if someone with knowledge and interest in controlling electric motors went looking for a use for them, and decided on wheelchairs, without knowing anything about wheelchairs--either about the human factors or the mechanical issues. That is OK provided this person...

    Motivation Rough Terrain Wheelchair
  • updated number: an engineer associated with the production of this product estimates that 30,000 have been manufactured and distributed

    Matt McCambridge
  • still in very early development--not enough here to evaluate it alongside actual products

    Nexleaf StoveTrace
    Matt McCambridge
  • Not much here to react to. the photo does not match the description of a 4-wheeled vehicle with a solar panel. However both seem to describe something used for outdoor mobility vs indoor mobility--moving around the community vs. inside a home or inside a bathroom stall. if this is true they should d...

    MoMo Remote Sensor
    Matt McCambridge
  • It's great they mention field testing and identify their partner. Would be great to have more information about the field testing. Field testing can mean a process through which user needs are truly identified at a time in the design process when they can be acted upon, or it can mean cursory testin...

    Living Water Treatment Systems
    Matt McCambridge
  • hey folks I'll follow up w a longer email. I strongly feel that what you're up to here is extremely useful--wheelchair riders are an especially disempowered user group, and wheelchairs are such an example of a product category where 3rd party payers distort all the normal feedback mechanisms that ma...

    CARC Hybrid Wheelchair
    Matt McCambridge
  • Matt McCambridge says: Dear E4C Staff, I'm posting based on the understanding that these comments are visible internally at E4C and not to general visitors to the site. If my understanding is incorrect please delete as these are intended to help E4C refine the comparison/evaluation. max rider: ok se...

    Motivation Rough Terrain Wheelchair
  • Matt McCambridge says: Dear E4C Staff, I'm posting based on the understanding that these comments are visible internally at E4C and not to general visitors to the site. If my understanding is incorrect please delete as these are intended to help E4C refine the comparison/evaluation. Comments in orde...

    Motivation Rough Terrain Wheelchair
  • Alex says: In a crowded landscape, MedicMobile provides the main features that you would like to see in an mHealth solution. The software is open-source, localisable and works on simple feature phones when offline. The organisation has a focus on user-centered design which is quite refreshing. The m...

    Namibian Bicycle Ambulance
  • In addition, the adherence to the USAID endorsed design principles is well noted.

    Aquatainer 10L Collapsible
  • MedicMobile has received several awards and grants from highly regarded foundations and organisations. in a single peer reviewed journal, MedicMobile was compared to 5 other similar tools and was described favourably. It is also refreshing that MedicMobile acknowledges and aims to align with existin...

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
  • MedicMobile has been deployed in many (23) countries, including not only Uganda and Kenya which are the most common and I suspect easier places for deployment of mHealth products and not only Africa but Asia and the Americas as well. The number of partner organisations is large and varied. The annua...

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
  • The business model for MedicMobile allows for an open source access model with deployment, customisation etc being charged for.

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
  • In addition, I would like to see some mention of encryption or security of data both while being stored and in transfer.

    Vecna Cares CliniPAK
  • The CliniPAK node offers the ability to set up a LAN network and for other devices to transfer data which can then be uploaded to a central database. The node requires a constant supply of energy which is obviously a limitation. I would like to see some description of the effective range and also va...

    Vecna Cares CliniPAK
  • Unfortunately there is no literature on the adoption and use of CliniPak. This is likely due to the lack of time to gather these experiences.

    Vecna Cares CliniPAK
  • One of the key selling points of the node software is that it can be charged and then used offline. However I don't get a sense of how long the battery lasts or the performance of the machinery. Also, the components of the node are supposedly easily sourced and replaced, but the are not as many deta...

    Vecna Cares CliniPAK
  • Overall, this solution seems promising. The CliniPak is a reporting system that has hardware and software components. The software component builds from the industry standard Open Data Kit (ODK). The hardware component allows for several tablets to sync data that can later be uploaded. The inclusion...

    Vecna Cares CliniPAK
  • On closer inspection, it seems that there is a demo instance so that users can test the platform interface.

  • There are a great number of academic publications describing the OpenMRS platform, it's development and deployment. These include surveys of users and their experiences. These date back 10 years providing a sizeable evidence base.

  • The interface seems intuitive and easy to use. The provision of an API should make migration of data from existing datastores or integration relatively easy. OpenMRS has been used by a number of high profile organisations such as Save the Children and in diverse and challenging circumstances eg. Wes...

  • I'm very pleased to see a totally open-source platform for medical database management and customisation. Although the actual features and capabilities of the platform are hard to assess without access to a live version or domain knowledge, the presence of an active and engaged community of open-sou...

  • The underlying technology and process appear to be well documented. Several field tests were conducted and user interviews undertaken. I would like to see a little more speculation into how this would generalise to other contexts. A weak point in the process here would be that someone is charged wit...

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
  • MyChild Card consists of a standard booklet which is given to a newborn's family which assigns them a unique child ID. This acts as a paper version of the child's health records. The outcome of each visit (vaccinations, check ups etc) are recorded here and a single card is torn off and kept by the h...

    ReadyPay 10W Home Starter Kit
  • From my perspective, and also from many organisations, open-source solutions are always preferable as they can be improved upon and extended forming a public good. This does not preclude profitable deployment of the technology; the hosting and hardware can still be provided as a commercial service....

    Lumeter PAYG Technology
  • Alex says: At a high level, the MyChild Card answers an important high-level problem in an interesting way; there is no doubt that more timely and accurate information on infant (as well as adult) health provision would fundamentally imprve service provision. More effective birth registration is a f...

    MyChild Card
  • Alex says: At a high level, the MyChild Card answers an important high-level problem in an interesting way; there is no doubt that more timely and accurate information on infant (as well as adult) health provision would fundamentally imprve service provision. More effective birth registration is a f...

    MyChild Card
  • I need more info about working in our community, this was helpful but writing it to satisfaction needs your help Thank you

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
    raphael Owino Oriko
  • Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems.

    Potter’s guide to successful local manufacture
  • Plot no 85, Room no 862 Sector 22, Turbhe,Navi Mumbai.

    10 Solar Cookers That Work at Night
    Purnima Patil
  • simple steps on converting human waste to methane gas

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    fanna garra
  • Craig Fairbaugh says: Thank you very much for the feedback. I have included WBT information performed by Approvecho as well as a link in design specifications that throughly discusses the variety of dry biomass appropriate for use in micro gasifier stoves. Regarding safety of the stove and stability...

    EzyStove Wood Cookstove
  • The Sunzilla Generator's information needs to be updated:Under Performance:1. "Power Rating" section is a confusing title and should be changed to "Generation Technology and Capacity". The technology and sub-components with model numbers are useful. Sunzilla should be: "0.14 kW total consisting of 4...

    SunZilla Solar Generator 3.0
    Peter Dauenhauer
  • System charging requirements or guidelines would be helpful. This would help users determine how suited it is for particular areas. From a low-voltage disconnect state (usually this is 50% depth of discharge for lead-acid battery technologies) to full charge:1. How long should it take to recharge in...

    SunZilla Solar Generator 3.0
    Peter Dauenhauer
  • The Sunzilla 3.1 Generator has different performance profile than listed here.Additional information on the product would also be helpful for general evaluation.1. The rated PV output is 140Wp. The model design has 4x35W flexible panels branded with: SUPERFLEX SGM-FL-35W2. The category "number of ba...

    SunZilla Solar Generator 3.0
    Peter Dauenhauer
  • I am supplying capital funds to a shoe maker near Kitale, and would be interested in PArtnering with you to use your 3d printer to make simple shoes for children in that area who are infected with jiggers. your happy feet work caught my attention.

    3D Printing with E-Waste: Five Questions for Roy Ombatti
    Paul Knerr
  • dear friends of the above topic thank u 4 contributing the idea. still we are under privileged to get through the best method to utilize bio energy. we need further co ordination and help to produce electricity out of waste (urban). so we need further details.

    E4C investigates technologies that turn waste into energy
  • For the M-Kopa IV system, the high and medium lumens output seem very close and the torch output seems low. It is probably worth double checking these values.

    M-KOPA IV Solar Home System
    Pritpal Singh
  • minor typo in "Target regions" "followed misspelled.

    Pritpal Singh
  • I posted this comment in the window specific to the Simpa system. However, I will post it here also. The battery is simply labelled as "battery". My guess is that it is a lead acid battery, typically used in the small back up UPS applications in India (since it is a 12V battery) and since it is easi...

    M-KOPA IV Solar Home System
    Pritpal Singh
  • For the M-Kopa IV system, the statement made is that there are 5 USB ports. This is not correct. There is only one USB port but 5 different connectors for charging different types of cell phones.

    M-KOPA IV Solar Home System
    Pritpal Singh
  • Banka BioLoo:Toilet type: Flush toilet, biodigesterTarget product users: Institutions, companies, government agencies, construction sites, communitiesCapacity: 450 - 750 L (customizable)Toilet type: Flush toilet, biodigesterTreatment method: anaerobic digestion

    Banka BioLoo
  • Capacity: 450 to 750 L (customizable based on requirements of customer)

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
  • Please properly cite source. Much of this info seems to be copied and pasted from http://www.cartierwomensini...

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
  • The last information I could find about Banka BioLoo is from 2013 (and their website has not been updated since 2012). The latest data about distribution seems to be unavailable

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
  • Much of the information here seems to be directly copied and pasted. Either put in quotes and cite properly, or change the wording (and still cite properly!). This appears to be the source: http://www.moneylife.in/art... While, yes, this is an interview, this is not an interview conducted by this au...

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
  • End product: biogas and fertilizer (source: http://www.bankabio.com/pro...

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
  • I could not find any published research about the BioLoo, either from IIT Madras or DRDO

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
  • Nice, thorough description.

    TLUD Champion
    Nordica MacCarty
  • Is the combustion chamber insulated?

    Nordica MacCarty
  • Toilet type: Flush toilet, biodigester

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
  • Can other fuels be used, or are only the pellets recommended by the manufacturer encouraged?

    ZanaAfrica Pads
    Nordica MacCarty
  • Where does mass production occur?

    Nordica MacCarty
  • Target users: I'm not sure that the companies "sponsor" the Bioloo-- they are not donors, but are customers of the Banka Bio company. The target users appear to be communities, institutions (e.g. schools and clinics), government agencies, and private sector corporations. From their website, their ta...

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
  • Health target: the toilets are not in-home, but in communities, institutions, and companies.

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
  • Banza Toilet:Target product user(s): HouseholdPricing structure: unknownTreatment method: unknown

    Banza Toilet
  • Clean Team Toilet:Technology category: Urine-diverting dry toilet (UDDT)Distribution to date: 101 - 1000 User provision model: subscription servicePricing structure: tiered monthly rental feesEnd product: None (wastewater with reduced BOD discharged into river)Toilet type: urine-diverting dry toilet

    Clean Team Toilet
  • Manufacturing/building method: According to photos on their Facebook page, the bio-bags are manufactured in Belgium (https://www.facebook.com/ba... ) and the frames are manufactured in Taiwan (https://www.facebook.com/ba... ).

    EasyNat TB-CPA Diagnostic Kit
  • Treatment method: unknown. It is collected in a bag that can be composted, but it is not clear how the bag and waste are composted. Who collects the bags? Where is the waste brought?

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
  • Target users: dense urban areas

    LifeWell Water Filter
  • Market suggested retail price: "tiered pricing options for schools, businesses, public toilets, and community centres" (http://cleanteamtoilets.com.... Fees for households are also tiered (see my comment on the performance & use tab)

    Tapp™ Filter
  • Sanergy:Technology category: Urine-diverting dry toilet (UDDT)Target product user: Community (not sure about public sector, but definitely not intended for individual households)Pricing structure (does this include business model?): FranchisingCapacity: 25 L urine, 30 L fecesTreatment method: Anaero...

    Sanergy Fresh Life Toilet
  • Treatment method: Biogas is produced through anaerobic digestion.

    TATA Swach Smart
  • Testing organizations: EAWAG, UC Berkeley, UNESCO-IHE, Agriprotein, Climate Foundation (Source: https://docs.gatesfoundatio... pg 72)

    Corrugated Metal Panels
  • Lifecycle: 5-6 years (source: https://docs.gatesfoundatio... pg 71)

    Sanergy Fresh Life Toilet
  • Target user(s): I would add that this solution is specifically for users in high-density population settings (e.g. urban areas, potentially refugee camps), because this particular waste collection business model would not be cost-effective otherwise.

    Sanergy Fresh Life Toilet
  • Emily says: Capacity (liters): 25 L for urine, 30 L for feces (source: Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) Secretariat visit to Sanergy sites, https://www.flickr.com/phot...

    X-Runner Waste Management Service
  • Emily says: Toilet type: Flush toilet, biodigester

    Separett Villa 9000
  • Emily says: Manufacturing/building method: According to their Facebook page, the bio-bags are manufactured in Belgium (https://www.facebook.com/ba... ) and the frames are manufactured in Taiwan (https://www.facebook.com/ba... ).

    Banza Toilet
  • Emily says: It's unclear how many people they serve. Clean Team's website says they've sold 664 household toilets serving ~4500 people, but that's assuming an average household size of 6.8 people. In that region of Ghana, however, the average household size is 4.1 people (which would be about 2722 p...

    Clean Team Toilet
  • Emily says: Distribution to date: the published number on their website is 664.

  • Emily says: Academic research: only the MIT thesis is academic.

    Clean Team Toilet
  • Emily says: End product: while they would like to eventually process their own waste into energy and organic fertilizer, they have not yet done so. It is important to note that Clean Team does not actually process the waste that they collect--they bring the waste to a municipal treatment plant, the...

    Clean Team Toilet
  • Emily says: Safety: the biocide chemicals used to clean the toilets present some serious health and environmental concerns.

    Clean Team Toilet
  • Nordica MacCarty says: More thorough performance and safety testing are recommended, even a simple WBT without emissions and safety evaluation should be conducted to report important metrics such as thermal efficiency and safety score. The stove design looks unstable and likely has a high surface te...

    SeaChar Deluxe Estufa Finca Farm Stove
  • Emily says: Compliance with regulations: since the Clean Team toilet is classified as a "bucket toilet," it does not meet the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program for Water Supply and Sanitation (http://www.wssinfo.org/) requirements of an "improved sanitation facility." (source: https://globalwater....

    Clean Team Toilet
  • Emily says: Product description: I would add that the toilet is urine-diverting (UDDT).

    Banza Toilet
  • Emily says: Design specifications: (though this is mostly business design and not product design) Subscription prices to the collection plan vary according to family size (and thus collection frequency) and ability to pay, from $11.36 to $20.45/month, as of 2014 (source: https://globalwater.mit.edu....

    Clean Team Toilet
  • Nordica MacCarty says: More thorough performance and safety testing are recommended, even a simple WBT without emissions and safety evaluation should be conducted to report important metrics such as thermal efficiency and safety score. The stove design looks unstable and likely has a high surface te...

    EzyStove Wood Cookstove
  • Emily says: Toilet type: urine-diverting dry toilet (UDDT).

    Banza Toilet
  • Emily says: They do not yet process the waste into energy or fertilizer. The municipal waste treatment facility discharges the treated wastewater into the river.

    Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS)
  • Emily says: There seems to be very little information available about Banza Sanitation, and their website has not been updated since 2013. It is not clear what their business model is. It seems like they are similar to PeePoo bags, offering compostable paper bags to collect the waste, but where do t...

    Banza Toilet
  • Emily says: $600 is for the entire system. Unclear how many toilets can share a single biodigester. This price isn't actually per toilet

    Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS)
  • Emily says: Treatment method: anaerobic digestion, with bacteria activated in cow dung

    Flexigester V10
  • Do we have to dilute before using ? Of so what ratio ? Would like yo experiment before sharing !

    Urine is fertilizing crops and saving money in India

    Urine is fertilizing crops and saving money in India
  • Brian, thanks for the insight. Biogas has the highest efficiency when used in domestic cooking and is most widely used in this setting to displace LPG or biomass use. Combustion in a modified generator works well for larger AD systems and is a great way to generate mechanical and electrical Power.

    E4C investigates technologies that turn waste into energy
    Tom Decker
  • Hi Henry. The technologies in this article are in varying stages of development and have service components and maintenance requirements that limit them from being "off the shelf". But full commercialization from the origins of the technology development to target markets require modification for en...

    E4C investigates technologies that turn waste into energy
    Tom Decker
  • Looking to rebuild aN eaRthQUake damaGed school/church iN montrouis, haiti

    Earthquake-resistant Homes in Haiti
    Slate Bauknight
  • Dear friends, I am s.gnanaprakash.I am an automobile engineer.I have created a product to reduce air pollution in vehicles by reducing incomplete combustion in AN engine.I am looking to get international patent rights for my product.but,I don't know what is the procedure and where to apply to get in...

    Intellectual Property: What Hardware Innovators Need to Know
  • azalea
  • google
  • Furthermore, consideration should be given in the use of biogas for energy generation (or other relevant motive power) to alternative use in a stirling engine chp unit (with some gas clean-up) instead of steam/CHP.

    E4C investigates technologies that turn waste into energy
    Brian Mallalieu
  • Please note that burning biomass in energy from wastes (EfW equipment/plants) also wastes potential excellent fertiliser (of great benefit in developing countries!) instead of using as feedstock for anaerobic digestion (AD). AD ought always to be examined first!

    E4C investigates technologies that turn waste into energy
    Brian Mallalieu
  • tHANK YOu for your efforts to trying to solve the real world problems , dear keep it up,

    Sunzilla's open-source, portable, do-it-yourself solar generator
  • […] Innovators create low-cost hydro powered irrigation pump. […]

    Ten low-tech ways to irrigate crops
    Economic woes caused by neglect of Agriculture, says Ogbeh
  • […] 2012. Ten low-cost ways to treat water. [Online] Available at: https://www.engineeringforchange.org/ten-low-cost-ways-to-treat-water/ [Accessed 06 09 […]

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Would YOU drink poop water? – RecyclingboyAyodhya
  • I'm a health worker in dearly need to help my community get clean safe water so I need informatiom on how to write a development project proposal. thanks

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
    pravin koech
  • Hello, This is srinivas founder of botstudioz india a robotics product startup from india we are looking more oppurtunities for our robotics products

    Build Your Own Robot Affordably
    Srinivas K N
  • basant kishore kukreti
  • […] sells sack kits and donates them to schools, one from the international aid organisation Engineering for Change, and another I found on instructables.com (one of my very favourite sites for DIY projects of all […]

    How to make a sack garden
    How to make a sack garden | St Katharine's Precinct
  • Edward Melhem
  • THis reads well and has some good links for well used websites, thanks and graces for the pointers. I'll share your article

    Don't toss it... Fix it! How to find the information you need to repair electronics and appliances
  • Has any progress has happened? I am interested to know everything about this project?

    Urine is fertilizing crops and saving money in India
    Vivek Vaish
  • Very interesting and widening the thinking of the researchers and developers.

    E4C investigates technologies that turn waste into energy
  • I edited this piece and, at the risk of speaking for the author, the phrase is a clever way to say that reliable repair documentation is lacking in urban and rural communities in developed and developing countries worldwide. Thanks for your interest.

    Don't toss it... Fix it! How to find the information you need to repair electronics and appliances
    Rob Goodier
  • as every coin has two sides, same things applies here also. this revolution of technology is imperial and surely we have to make sure our pace with it. who is dealing with technology actually matters if that person is businessman , surely he will go for automated system. no doubt at all. as technolo...

    The Big Design Questions | Are technologies that automate labor desirable if they put people out of work?
  • dear friends at e4c greetings and thanks for circulating the important information regarding the off-shelf and tested technology : the waste into green energy (renewable energy) is there a way for transfer of these already tested and off-the shelf technologies into full commercialization and full ad...

    E4C investigates technologies that turn waste into energy
  • Leo Carrilho
  • Hi Rob, thanks for focusing on this area as I am working on supply chain health care project where wastage and sustainability is a big challenge for the people who try to improve the health care system, I would definetly enrol in this course I believe it helps me to design more improved sustainable...

    Introduction to Engineering for Global Development: E4C’s new online course prepares newcomers to the practice
    Umair Khawaja
  • Interesting blog - the topic is explored in Simon Trace's recent book 'rethink, retool, reboot, technology as if people and planet mattered. download It here http://www.developmentbookshelf.com/doi/book/10.3362/9781780449043

    Patently Wrong International Development
    Amanda ROss
  • Am a ugandan graduate done diploma in civil engineering but jobless.i would like to preciate ur innvotion and i have googled all procedures but what i lack finance and machines, guys i need ur suport incase u can drop ur i deas to ma email gokalebo@gmail.com

    Round Two: Banana-fiber sanitary pads need curves and wings
    Okalebo george
  • RE:Greeting From largest private sisal twine factory in China!‍ Dear Mr. Purchasing Manager, Have a nice day! Many thks for your inquiry of sisal rope.we note you are provider of various rope & twine products,we’re specialized in manufacturing & exporting of Sisal Rope,our size from 9mm roun...

    Sisal Twine Manufacturing Machines
  • Hello EveryonE, There are lots of great questions here. I think you will all find great benefit in our new website (www.dwellearth.com) where you can learn and explore compressed earth block production and construction with several different types of Compressed earth block machines. We also offer gr...

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
    Adam De Jong
  • "With structural support, and sylicon sealant, the system creates a water tight seal and a unified insulated roof surface" - Silicon sealent doesn't last too long out in the sun. How is the performance, especially against rainwater infiltration?

    Amish Parashar's Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs
    Matt Sisul
  • Compliance with regulations: Do you have the ASTM number? IBC Design would go along with ACI 530

    Bempu TempWatch
    Matt Sisul
  • Again, make sure the links target a new window or tab.

    DFA Paper-based liver function test (AIDS, TB)
    Matt Sisul
  • Seismic Design Category: Misspelling of "Seismic"; statement "dependent on building design schematics." is awkward. "Dependent on structural engineering design per IBC or local building code"?

    Matt Sisul
  • How did this product make it in here? What's the qualification or standard to make it onto E4C the manufacturer has promoted its use in development projects?

    Diamedica Baby CPAP
    Matt Sisul
  • Design specifications - 20 or even 18 gauge may be available.Technical Support - I would reference SDI here

    Bempu TempWatch
    Matt Sisul
  • Some links to Asana require login. Links behind log ins or paywalls should be noted.Design specifications: Check conversions: 4' usually converts as 1.2m; 8' is 2.4m; 8lbs = 3.6kg (dont use "kilos")

    Pee-Power Urinal
    Matt Sisul
  • Manufacturer specified performance targets: The target listed is very old, a note for old codes should say something along the lines of code reference out of date or superseded.

    Pee-Power Urinal
    Matt Sisul
  • Manufacturer specified performance targets: The target listed is very old, a note for old codes should say something along the lines of code reference out of date or superseded.

    Pee-Power Urinal
    Matt Sisul
  • Comments:-Links should target/open new tabs/windows.

    Pee-Power Urinal
    Matt Sisul
  • Matt Sisul says: I dunno, I feel like you're kinda down on Corrugated Metal roofing. It is actually a very important product with both developed and developing country applications. It is cheap and provides for privacy in slum settings, and is typically the first building material people build with...

    Lifeshelter LS4
  • Matt Sisul says: Competitive landscape- May want to mention standing seam roof and alternative profiles for corrugated roof panels ("square").

    Corrugated Metal Panels
  • There is a need for rigorous validation for vital sign evaluation of this product. Given that the product aims to tackle several vital signs, it needs to be carefully tested and validated. A challenge is the placement of the product on baby hats. Where and how to place, by appropriate users, must be...

    Médecins Sans Frontières Steam Sterilizer
    Amir Sabet
  • The correct way of usage seems incredibly critical for this product. What are the ways and means to train end-users for this product? Even though the end-users are deemed to be nurses, but in NICUs in low-resource settings you also have mothers and grandmothers that are there to care for their child...

    Médecins Sans Frontières Steam Sterilizer
    Amir Sabet
  • Is this reusable (after an infant cleared from hypothermia risk, can another one use it)? Re-usability is an important factor to consider, given relatively higher price of the product for its target distribution settings.

    Little Sparrows Technologies Bili-Hut
    Amir Sabet
  • Great study design and performance evaluation. Have the designers/product owners considered what could go "wrong" as a misuse/mishandle of the product? Is there any way that inaccurate reading could happen, and if so, what potential harms it could cause?

    Saathi Pads
    Amir Sabet
  • Given the fact that this product is already in (small scale) production, it makes sense to focus on creating demand, either by partnering with local distributors/NGOs or contracting with larger international and national organizations. I would like to know if scaling up the production is considered.

    CARC Hybrid Wheelchair
    Amir Sabet
  • It is great that the product is sold and distributed by Maternova and TALC, but is there any plan on distributing/selling the product to end-user (patients and clinics) directly at low-resource settings?

    Saathi Pads
    Amir Sabet
  • Amir Sabet says: How about ease of use and maintainability of the product? How easy is it to learn product use? Can an untrained nurse pick up the product and start using it without spending a minute in training? What are the negative outcomes of product misuse?

    Sisu Global Hemafuse
  • Always trying to recycle

    Tools You Can Build From Recycled Parts
  • Dylan Lunney at OHorizons answered your question by email. Here's what he said: "Thanks for your question! If you reference the Parts of the BioSand Filter image at the top of the article, you’ll see that there are two levels of gravel below the sand. The lowest level of the filter is filed with lar...

    How to make a wooden mold for biosand water filters
    Rob Goodier
  • Very urgent requirement for developing countries

    Ultrasound is Now on Smart Phones - Engineering for Change
    Udaykanth Surupa
  • The discussion takes place live during the webinar, but in some recordings you can see a copy of the comments that each participant typed out. Thanks for your interest.

    Emerging Trends in the World of Social Entrepreneurship
    Rob Goodier
  • Sorry - I couldn't find the discussion. Am I missing something? Paula Shirk

    Emerging Trends in the World of Social Entrepreneurship
  • What prevents the hose from becoming clogged with sand?

    How to make a wooden mold for biosand water filters
  • Am a final year student of university of Ilorin,presenyly making research on construction of a slow filter using saw dust in purification of water as a my mini project.any idea would be greatly appreciated.thanks

    Humanitarian Engineering Principle Five: Build Technological Capacity
    Popoola isa
  • thanks for going over some of the platforms rob. there are a lot of different options when it comes to fundraising platforms. people need to really evaluate each platform as well. i work for thrinacia and we are helping people run campaigns directly off their websites as well. SO THAT'S ALWAYS ANOTH...

    Ten top fundraising platforms
    Sebastian Klassman
  • I need to know the jobs to done on backwash and rinse methods

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    sekani mkandawire
  • […] 10 Best Sites for Free Online Education – The cost of universities is rising, but so is the number of free online courses. We’ve compiled 10 of the top quality free online education programs. […]

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Best Online Education Websites – alldailyneeds
  • wish to understand first to support in line to my known engineering products be from : mechanical, electrical & electronics,, safety cctv surveillence,, UPVC window & doors,, PVC doors,,

    Welcome to E4C's Fellows
  • Yes, I agree and I'm sure I speak for my colleagues at E4C who would also agree with you. That would be ideal and nobody wants fellows with that kind of background more than we do at E4C. The short answer as to why we haven't is resource limitations. This year required that we limited our geographic...

    Welcome to E4C's Fellows
    Rob Goodier
  • Hi Ilkim, nice to hear that you're a fan, thank you. E4C's course is online and does not require an application. Just sign up as an E4C member and you can access the course for free and qualify for a Continuing Education Unit (CEU) (equivalent to 10 Professional Development Hours) upon completion. G...

    Introduction to Engineering for Global Development: E4C’s new online course prepares newcomers to the practice
    Rob Goodier
  • The other question I have is whether there is a place in the general references section for any discussions of misuse of a technology? This would help designers as well as donors ensure they don't go down the wrong path.For ultrasound the big story is gender selection. Here is the UN's review of var...

    Sterilux Steribox and Control Station
  • This is really helpful to have a list of articles that include relevant uses of this technology in developing countries.Could you also provide a set of general documents about ultrasound & resource poor settings from trusted sources like WHO and UNICEF?For instance: WHO manual of diagnostic ultr...

    Sterilux Steribox and Control Station
  • […] Introduction to Engineering for Global Development (EGD) is an on-demand course that prepares technically trained people to design and deploy impact-driven solutions for underserved communities worldwide. The course is comprised of four modules that integrate best practice, case studies an...

    Introduction to EGD
    FutureME | ASME Engineering Network
  • Elizabeth says: Is dDopp really 12k-16k price? That's pretty high given they are targeting resource poor regions.

  • Elizabeth says: dDopp vetted performance has a reference to an article using superscript "1". Can this be hyperlinked to the article, or to the research tab? On research tap, please include numbering.

  • But all the fellowship awardees seems to be from the advanced world. i rather will like to see diversity in the award of fellowship opportunities, especially people from the developing countries.where most people live on less than a dollar a day.where most people has never seen or touch a computer b...

    Welcome to E4C's Fellows
  • Similar to BeGirl Flexi Pads, using a reusable "sleeve" with disposable absorbent material is an interesting approach. If used properly, this could reduce the risk of infection from contaminated absorbent material. But herein also lays a risk: Not only might it be difficult for women find suited "cl...

    DFA Paper-based liver function test (AIDS, TB)
    Michael Moscherosch
  • Buy-one-give-one is charity based and not a sustainable or scalable business model.

    DFA Paper-based liver function test (AIDS, TB)
    Michael Moscherosch
  • I also do like the idea of creating local jobs for women manufacturing these pads and the idea of combining the distribution of the products with the dissemination of women's health education.

    Michael Moscherosch
  • The concept of reusable pads definitely addresses waste issues related to disposable products. The product construction will also lead to better performance compared to traditional reusable cloth napkins (e.g. it will provide leakage protection because different from the traditional type, it has an...

    Michael Moscherosch
  • I like the approach to distribute kits that also include underwear to school girls. Reading through the document, a couple of questions came up:1) It would be interesting to understand what locally sourced agricultural byproduct is used to make the napkins. Are they referring to the absorbent materi...

    Lorentz PS600 CS-F
    Michael Moscherosch
  • Dear rob, im a great fan of yoUr site., and im interested in taking the online course on eGd. Im a phd in middle east history, however recently im into sustainable development, especially in area of small scale family farming (permaculture). I believe a course like yours would be mindopening for me...

    Introduction to Engineering for Global Development: E4C’s new online course prepares newcomers to the practice
  • Could you send me an offer for capacity of 100 tons fish meat annually please ?

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    Shokri Omar Mustafa
  • 21 Kani Zand St. Bintika Qr. General Directorate of Agriculture/ Animal Production

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    Shokri Omar Mustafa
  • This project has a good foundation in terms of research. It now needs some long term testing in real-life situations.

    Eco Femme Subsidized Pads
    David Fulford
  • The protoype models seem to be effective. Further testing should give people confidence in the value of this technology.

    Neopenda Vital Signs Monitor for Newborns
    David Fulford
  • The main material is polyethylene, which is cheap, but has a short lifetime. It is only the fittings that are of PVC. A 40 m3 system provides enough gas to run a small engine for a few hours a day to generate electrcity, as long as there is sufficient feed material, usually cattle dung. The performa...

    HemoCue WBC DIFF System
    David Fulford
  • The programme is very small (only 160 units), but these are part of a larger programme with a range of biogas plant sizes (total of 3000 units installed). The digester is fabricated, so it forms the right shape when inflated by slurry and biogas.

    Médecins Sans Frontières Steam Sterilizer
    David Fulford
  • The Sistema Biobolsa BB40 is a bigger flexible plastic biogas system, mainly directed at famers with dairy cattle, who can use the gas to run engines for electricity generation. The company make a range of biogas plant sizes. The material of the flexible bags seems to be PVC plastic, which has a lon...

    David Fulford
  • All of the biogas programmes that have won Ashden Awards (see www.ashden.org) use fixed dome digesters.

    Flexi Biogas BG5
    David Fulford
  • There is a large number of publications on biogas from groups such as SNV. Most of the successful programmes were based on masonry plants, such as fixed dome systems.

    Flexi Biogas BG5
    David Fulford
  • 500 plants in three years is seen as a small programme for domestic biogas. It is not clear how it can be patented, as flexible plastic biogas plants have been used for at least 20 years. Plastic biogas plants can be made very quickly. Practically, they have a short life-time, unless they are looked...

    Flexi Biogas BG5
    David Fulford
  • The use of flexible biogas plants is very popular in Kenya and other places in East Africa. They are much cheaper than masonry plants, but have shorter lifetimes. Flexible bag plants were first used in Vietnam, but masonry plants became more popular, as they did last much longer. The vary large prog...

    Flexi Biogas BG5
    David Fulford
  • The plant seems to be very effective, using the particular feed material that is easily available (prickly pear - nopal). It uses a "standard" approach, of crushing the feed material, mixing it with dung and putting it in a steel tank CSTR. The good economics depend on having a good quality feed mat...

    David Fulford
  • The Nopalimex plant wortks well on the site for which it was made. There are minimal transport costs and economies of scale. They claim an electrcity cost less than half of that supplied by the electrcity grid. It is not clear how many other sites would be suitable. The feed material, prickly pear,...

    David Fulford
  • Nopalimex is a biogas digester that processes prickly pears into biomethane. The pears are ground up into a soup, mixed with manure and fermented in a digester. The biogas generated is then cooled to dewater it. The gas is also used in the factory for making corn and cactus chips, as well as in a ge...

    David Fulford
  • Regarding IP: Converting banana fibers to absorbent fluff and using it in napkins is known in the art and practiced in other operations (e.g. SHE's go! pads). US 8,936,697 is a granted US patent that discloses the application. Saathi's approach could be difficult to patent and a patent would be diff...

    CDC SWS Container
    Michael Moscherosch
  • Considering the sparsity of bathroom facilities (or other locations to change the pads outside the home) in India, I would recommend to design pads that can be used at least for 12 hours. The user can put on a pad in the morning and change it at night, both in the privacy of her home.

    Oxfam Bucket
    Michael Moscherosch
  • Plant based polyethylene is currently only available from Braskem in Brazil at a price premium. This material is not biodegradable. As far as I'm aware of, plant based polypropylene is not commercially available yet, neither are plant based pressure sensitive adhesives which are needed top attache t...

    Oxfam Bucket
    Michael Moscherosch
  • Combining sales with education of customers is a very good approach.

    CDC SWS Container
    Michael Moscherosch
  • How and why does Saathi sterilize the pads? Sanitary napkins are normally not sterile, they just have to meet the microbiological requirements of the governing body (expressed as a maximum bioburden, measured in cfu)

    Banza Toilet
    Michael Moscherosch
  • Using banana fibers as absorbent is a very good idea. Converting agro-waste (i.e. banana plant trunks) into sellable fibers creates jobs and additional income for banana farmers. Banana fibers can be converted into fluff pulp that can deliver the absorbency and properties needed in napkins.

    Banza Toilet
    Michael Moscherosch
  • I question the capability to produce 1,000,000 pads with Saathi's current setup. If my information is correct, I estimate their daily production to be less than 1,000 pads. It would take them 3 years to make 1,000,000 pads. Unless they have a production of about 4,000 pads per day they would not mee...

    Banza Toilet
    Michael Moscherosch
  • Josh Kearns
  • David Fulford says: As a "research to application" process, the pee-power microbial fuel cell system seems to have good potential. There are possible problems that have not yet been faced, but these can only be discovered as the system is used in practice. For example, other microbes could displace...

    Pee-Power Urinal
  • David Fulford says: Butyl rubber digesters have been used in USA, but the price is seen as high compared to other types. The proce of the Flexidigester system is not defined. It has the advantage that is can be set up quickly for places such as refugeee camps

    Flexigester V10
  • Michael Moscherosch says: Polypropylene nonwovens, which are used for the cover and polyethylene films, which are used for the barrier are not biodegradable, neither are positioning adhesives (i.e. the adhesive to stick the pad to the underwear). The banana fiber absorbent is biodegradable, though,...

    Saathi Pads
  • Michael Moscherosch says: Overall, the idea of accessible and affordable disposable sanitary napkins for women who currently use cloth napkins is very commendable, since disposable products can reduce the risk of infections due to insufficient sanitation of the used cloth pads.

    Eco Femme Subsidized Pads
  • Michael Moscherosch says: Interesting approach, using a reusable "sleeve" with disposable absorbent material. If used properly, this could reduce the risk of infection from contaminated absorbent material. I also alike the attachment system. Some concerns, though: 1. Assumes the availability of clea...

  • Yvonne Le
  • wilfredo.torres says: I like the model to support both B2B and B2C. The feature "multi-currency, multi-commodity, and multi-market" with both mobile/SMS and web app, make the tool ideal to the current globalized and dynamic world. Even that, I think the app could develop more features, and not only...

  • wilfredo.torres says: Even when is important the "cow management", I think nowadays the apps must be updatable and have the possibility to expand easily the features and functionality. It seems that this tool was designed for a context where the Internet access and the affordability to smartphone wa...

  • wilfredo.torres says: As I see, this tool is available since 2011, and probably had a big impact in that time. The world is changing, and probably the farmers also, so they will require more features like Internet access, graphics, and so on. Could be interesting to have a look in the "downloading"...

  • wilfredo.torres says: Great impact stats!! But we have to take into account that have passed 4 years since the last study, and in technology that's a lot of time. I suggest to take into account also the following performance parameters (important in mobile context): - Training Need / Easy to use / F...

  • wilfredo.torres says: Great, powerful and flexible (can use SMS and "offline features"). Could be needed to check easy of deployment and maintenance. Take into account additional performance parameters I suggest below: - Training Need / Easy to use / Friendly using index - Potencial Evolution - Data...

  • wilfredo.torres says: I seems to be a very powerful tool. The only issue to an effective deployment could be the Internet access in rural areas, but, since my understanding and researching, this issue is disappearing in the last years. So, I consider feasible this kind of tools to help the farmers i...

  • Even when it's a good and affordable idea to give access only by SMS, Internet access is becoming a real, affordable and desired possibility all around the globe, even in rural areas. This app could have an important upgrade need very soon, and it seems to be a hard project from its actual state.

    Mobisol Solar Home System
    Wilfredo Torres
  • As a general comparison comment, eSoko seems to be a more powerful tool, highlighting parameters like target users, smartphones support, languages and payment models supported (B2B and B2C). Even when iCow seems to be a more affordable and easy to deploy tool, its model could not be sustainable alon...

    Wilfredo Torres
  • I just dont understand exactly how the water is fed into the system

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    Christopher Taylor
  • Your best imagination be the best design

    How to make a wooden mold for biosand water filters
    akash kumbhar
  • Love the content E4c comes up with . Having founded a company focussed on providing empowering technology for modern day "urban farmers" Id like to think of E4c as a platform for learning , interraction and exchanget of ideas that inculcate change .

    Ten Technologies for Farming in Dry Climates
    Ejaz Salim

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Nasir Ali
  • I have know your site quite somo time, i like the idea, i think that i would want to build something alike, i think the improvement I would try to make is to make the sistem more modular and with less space around it, or perhaps more height, thanks for sharing

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
  • it is a good platform to work. I also would like to serve the communities suffering due to lack of knowledge, HYGIENE, education and health. at present i am working here in bhutan as managing director and constructing a hydroelectric project named mangdechhu (720 mw). project is nearing completion....

    Applications of Big Data for Development
  • How can I join a working team on rural dwelling pv electrification? or concventrated solar power for water desalting and purifying?

    We need to be efficient: Constructive criticism from the Humanitarian Technology conference
    Julio Valdes
  • the BURNING OF HUMAN WASTE HAS INTRIGUED ME. IF THE ENERGY dissipated as heat can be harnessed to do some work then the system would be even greater.

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
  • I got admission in B.tech and now looking for best free online education sites.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Steve john
  • I hope in time we can save more people all over the world by giveing them safer drinking water.

    How the Internet of Things Is Improving Lives and Livelihoods in Developing Countries
    Shawn roma
  • hIII i like your ur project but i want to know detail information about IT so plz help me MY MAIL IS SASANIALPESH139@GMAIL.COM

    Bicycle-Powered Irrigation Pump
  • iam a papua new guinean and work as a school teacher. iam thinking of helping rural communities to build school infrastructure so children can enjoy the same previllege as children in urban areas enjoy. please i need helping information on how to write community project proposal for financial assist...

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
    Lopye lomupye
  • I realize this is an old post I'm responding to, but I want to argue against "capturing" indigenous knowledge. The problem with this term is that it implies enclosure of a commons, or the seizure and continued colonization of a sovereign culture. Indigenous knowledge is not a resource to be mined--a...

    Capturing indigenous knowledge: Thirteen videos that show the world as a laboratory

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
  • There is a solar cooker that works in the morning, throughout the day, and all the way until sunset. Please take a look and understand the features of the All season solar cooker. Low tech. amazing. simple

    10 Solar Cookers That Work at Night
    James J La Joie
  • its quite interesting . can we implement it with iot devices ? like.. fully automation ?

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
  • How to build a horizontal aquaponic system

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    Maxvel D'cruz
  • Great contribution. strategy is worth replicating in other countries.

    More than a borehole: the importance of a supporting environment in global development work
    osman munkailah
  • Thanks for this insight. I think what might be missing in this discussion is that this was a test of materials that are known to be available in developing countries in shops that might not be as well stocked as their developed-world counterparts. The kerosene that your great grandfather used would...

    How to Make Penetrating Oil
    Rob Goodier
  • Thanks for this insight. I think what might be missing in this discussion is that this was a test of materials that are known to be available in developing countries in shops that might not be as well stocked as their developed-world counterparts. The kerosene that your great grandfather used would...

    How to Make Penetrating Oil
    Rob Goodier

    Improving the Professionalism of Drilled Water Wells in Africa – Want to Join Us?
  • Remind me not to go to Drexel. Is this why mechanics look at machines and wonder what the hell the engineer was thinking? This is inconclusive and uncontrolled. If you were to test these nut-bolt combinations to determine if there even was a consistent prevailing torque, I could give this some weigh...

    How to Make Penetrating Oil
  • My first thought is that your problem may not be a hardness issue but corrosion issue I know that charcoal will always contain some ash and ash is vary acidic. This will cause your metal to quickly rust which is then quickly removed exposing new metal to the ash to repeat the cycle. This would expla...

    Design support for charcoal extrusion process
    Ryan MacDonald
  • hello! do you have any open source plans for this sort of machines that you may share by any chance?

    A bike-powered poop pump is redefining low-cost sanitation
    alejandro deverre
  • Hi Rob, This article is interesting to me because my most recent work involves Coca-cola and Project last mile and you mentioned some challenges from their work in Tanzania. Would like to learn more about those challenges. please email me back so we can chat. thanks.

    What startups and governments can learn from Coca-Cola
  • Tiffany Bryant
  • We want to establish a sisal yarn factory. Want to discuss with you.kindly contact me. At;- +919836184334. Please get in touch

    Sisal Twine Manufacturing Machines
    Abheek Kar
  • It was good to see Imran thoughts and it is very serious dilemma third world and developing economies of the world are facing. since Pakistan is also in line with one of the emerging economies of the world and with latest CPec we very hope full to transform in developed economy. but at the same time...

    What are the ethics of humanitarian technology?
  • I COME Papua new guinea, one of the developing countries. I need lots to do in my community but how do i get the information. Thanks paul Yakira

    How to write a proposal for development work in your community
    Paul Yakira
  • Sir Need and want to purchase sisal machine to produce twine and rope small to large size. Regards Bun Epe arara

    Sisal Twine Manufacturing Machines
    Bun Epe Arara
  • I see in the assembly manual I need "2 Crescent wrenches". Although the Crescent tool company makes excellent tools can't I use wrenches made by Craftsmen or Kobalt? Also what size wrenches do I need, you do not specify.

    A newly designed sorghum press is under construction in Mali
  • thats too much nice n i also want 2 work on it

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
  • Hi, how soon it Will be available in USA? I woild like to try and buy :) And if it already exist , in what countries it available ? THanks

    Ultrasound is Now on Smart Phones - Engineering for Change
  • […] The system uses fish waste as fertilizer and a small solar powered pump to pump the water around the system. Read more over at engineering for change. […]

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    How To Build a Vertical Aquaponic Veggie & Fish Farm » shtf survival hacks
  • Please see our website and also see the you tube video typing ostrich mobility and then solar powered petty shop. We designed a solar powered petty shop for self employment of people with disability for their self employment. thanks

    A solar electric handcycle upgrades the wheelchair in Bangladesh
    HAri Vasudevan
  • Wanting to find a way to build a house with interlocking blocks that does not require mortar. It needs to be most cost effective , (to be done in philippines), it needs to be able to withstand strong strong winds, storms, and earthquakes. I have read about Habiterra but their machine to make the blo...

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
    irving everson
  • Amazing, rare collection to more civilised greener world.

    Ten human powered machines that improve lives worldwide
  • Bionics Scientific technologies p ltd.
  • i sometime think in Indonesia whereas agro is essential but recently no many engineer involve in water treatment for low cost farm. to increase yield in farming one essential is to get better water because many river now are containing some effluent from factories around them and finally teh water c...

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Putu bagus sahadewa
  • I’m curious where this research was published? Very often even if the research is done, its published in an academic journal where its relevance to development practice is essentially zero - because the only people who will read it is other development academics. This is even more true if it was pub...

    Tech4Dev: Bridging the field and the ivory tower
  • […] How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System – You can turn a small yard, a corner in a community garden or an unused space in your home into a thriving vertical aquaponic system for vegetables and fish. […]

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    How To Build A Aquaponic Tank | Asia Bank
  • hank olthof
  • Is it possible to get further info or contacts of the participants who showcased their innovations?

    The iShow in Kenya According to Twitter
  • wanyoiker
  • The article and the whole content is good, problem on my side is the prices of the pipes for dripping are very High, maybe some more research be done to find cheaper materials to make the PRICEES low

    Improving Farms in the Worlds Drylands, Part 1: Ancient Methods and Lowest-Cost Technology
  • I need free coaching of mech engg for diploma

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    rupesh Kumar singh
  • This is really helpful, to me.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • I’ll right away clutch your rss as I can’t in finding your e-mail subscription link or e-newsletter service. Do you’ve any? Please allow me recognize in order that I may subscribe. Thanks.

    Tech4Dev: Bridging the field and the ivory tower
  • THanks fOr this great article. This is very useful for knowledge seekers everywhere but especially those in our coUntries in africa. Knowledge sharing and diffusion of knowledge through the internet is the way forward.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Dr Husam Awadalla
  • Thanks for these! I'll offer a friendly reminder that low-tech still needs a system behind it too: when a bio-sand filter gets dry, I understand that the bacteria can die, so something will have to be done to maintain the set-up. Tippy-taps need a corresponding behaviour-change to value handwashing....

    Sliced bread: Why “development” won’t be a result of technological innovations
    Kristina Nilsson
  • I want water filter plant pls give me details

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    durgesh soni
  • this is spectacular. A more in depth article would be greatly appreciated. The follow up could include Equations, fish to plants ratios, aspects of thermodynamics. I thought fish tanks, and gardens required a great deal of attention. Combing both is totally rad, and the results are extraordinary. It...

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
  • Dear Sir I am sridhar working for PROMOTION of micro ENTERPRISES to urban women poor in andhra pradesh .please advise if any livelihood ACTIVITIES can be setup at urban levels in andhra pradesh. i would like to introduce health kisok at each sulm .please let me know to go further thanking you sridha...

    The leading-edge tools for low-cost diabetes screening

    Upgrading electronics with paper cards smooths the work to digitize medical records in rural Uganda
  • thanks for your post Kristina! I'd like to SHare two other recent blog posts on WASH that have a similar although not exactly the same critique. I wrote this one about Low-Tech Design http://www.triplepundit.com/2016/05/low-tech-design-can-fuel-sustainable-development-goals/ and I really enjoyed thi...

    Sliced bread: Why “development” won’t be a result of technological innovations
    Dylan Lunney
  • I have two wind pumps that are extremely low cost, if anybody wants to know about them. One of them can replace treadle pumps and go deeper, and can still be operated manually when there is no wind. The other drives an improved rope pump that can achieve good load matching with a windmill, can reach...

    15 concepts to replace diesel-powered water pumps on Indian farms
    Peter sharp
  • Interested in teaching the wisdom of this approach.

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
    Eric James
  • LuminAid does good work! we need to build out this report!

    LuminAID PackLite Nova USB
    Iana Aranda
  • We have a Program at Oregon State University -- including opportunities for both undergraduates and graduates.

    Engineering for Global Development: Academic Programs Worldwide
    Kendra Sharp
  • Very useful. Thank you very much for sharing.

    Ten Technologies for Farming in Dry Climates
    Shanmuga Sundaram
  • Chlorine is considered a method of treating water! Our goal was to treat water by removing life-threatening pathogens. But chlorine can be a problem, too. The bad taste it leaves can deter people from using it. If you know of effective, low-cost ways to remove it please share.

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Rob Goodier
  • I have visited NARI office at Phaltan , dist : satara to know more about water purifier & met Dr. Raghuvanshi. But surprisingly he didnot show me the purifier.this is very disappointing.

    Made in India: 10 life-changing Indian technologies
    Milind shah
  • You did not tell how to treat chlorine water. Why???

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Dr Sergey pugach, homeopath
  • There are good ideas, Am greatful. Can there be videos of the explanations above.

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
  • Nice article. Very helpful. Could you please tell us how often should we change the saNd , gravel and charcoal. If one uses about 100 liters of water a day. and could u please let us know the final tds Value of the end filtered water. Thank you.

    An Ancient Filtration Material Removes Pesticides from Drinking Water
    Kamalakar P
  • Is there a formula to calculate how many fishes is enough for how many plant?

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    KS Ang
  • Great to visit this sites it ia really helpful regarding using of low cost technology to irrigate the farm.kindly share more sources of same for a small land holder who can easily adpot this one. thanks regrads dushmanta

    Ten low-tech ways to irrigate crops
    Dushmanta Pattnaik
  • very interesting and informative. surely be massively beneficial to many, particularly in third world countries.

    Ten Technologies for Farming in Dry Climates
    altaf hussain
  • Dr. Willson regarding about the micro grid, in the philippines its to much needed the source of enegry, but the resuerces was a lot of them but power energy it's not enough to consumed and sustained needs of people thats way they creat a coal powerplant. Your scope is good and ecoinviromental projec...

    The rise of the micro-grid: Four questions for Bryan Willson
  • Cost of manufacturing can be a deffering factor in remote areas. Most rural places have not the Resources to implement most of what is being offered. This day & age power is needed to just keep up with the rest of the world. Every little bit of help of any sort is sorely needed to those who need...

    The rise of the micro-grid: Four questions for Bryan Willson
    George T. Neakok
  • what do you mean by 'treated' human waste i.e urine and faeces to make fuel briquettes. Is this necessary if the product is to be burnt? thx

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
  • i want to ask chris if he was in a MEETING organized by rame (rwanda association of medical engineers) in 2015 which was held at kigali rwanda?? thank you sir.

    Lessons Learned Running Mobile Clinics in Rural Uganda
    munyemana moise
  • This Is GREAT, I WANT TO Research It IN MY Hospital, IN Tanzania. How Can I COMMUNICATE With You.... Thanks

    A new blood transfusion device can replace soup ladles in Ghanaian surgery wards
    Dr DIVA James (mmed OBGY)
  • I watched all the material and proud of our people who have made all these new inventions with their innovative way.

    Made in India: 10 life-changing Indian technologies
    Hari krishan
  • Simple solution but with great effect. The usage of the commonly available coconut to prevent mosquito diseases is an outstanding idea. can also be useful to flooded area during typhoon.

    Bacteria-breeding coconuts may control mosquitoes that transmit zika and malaria
  • Srivatsa
  • I want to have electricity at home using toilet

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    Mike jiya
  • Please tell me what the dashed lines in some of the boxes in your chart signifies. Do they mean that you didn't try to loosen the fastener for some strange reason? or do they mean that you tried to loosen them and there was no RESISTANCE? or do they mean that you tried to loosen the fastener and and...

    How to Make Penetrating Oil
  • […] https://www.engineeringforchange.org/how-to-work-in-engineering-and-design-for-global-development/ […]

    How to work in engineering and design for global development
    Pushing Boundaries | Musement
  • […] highlights a video series about indigenous knowledge. From their […]

    Capturing indigenous knowledge: Thirteen videos that show the world as a laboratory
    Capturing Indigenous Knowledge

    Ten Low-Cost Ways to Treat Water
    Aakash shrihsrimal
  • Interesting, but who uses WD-40 to free rusted bolts? I go to PB Blaster if something is so stuck that it feels like it will break. Works great. WD-40 is better for bicycle chains, gears, and cables, and for displacing water. So saying VO and acetone work as well as WD-40 isn't saying much. Test it...

    How to Make Penetrating Oil
    Scott Williams
  • Before you conclude that "solar will replace coal and oil," consider figure 6 AND THE LARGER CONTEXT here: https://www.engineeringforchange.org/lets-stop-using-the-word-sustainability/

    Forget the cutting edge embrace the old tech future
    JOsh K
  • I Totally agree about the fact that cost of education increased. earlier cost of edu was less but information was also less. now a days there are lots of online educational courses available. you can learn from anywhere. the shared sites above are great sites to learn.

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
  • I spent a good part of my childhood in Sierra leone (1956-1966) as my father was a mining engineer and the project manager for a titanium exploration venture. I am workingon his biography and have come across an undated newspaper clipping detailing a 28,00 Leone donation to the centennial seconday s...

    Engineers rebuild a war-damaged school in Sierra Leone
    Robert Spencer
  • very interesting article, I live in Spain, where industrial agriculture is still very important; in most of the country we have a very arid climate, and water resources are scarce, specially in summer, when the crops need more water; the solution proposed by Andrew Vermouth could be intersting for s...

    For more efficient farm aid, think smaller
  • this information is very useful :):):):)

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    hilary clinton

    Ultrasound is Now on Smart Phones - Engineering for Change
  • 2222lab
  • Mats
  • Hi Alistair, thanks for your interest. You can try asking Kurtis Heimerl: https://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~kheimerl/. Good luck, and please let me know how it goes if you get a system set up. I'd love to post pictures.

    Open-Source Cell Network Could Cut Costs
    Rob Goodier
  • dear rob, we are looking at funding the installation of an open bts in an island COMMUNITY in indonesia. do you know who we should be talking to about this? regards & thanks, Alistair

    Open-Source Cell Network Could Cut Costs
    Alistair douglas

    Tools You Can Build From Recycled Parts
  • great service through technology

    A mobile phone add-on quickly diagnoses malaria
    zahir ud din babur
  • The title of the article presumes that all human behavior across the board everywhere needs to be changed so that every single person in the world will be using a toilet, latrine, etc., 100% of the time. you might want to start by examining this presumption. i live part of the time in a rural villag...

    We Need to Learn Why People Use Toilets Before We Can Change Behavior

    A modular irrigation pump that grows with the farm
    ChIP II
  • […] stove and the GoSun Grill were featured on this season of Top Chef. Engineering for Change lists 10 solar cookers that work at night. Solar Cookers has sold over three million of their devices. It would seem a no-brainer to […]

    10 Solar Cookers That Work at Night
    Predicting Future Technology: Part 3 | The Next Phase
  • Nice article Katherine, We have just finished a project in Tonga that included developing a practical guide to maintaining a healthy and sanitary rainwater supply once it has been installed. it is available at http://www.esr.cri.nz/water-science/our-work/esr-in-the-pacific/ if you would like to have...

    Tips for Building a Rainwater Catchment System
    Matt Ashworth
  • I am very much inspired by watching these types of technologies. In which agricultural information is great for those dry areas where water is not available or too much depth in earth by tube wells. I am pretty much certain that your ideas will raise hope to cultivate, where problem of water. I will...

    Ten Technologies for Farming in Dry Climates
    Shahid hussain Abbasi
  • i wont to make the worlds frist learning robot. it will luran everday becomeing the world smartst robot

    Build your own open-source machinery with plans at Jua Kali
    jacob hul
  • I can do my own electricity

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
  • Hi there, just became alert to your blog thougrh Google, and found that it is truly informative. I? going to watch out for brussels. I?l appreciate if you continue this in future. Numerous people will be benefited from your writing. Cheers!

    The rise of the micro-grid: Four questions for Bryan Willson
  • It is very good performance! I want to work with you with my full interest. thank you very much.

    Mobile Data Collection Series: engageSPARK
  • Blood in the urine could be a sign of a serious medical condition. I'd suggest that the person see a doctor to address that problem first. Fertilizing the crops can probably wait!

    Urine is fertilizing crops and saving money in India
    Rob Goodier

    Urine is fertilizing crops and saving money in India
  • where can i buy one of these in the states?? not sure making it myself is an option. thanks!!

    A newly designed sorghum press is under construction in Mali
  • Brian
  • Really wish to be part of a movement that's aimed at helping earth, by reducing dependence on its rapidly dwindling resources..

    10 Solar Cookers That Work at Night
    Binoj C.
  • solar sustainable village development through renewable energy

    Kariyammana Agrahara: Solar Lights Empower a Community to dream big
    dr shah
  • Hi - great article. I COULDN'T agree more. SUSTAINABILITY is a very FRUSTRATION term and does a dis-service to the risks and OPPORTUNITIES that communities, businesses and governments around the world are facing. I'm particularly interested in the market/ business value that can be unlocked due to c...

    Let's stop using the word "sustainability"
  • I´M interested in learning and bulding robots .

    Build Your Own Robot Affordably
    Rodrigo marin
  • This is a very cool idea and helpful for places with no electricity. No more bad teeth!

    Coming soon in Nicaragua: A solar mobile dental clinic
  • Melissa
  • […] Read the original article here. […]

    Coming soon in Nicaragua: A solar mobile dental clinic
    Featured by Engineering For Change - Engineering Smiles
  • […] By Andrew Vermouth January 1, 2016 Agriculture No Comments 0 This post is reprinted here from original publication on Engineering for Change. […]

    For more efficient farm aid, think smaller
    For More Efficient Farm Aid, Think Smaller | UpDIG
  • […] How To Build A Vertical Aquaponic System […]

    How to Build a Vertical Aquaponic System
    How To Build A Vertical Aquaponic System - SHTF & Prepping Central
  • […] See the original article here […]

    Promising Prototypes of 2015
    Promising Prototypes of 2015 | WFEO
  • Promising Prototypes of 2015 | WFEO
  • I want lo learn for clear my concepts

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Ez Eleczer
  • Robert Hauck says: The users of this product are specified as “public Sector”. It does not specify if training of the public sector is required. Given that this product will require the loading of ampules into their appropriate containers a minimum of clear user instructions are required. Traini...

    Diamedica Baby CPAP
  • there are also lots of volunteering opportunities in INDIA THrOUGH ISPIICE WWW.VOLUNTEERINDIAISPIICE.COM

    How to work in engineering and design for global development
    Varun Verma
  • […] A $1 insert for cooking fires cuts wood use and soot pollution by … […]

    A $1 insert for cooking fires cuts wood use and soot pollution by more than half
    IIHR’s Year in Review – IIHR – Hydroscience & Engineering – University of Iowa
  • This page definitely has all of the info I wanted about this subject and didn't know who to ask.

    Global development engineering in America: How technology is easing poverty on Native American reservations
  • Thanks a lot for compiling all these technologies which certainly benefit the community. if you have any program in nepal, please let me know, we have some items for you. thanks

    Promising Prototypes of 2015
    Sanu kaji shrestha
  • sathi pads r a great product.. even others r also remarkable...kindly guide us also how can we be a part of such devlopments..;-)

    Promising Prototypes of 2015
    prasun anand
  • Thanks so much for your comment and criticism. We debated including the Desolenator for the very reason that you state, but in the end we decided to go with it and add the reviewer's caveat about the lack of specs. The reason is that this is a snapshot of prototypes, which by definition are not prov...

    Promising Prototypes of 2015
    Rob Goodier
  • How is it possible that your E4c "eXperts" have picKeD A DEVICE LIKE THE DESOLENATOR OF WHICH IT IS even UNCLEAR HOW MUCH CLEAN WATER IT ACTUALLY PRODUCES and hence what the cost of that water will be...??? Have they even actually seen and tested the Product itself, or Have they simply baseD their j...

    Promising Prototypes of 2015
    Fred van HesseN
  • youssef lam
  • I am the Director of Primary Health Vision Care, An innovative Vision and Disability Care company in Ghana- West Africa.I work with The rural and Peri urban districts People and there are great need for disability rehabilitation services. I write to express my interest in partnership and trials in G...

    A low-cost prosthetic gives legs to amputees in the developing world
  • […] https://www.engineeringforchange.org/10-ways-to-put-human-waste-to-use/ […]

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    DIY waste reuse for Dummies & Pro’s » Ecity
  • noah skeens
  • Hola me interesa micho este proyecto pero necesito mas informacion

    Open-Source Cell Network Could Cut Costs
    Jose Luis
  • How can i do the finish with out loose the breathing property of the ceb block? thanks

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
  • could you explain the circuit? (for example, why the two ends of the capacitor are connected to the positive terminal of the batery?)

    How to build a solar-powered electronic circuit
    Pablo Lugo
  • Robbie Garbin
  • […] Bee-bots are about as cheap as they come unless you build your own and that’s possible too (go to https://www.engineeringforchange.org/build-your-own-robot-affordably/ […]

    Build Your Own Robot Affordably
    Robots in the classroom - Digital Careers
  • Awesome Ideas. Im very interested in human waste to methane gas conversion.

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    Julie Christian
  • jawahar basha

    Bikes grow on trees in Uganda through a new bamboo bike business
  • Hello Randy. I read your ARTICLE carefully and did find you questions very interesting. several answers came to my mind, thinking about who could be interested in developing smart phone's app's to improve health services for the vulnerable POPULATIONS. i live in colombia and thought it could be a gr...

    Smartphones, Healthcare & Development
  • What a fascinating discussion of the need to take an ecological perspective on sanitation. I am going to present this article to my public health classes as an example of how and why inter-disciplinary collaboration is a crucial process in addressing the complex global issues of the 21th century.

    Five Questions with Sasha Kramer
    CAmilla Buchanan
  • a very good inspiration for all engineers

    Modular solar micro-grids light off-grid homes
  • […] For every problem you mentioned in your comments there is a solution if the county would apply more sustainable practices instead of the same old ways that are antiquated and obsolete. https://www.engineeringforchange.org/10-ways-to-put-human-waste-to-use/ […]

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    Water Is The Only Fight For Costilla County? | Costilla County Colorado Concerned Residents
  • A very inspiring Project...for engineers..

    Modular solar micro-grids light off-grid homes
    sanjay Gupta
  • super cool! learned alot from this! make sure to pass it on!

    10 Ways to Put Human Waste to Use
    Rhys lloyd
  • I am a follower and a believer of the possibilities to live off the grid in a permanent manner. I am working myself on the plans of a small system. I hope you get to introduce your system to the market.lots of lucks. Humberto

    Tools You Can Build From Recycled Parts
    Humberto Santiago
  • Excellent, Comprehensible and logical evolution or development of existing technologies for the betterment of mankind

    Interview with Dean Kamen
    Kevin Jones
  • Interesting insights, and i definitely echo your sentiments on microgrids as a leapfrog technology, analogous to mobile phones. Nevertheless, i wouldn't underestimate the complexity of "Stitching together" the microgrids for bottom-up universal electrification. What standards exist (or need to exist...

    The rise of the micro-grid: Four questions for Bryan Willson
  • Regarding the comment about horse travel. You just haven't waited long enough. Once the cheap energy that allows us to have automobiles is gone you will see horse travel back. that is unless we make them go extinct before that!!

    Forget the cutting edge embrace the old tech future
  • I need to study more about this clay Interlocking brick/blocks pratically,where can i find more Tips on how you can do once you rearch the last row for renter,

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
    Mabula paschal
  • Hi, all links on this page is not accessible. can you please share pdfs if you have them?

    10 Solar Cookers That Work at Night
  • Very true......i have always believed that micro grids will bridge the energy divide, provide solutions until the large 'mega' grid arrives and also ginger a revolution in research & development that would see the eventual 'convergence' of micro & macro or mega in the form of true robust sma...

    The rise of the micro-grid: Four questions for Bryan Willson
  • May be another and simple way to build a bouse of mud blocks. First to reduce the high cost. 2nd to be available for living. 3rd if possible to have a clay blocks.

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
    ilham al madfai
  • saludos y esta buenisimo quisiera probarlo

    Open-Source Cell Network Could Cut Costs
  • rachit anand
  • I read in class B TECH (Cs&engineering)

    10 Great Sites for a Free Online Education
    Ajit sharma
  • ME Today | ASME Engineering Network
  • Hello, I think this is a wonderful thing and was wondering if you are testing this? I would like to try this product.

    Ultrasound is Now on Smart Phones - Engineering for Change
  • 1. In an expanding population (like we have had for hundreds or thousands of years), older technologies will Persist longer...albeit in sometimes small amounts. But this effect is less true in a stable or shrinking population. 2. In my field, information technology, this effect does hold true in man...

    Forget the cutting edge embrace the old tech future
    Matt in Houston
  • Hi there, I collaborate with the team at Solar Cities, they do wonderful work and I think, given the topic of this article and your work with water and waste systems, that you would like to see the work of tireless evangelist and out and out gentleman and scholar Dr Thomas Henry Culhane. There are c...

    Forget the cutting edge embrace the old tech future
  • Dear sir I am dr mohammad othman msC student in benha universitiy in egypt i would like to conduct more trials on bilicam technology so i ask for approval from the responsible person to start my studies

    10 Promising Global Development Technologies
    dr mohammad othman
  • This is truly inspirational! Hats off to the bandha team-saurav, india

    Bikes grow on trees in Uganda through a new bamboo bike business
  • Brazilian hand sugar presses: http://www.sugarcanemarket.com/category-s/3.htm

    A newly designed sorghum press is under construction in Mali

    Banka BioLoo: Biotoilets are tough on waste in India
  • Excellent qA. Really liked the collaboration

    Five Questions with Eleanor Allen
  • […] from: Forget the cutting edge embrace the old tech future, […]

    Forget the cutting edge embrace the old tech future
    Technology Ages in Reverse
  • K.p. Singh
  • gagagag
  • Amazing and really helpful. I wonder what consistency the soil has. If it does have a certain consistency, would hay be helpful for this method?

    How to Build a Compressed Earth Block Home
    Shobe Cheng
  • Cebo Campbell
  • author

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