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Post-Construction Support For Rural Water Systems

DATE: March 27, 2018

Post-Construction Support For Rural Water Systems

FEATURED PRESENTERS : Nancy Gilbert, Duncan McNicholl, Amy Macaux, Laura Burns

There is much debate in the WASH sector over post-construction support options for rural water systems. The goal is to create a system that lasts indefinitely, but the discussion... Read More

Improving Water and Energy Service Delivery with IoT Solu...

Improving Water and Energy Service Delivery with IoT Solu...


Nearly 1 billion people in the world lack access to safe drinking water, 2 billion have inadequate sanitation facilities and 3 billion use firewood for their daily energy needs.... Read More

Empowering Citizens Through Technology to Reduce Marine P...

DATE: March 21, 2017

Empowering Citizens Through Technology to Reduce Marine P...


In less than a 100 years we have contaminated all of our oceans with plastic. An estimate in 2014 put the amount at 270,000 metric tons of plastic in... Read More

Professional Water Well Drilling in Africa: Incentives an...

Professional Water Well Drilling in Africa: Incentives an...

FEATURED PRESENTERS : Dr. Kerstin Danert, Jose Gesti

 Drilled water wells are vital if Africa is to achieve universal, clean drinking water. The water must be safe, affordable and available through services that last. To get there,... Read More

Scaling Social Businesses at the Base of the Pyramid – ...

Scaling Social Businesses at the Base of the Pyramid – ...

FEATURED PRESENTERS : Gregoire Castella, Joel Jeanloz, Jerome Voillat

Identifying and understanding the challenges of scaling up social businesses is key for technology-for-development entrepreneurs. At every stage, the startup has to tackle external and internal barriers, ranging from... Read More

Video: Releasing trapped knowledge in the WASH sector

Video: Releasing trapped knowledge in the WASH sector


Solutions abound for treating water to prevent waterborne illness and save children’s lives. But information about them is harder to come by, and even more so in the developing communities where... Read More

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