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How to Measure the Impact of Rural Infrastructure in Emer...

DATE: October 28, 2020

How to Measure the Impact of Rural Infrastructure in Emer...

FEATURED PRESENTERS : Abbie Noriega, Oliver Bagwiza, Avery Bang

How many people use a new trailbridge in rural Rwanda? Determining the reach of investments such as transportation infrastructure is difficult in rural areas, where data connectivity is low... Read More

Sustainable Infrastructure as a Driver to Achieve the 203...

DATE: January 10, 2019

Sustainable Infrastructure as a Driver to Achieve the 203...

FEATURED PRESENTERS : Cristina Contreras

Sustainable Infrastructure is necessary to achieve the UN’s 2030 development agenda. It is also central in the ambitions of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming. Access to basic... Read More

How Cities Are Managing Their Transportation Growing Pains

DATE: January 24, 2018

How Cities Are Managing Their Transportation Growing Pains


“Urban transport problems are perverse. While education or healthcare improves as societies grow wealthier, transport problems worsen,” – The Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies. Rapidly growing cities in developing... Read More

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