Rob Goodier

Managing Editor at Engineering for Change.

Rob Goodier

Climate Week Offers Solutions to Six Failures in the SDGs

September 22, 2023

Climate Action is enshrined in only one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, but the work to stop or...

Rob Goodier

Why Cash Is the Best Way to Help Libya

September 15, 2023

Heavy rainfall from Storm Daniel caused dams and bridges to collapse in Derna, Libya, flooding the city and claiming...

Rob Goodier

PayGo Joins Sun King to Scale Clean Cooking in Africa and Asia

August 22, 2023

Sun King’s recent acquisition of PayGo Energy represents a decisive advancement in clean cooking technology for off-grid and underserved...

Rob Goodier

Amish Parashar’s Five Tips for Social Entrepreneurs

August 10, 2023

Amish Parashar offers five tips to engineers and entrepreneurs in the humanitarian space trying to break into a market...

Rob Goodier

Three ISHOW USA 2023 Winners Bring New Tech to Sustainable Farming

July 27, 2023

A better low-tech shea nut roaster, a hand-cranked handle for pasteurizing camel milk and a digitally automated system for...

Rob Goodier

Off Track and Not Enough Data: SDG Report 2023

July 10, 2023

The UN’s latest Sustainable Development Goals Report delivers bleak news for meeting the 2030 deadline, pointing to the way...

Rob Goodier

How Engineers Can Engage More Effectively in Public Policy

July 7, 2023

Public policy affects the work of engineers of all disciplines, no matter whether the engineer is aware of the...

Rob Goodier

GSS Summed Up: Roadmaps Are Needed to Meet to the SDGs

June 26, 2023

Detailed ‘roadmaps’ are needed if low- and middle-income countries are to have a hope of meeting the 2030 deadline...

Rob Goodier

Three Social Innovations Win ISHOW Kenya 2023

June 15, 2023

An ethanol production process for agricultural waste, a non-invasive vein locator, and a diesel engine filter that cuts greenhouse...

Rob Goodier

Research Brief: Trends and Recommendations for Engineers in Sustainable Development

Using questionnaires and focus groups, we gathered data from practitioners describing where they believe our field is going and...


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