Joe Reisinger



Mobile Data Collection Series: Premise

About this webinar:

The wide-spread availability of phone-based communications, and the increasing availability of smartphones and tablets offers international development researchers, practitioners, and students an array of new tools and techniques for collecting field data. This includes new methods for administering surveys that can improve upon traditional pen and paper surveys with novel, real-time, electronic data capture. As adoption of ICTs by development researchers and organizations becomes more widespread, additional uses have emerged – from data collection for monitoring, visualization, and analysis.

Sponsored by the Development Impact Lab and Engineering for Change, the Mobile Data Collection Webinar Series will provide participants with an introduction to a sample of survey software tools transforming the collection of data for international development research and how they might implement each tool within their own work.

Premise is a data and analytics platform measuring global economic and human development trends in real-time. Premise blends mobile technology with a global network of paid contributors in 34 countries to generate insights that enable decision makers to monitor global issues such as the price and availability of food, access to health and human services, and the progress of government revenue recovery efforts. The data and insights generated by Premise are used by some of the world’s largest institutions to influence policymaking in service of missions to reduce resource insecurity, improve resilience and advance social progress.


Joseph Reisinger

Joe Reisinger is the CTO and co-founder of Premise, a mobile technology platform orchestrating and crowdsourcing the collection of micro-data for precise and robust economic measurement. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Texas and spent his academic career building natural language understanding systems at Google Research and IBM T.J. Watson. Prior to co-founding Premise, he was Chief Scientist at Metamarkets.

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