
Andre Mohring

Product Learning Experience Lead, Autodesk

Zoé Bezpalko

Impact + Design Lead, Autodesk Foundation


Practical Tools for Impact Design – Fusion 360


If you are looking for ways to integrate sustainable design strategies into your product modeling and simulation work, this webinar is for you. Join us to learn about accessible, online resources that can help you design for energy efficiency, integrate ‘green’ materials, and simulate your product’s performance to achieve minimal environmental impact. In this webinar, we will explore Autodesk’s Fusion 360- an integrated concept-to-production toolset that combines industrial and mechanical design, simulation, collaboration, and machining in a single cloud-based platform that works on both Mac and PC.

Join Andre Mohring, Sustainable Simulation Lead, Autodesk, and Zoé Bezpalko, Design + Impact Lead, Autodesk Foundation to get inspired through case studies of Autodesk Foundation grantees practicing impact design, get insiders’ tips and tricks for modeling your products and see how to get free access to Fusion 360 for your team.


Andre Bio

Andre Mohring is the Product Learning Experience Lead working with the Autodesk Sustainability and Foundation Team to elevate sustainable design practice within Autodesk Software, specifically Fusion 360.  Andre is currently a senior at Northwestern University studying Manufacturing and Design Engineering and has a background in industrial design, product development, and mechanical engineering.  Andre is also a passionate musician, playing the drums, guitar, and mandolin.

Zoé Bezpalko

Zoé Bezpalko, is a designer, environmental engineer and globe trotter who strongly believes in the smart use of technologies and design as the key for solving global issues. She started her career as an environmental engineer in France and Colombia before managing a project with designers in South East Asia, on sustainable innovation. This project led her to uncover a new interest in design and its potential impact on the world. She moved to San Francisco in Summer 2014 to start an MBA in Design Strategy at CCA. She now combines her competencies and passions within her role at the Autodesk Foundation – the first foundation to focus corporate philanthropy on design that addresses environmental, social, health, and education challenges. As the Design + Impact Lead, she is helping influential customers and organizations using tools and technologies to maximize their impact.

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