
Emily Braucher



Navigating cross-cultural differences on international development projects

About this Webinar:

In the process of technology development, practitioners often prioritize outcomes and efficient problem solving. Developing solutions with underserved communities in developing nations requires that relationships are established and fostered in advance of working through technical issues. The emphasis on forming trusting relationships reflects a cultural value, as does the emphasis on problem solving. When these clashing value sets meet it can result in frustration, confusion, agitation, wasted time, inefficient use of resources, and yes, project failure. So what can you do about it? In this webinar, we will examine this issue from multiple angles, asking what can we do to help smooth the communication process between very different cultures? How can we better hear the voices of all the stakeholders? By looking at our personal expectations, values and judgments, we will shed light on why innumerable international development projects have failed due to communication issues. Most importantly, the content will equip you with skills to help you and your team steer clear of predictable pitfalls. This knowledge is the key to being efficient, effective and successful on your next international project.



Emily Braucher, ReFresh’s founder and lead facilitator, completed her Bachelor of Arts at Brown University (Human Biology, Health and Disease, 2000) and two Master of Arts (MA) at the University of Denver (Cultural Anthropology and International & Intercultural Communication, 2010). Currently, she is an affiliate faculty in the MA department at Regis University (Denver, CO) teaching Intercultural Communication and Ethics. Emily’s expertise is delivering powerful skill-building trainings that offer the tools and awareness needed to minimize miscommunications across cultures in professional settings. Her workshops focus on intercultural conflict, culture & reentry shock, direct & indirect communication styles and other tools for minimizing miscommunication across cultures. Fundamentally, her trainings people to manage the complexity of intercultural communication. She has extensive experience working with a diverse clientele including NGO workers, international business professionals, refugees, university students and high school students both domestically and abroad. Clients include Engineers Without Borders (USA), Water for Cambodia (Cambodia), The Spring Institute for Intercultural Education (USA), Women Work Together (Guatemala), Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventures (Thailand), and Empowerment Generation (Nepal). Over the past decade, she has worked, volunteered and traveled on almost every continent including service with the US Peace Corps in the Republic of Kiribati (Central Pacific). Her graduate studies concentrated on intercultural conflict management, international development, participatory action research (PAR) and vulnerable populations.

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