Dr. Joel Selanikio

CEO and Co-Founder, Magpi


Mobile Data Collection Series: Magpi

The wide-spread availability of phone-based communications and the increasing availability of smartphones and tablets offers international development researchers, practitioners, and students an array of new tools and techniques for collecting field data. This includes new methods for administering surveys that can improve upon traditional pen and paper surveys with novel, real-time, electronic data capture. As adoption of ICTs by development researchers and organizations becomes more widespread, additional uses have emerged – from data collection for monitoring, visualization, and analysis. This webinar is a continuation of our Mobile Data Collection Webinar Series we featured last spring. Read more about the series and how to use mobile data collection tools to improve global development work here.

Join this webinar to learn about multiple approaches to collecting and visualizing electronic data from the field in the context of Magpi, a web-based system that combines data collection, reporting, and messaging tools. 


Joel Selanikio

Dr. Joel Selanikio is an award-winning physician, TED speaker, inventor, emergency responder, and consultant working in the fields of technology, healthcare, entrepreneurship, innovation, artificial intelligence, big data, child health, global health, and disaster response.

He is the winner of the Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation Award for Healthcare, and the $100,000 Lemelson-MIT Award for Sustainable Innovation – for his role in development of both the Magpi mobile data system, and the software-as-a-service model for international development technology.

An emergency responder and former CDC epidemiologist and outbreak investigator, in December 2014 – January 2015, he was the lead physician at the IMC Ebola Treatment Center at Lunsar, Sierra Leone. As an officer of the Public Health Service, Dr. Selanikio served as Chief of Operations for the HHS Secretary’s Emergency Command Center after the 9/11 attacks. In 2005, he was given the Haverford Award for Humanitarian Service for his work in treating tsunami victims in Aceh.

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