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Barent Roth

Sustainable Designer/Educator/Activist

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Empowering Citizens Through Technology to Reduce Marine Plastic Pollution

In less than a 100 years we have contaminated all of our oceans with plastic. An estimate in 2014 put the amount at 270,000 metric tons of plastic in the water, which is the total weight of 5.25 trillion pieces. And the numbers are growing. But before we begin cleaning our oceans, we need to cut the pollution off at its source. TestingOurWaters.Net empowers citizen scientists to track and prevent marine plastic pollution by designing and distributing easy to build, inexpensive, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) trawls. Hang these trawls off of a bridge, boat or shoreline and collect plastic trash in the water to help identify where it is coming from. With that knowledge we can begin to prevent it from entering our water in the first place.

This webinar will introduce the project and share various trawl designs and techniques for engaged citizens looking to take action and protect our oceans.

Join this webinar to:

  • Understand the scope of the marine plastic pollution problem
  • Learn how to build inexpensive DIY citizen science trawls
  • Learn how to trawl from various situations (boat, bridge, shoreline)
  • Document your findings from trawling expeditions
  • Design your own citizen science trawls


april speaker

Barent Roth is a designer and educator dedicated to sustainable products, practices, and services. Co-founder of the award winning sustainable to restorative design firm grow-design, creator of the LA Green Drinks network, and former Executive Director of Sustainable Works, he now teaches courses on sustainable design at Parsons, The New School in New York City while independently designing sustainable solutions.

  • BikeShare Helmet design won the 2016 Cradle to Cradle Product Design Challenge for Best Professional Project.
  • Founder of the TestingOurWaters.Net project aimed at proliferating citizen science trawls for identifying sources of marine plastic pollution.
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