Impact Services

In addition to our open source offerings, Engineering for Change (E4C) offers customized Impact Services to third party organizations and corporations interested in moving technology-based solutions from concept to implementation at scale. E4C staff, domain experts and E4C Fellows leverage our proven methodology for supporting innovation ecosystems to help others achieve their sustainability goals. These services include, but are not limited to, human-centered design integration, capacity building, de-risking ventures by assessing their strengths and weaknesses, providing strategic and technical guidance to move ventures and supporting organizations to their next stage of development.  Through these services, E4C taps into our network of innovators, inventors, engineers, manufacturers, designers, and product developers – blending virtual assessment with rigorous in-person or virtual engagement. E4C Impact Services deliver access to customized guidance that effectively propels ventures and organizations to meet sustainability objectives. Learn more about E4C’s Impact Services from sample projects below.

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Supporting diverse accelerators and incubators with engineering insights

The world’s social entrepreneurs are delivering solutions to help meet the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Many of them are leveraging new technology, hardware, or both. We’re here to help!

Fresh perspectives and new ideas can clean up environmentally destructive gold mining operations, and E4C is proud to help make it possible. We’re lending the expertise of our global network of engineers as implementing partners of the Amazon CoLab with Conservation X Labs and a global coalition of organizations promoting research and development of technologies that can end the pollution of the world’s rainforests with mercury.

Mercury is used to extract gold from ore panned and mined by hand by artisanal miners plying their trade in the Amazon. How bad is the problem? According to Dr. Kristin Sippl, “Around 20% of the gold in a jewelry comes from artisanal and small-scale gold mining. And this sector is now the leading source of man-made mercury pollution in the world, emitting 727 metric tons of mercury into the environment in 2013, more than twice the amount in 2005.”

Along with Conservation X Labs, the coalition includes the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Microsoft, and Esri. They’re backing Amazon CoLab, a six-month acceleration program that will support teams developing solutions to protect the Amazon.

Learn more about the program and our engagement:

Launch Announcement and Amazon CoLab Background

Amazon CoLab – Cohort 2 Announcement


Expediting research and development of early stage technologies

In June 2019, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) launched a prize to develop wave energy-powered desalination systems to address the growing global need for clean water that is sustainably sourced.

Since 2021, E4C has supported the prize through our Impact Services by mapping opportunities, amplifying outreach and engagement, providing training to competitors around core competencies, and supporting the planning of future prizes. Additionally, we completed a market assessment of opportunities and barriers for wave energy-powered desalination systems to support commercialization efforts through engagement with organizations and end-users in key market categories (disaster relief, commercial/industrial, and municipal, residential, and government).

Learn more about the program and our engagement:

Waves to Water Prize

Webinar: Applying Human Centered Design to Deliver Value to Your Customers

NREL Is Fast-Forwarding Emerging Desalination Tech Powered by Wave Energy


Delivering global Innovation Challenges

At the height of the pandemic, E4C and ASME, in collaboration with the global technology company Siemens, launched a successful global design challenge aimed at addressing two intractable obstacles to the provision of plentiful food and water.

The event was entirely virtual, leveraging E4C’s experience in mobilizing socially minded engineers and innovators online. We provided know-how in human-centered design, and Siemens offered its expertise and powerful CAD software SolidEdge to the online engineering community. The result was the creation of innovative hardware solutions to advance two of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): zero hunger and clean water.

More than 23,000 people from 184 countries responded to the call for action and submitted more than 220 ideas to improve the quality of life in underserved communities. Contestants passed through three phases: Plan, Design, and Realize and Sustain. The winners were selected by 11 judges and 14 E4C Fellows from around the world, representing 222 years of collective experience in water, agriculture, energy, engineering design and manufacturing.

The Winners

Zero Hunger Track: Design a postharvest off-grid preservation technology to reduce the farm-to-table food loss. Winner: EcoLife Cold Room Team (Uganda)

Clean Water Track: Design a low-cost, energy-efficient, scalable technology for desalinating brackish water. Winner: Apü üya Wüin-The guardian of Water (Colombia)

For more information visit the Siemens Design Challenge.

Watch the virtual awards ceremony.




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