Category: Habitat

ThermoPlan MZ70®

Data coming soon

Participatory Approach for Safe Shelter Awareness

Data coming soon

Haiti Earthquake Reconstruction: Knowledge Notes

Data coming soon

Towards Safer School Construction: A Community-Based Approach

Data coming soon

Sustainable Reconstruction in Urban Areas: A Handbook

Data coming soon

A how-to guide for the legal sale of property in Haiti

Data coming soon

Habitat For Humanity: Construction Manual

Data coming soon

Flood Resistance of the Building Envelope

Data coming soon

FEMA Coastal Construction Manual

Data coming soon

Small Structure Demolition Manual

Data coming soon

Bridges to Prosperity Construction Manual

Data coming soon

Child Friendly Spaces in Emergencies: A Handbook for Save the Children Staff

Data coming soon

MANUAL: Child Friendly Schools

Data coming soon

Retrofitting of Existing Vulnerable School Buildings – Assessment and Retrofitting – Part I

Data coming soon

Retrofitting of Existing Vulnerable School buildings – Assessment to Retrofitting. Part II

Data coming soon

Handbook of Typical School Design

Data coming soon

World Housing Encyclopedia: Single-Family Reinforced Concrete Frame Houses

Data coming soon

Home Builder’s Guide to Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction

Data coming soon

Equity in the Arts Toolkit

Abari Transitional Classroom

Empower Shack

Safe Haven Bathhouse

METI Handmade School

Interlocking Stabilized Soil Blocks (ISSB)

IBUKU Pemulung Housing Project

Comunal: Taller de Arquitectura Social Housing Production

MTS DOMO-Systems

Prefabricated Engineered Bamboo Panels

Makiga Stabilized Soil Block Press

Makiga Stone Crusher

NRS Relief Rex Hall Mobile Storage Units

Micro Concrete Roofing Tiles

image of the Life Cube

Life Cube

Image of Quinta Monroy with incremental construction

Elemental Quinta Monroy

NLÉ Makoko Floating School

Good Earth Global Earthbag Construction

Precast Concrete Beams and Slabs


HyPar Thin Shell Concrete Roof

Aussie Mozzie Tube

EarthEnable Floors

I-Beam Pallet House

CalEarth SuperAdobe

The @AutodeskFdn blogged about our how-to guide for communities writing proposals for development projects