Tatiana Bilbao’s project is a full scale two story and two bedroom sustainable housing prototype that offers a flexible design that can respond to the different needs of each family. The goal of the project is to offer a solution to Mexico’s affordable housing shortage.

Product description Brand name and product description

The low-cost Sustainable Housing Model designed by  Tatiana Bilbao, a Mexican architect, is a full scale two story and two bedroom sustainable housing solution that can adapt to suit varying numbers of residents, and can expand as a family grows. The model can also be altered to suit the variety of climates around the country, by using a variety of materials and spatial layouts.

Target region(s) Target region for distribution/implementation (listed by country if specified)

Site specific to Mexico to address the affordable housing shortage.

Distributors/implementing organizations Organization(s) distributing/deploying this product directly to communities/individuals?"
Market suggested retail price Price per unit or service price per usage/terms (USD). Subsidies noted.

Each dwelling costs around 7000 USD up to 14000 USD depending on a variety of factors including the location, the construction phase selected, and local regulations, with the government covering a portion, based on need.

The house model was commissioned by Mexico’s government as part of a program that helps people with low incomes to buy their own house, by subsidizing half the cost and offering the rest as credit.

Competitive landscape Similar products available on the market. May not be a comprehensive listing.

Modular Houses, S House 3, Fábrica Social de Viviendas, Bahay Makabayan Modular Homes, and circHouse

SDG targeted United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted with this product/application/service

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Target user(s) Target user/consumer base (country, income segment)

Low income families

The @AutodeskFdn blogged about our how-to guide for communities writing proposals for development projects https://t.co/MlRH1H0x2F