Sun King Home 120

Sun King

Distributed by Sun King, the Home is a solar home system composed of a solar panel, a battery and 3 lights with 3 brightness-settings and LED indicators for monitoring.

Product description Brand name and product description

The Home 120 provides home lightning through an energy system composed of a solar panel, a Lithium Ferro-Phosphate (LFP) battery and lumen lamps. Distributed by Sun King, it can power the multiple lamps (up to 3) with three brightness levels (Turbo: 200 lumens; Normal: 100 lumens and Low: 40 lumens) and 360-degree ambient wide-angle spread for over 24 hours of lightning on a day’s charge. It has an integrated 5,5 V USB port and a 12 V power output designed to power any 12V DC appliances. This product features a LED charging indicator that displays on a scale of 1 to 5 to help optimize panel position, a LED for battery indicator and the battery automatically switches to low power when running low, enabling 5 hours of additional light. Pay-As-You-Go functionality available with the organization’s Easybuy program. Introduction video to the Home 120 solar product.

Sun King is a member of GOGLA, the Global Off-Grid Lightning Association.

Target region(s) Target region for distribution/implementation (listed by country if specified)

Over 60 countries worldwide.

Distributors/implementing organizations Organization(s) distributing/deploying this product directly to communities/individuals?"

Sun King through its 11 offices in countries throughout Africa and India. The organization is currently looking for further distributors.

Market suggested retail price Price per unit or service price per usage/terms (USD). Subsidies noted.

One RRP price non-available since it varies from country to country.Interview with representative

Within the EasyBuy payment plan, the Home 120 costs 15 USD upfront, 3 USD per week for a total of 32 weeks, resulting in a total of around 111 USD.


Competitive landscape Similar products available on the market. May not be a comprehensive listing.

Kerosene lamps, Barefoot Connect 620 from Barefoot Power, M-KOPA IV Solar Home System from Mobisol, and over 16 products available in

SDG targeted United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted with this product/application/service

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

Target user(s) Target user/consumer base (country, income segment)

Off-grid homes and small businesses

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