Prepex Circumcision Device

Circ MedTech

Prepex is a tool for performing non-surgical circumcisions.

Product description Brand name and product description

The Prepex Circumcision Device is a medical device which facilitates non-surgical adult male circumcision without the use of anesthesia, surgery, suturing or sterile setting. It is designed to improve and advance the circumcision experience for the patient and the related ecosystem, in order to achieve rapid scale-up of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) in resource limited settings and reduce transmission of HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases.

Target region(s) Target region for distribution/implementation (listed by country if specified)

Target regions include geographic areas with high prevalence of heterosexually transmitted HIV and low prevalence of male circumcision in Sub-Saharan Africa. Specifically, PrePex is being used in 13 priority countries in Sub-Saharan Africa as of Feb. 2014 Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Distributors/implementing organizations Organization(s) distributing/deploying this product directly to communities/individuals?"

Circ MedTech Ltd distributes the Prepex device to health clinics and hospitals.

Market suggested retail price Price per unit or service price per usage/terms (USD). Subsidies noted.
Competitive landscape Similar products available on the market. May not be a comprehensive listing.

Surgical circumcision methods, ShangRing, AlisKlamp, SmartKlamp, TaraKlamp

SDG targeted United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted with this product/application/service

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages


Target user(s) Target user/consumer base (country, income segment)

Surgical nurses and/or minimally skilled healthcare workers

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