

Mozambikes is a social enterprise that aims to help low-income Mozambicans access high-quality bicycles


Product description Brand name and product description

Mozambikes sells branded bicycles that promote company brands, projects and important social messages. Bicycle components are imported for local assembly and then branded the colours and logos of organisations. These bicycles are either purchased by the branding customer to distribute to their employees, customers and communities, or pay to advertise on the bicycles allowing Mozambikes to sell them to consumers at below-market rates.

Mozambikes also regularly trains technicians in rural communities to build new skills and help bring better bicycle care to rural areas and it has initiatives to improve the safety and conditions for cyclists in Mozambique.

Target region(s) Target region for distribution/implementation (listed by country if specified)
Distributors/implementing organizations Organization(s) distributing/deploying this product directly to communities/individuals?"

Mozambikes is the primary distributor.

Market suggested retail price Price per unit or service price per usage/terms (USD). Subsidies noted.

~36 USD (999 Meticais)

Competitive landscape Similar products available on the market. May not be a comprehensive listing.
SDG targeted United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted with this product/application/service

Goal 3: Good health and well-being

Goal 4: Quality education

Goal 5: Gender equality

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

Target user(s) Target user/consumer base (country, income segment)

Low-income individuals needing to travel considerable distances with a lack of mobility options.

The @AutodeskFdn blogged about our how-to guide for communities writing proposals for development projects