Mera Gao Power Micro Grids

Mera Gao Power

Automated micro grids that produce, store, and distribute energy to small communities.

Product description Brand name and product description

The Mera Gao Power Micro Grid is designed to provide lighting for up to 100 households. It is implemented alongside a payback scheme in rural villages in Uttar Pradesh in Northern India, and distributed by Mera Gao Power, a lighting utility company.

Target region(s) Target region for distribution/implementation (listed by country if specified)
Distributors/implementing organizations Organization(s) distributing/deploying this product directly to communities/individuals?"

This product is implemented by Mera Gao Power in communities in rural Uttar Pradesh in northern India

Market suggested retail price Price per unit or service price per usage/terms (USD). Subsidies noted.
Competitive landscape Similar products available on the market. May not be a comprehensive listing.

This product has several direct competitors in India, including Husk Power and the SELCO Foundation

SDG targeted United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted with this product/application/service

Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy

Target user(s) Target user/consumer base (country, income segment)

Target users for this product are rural communities in India that don’t yet have access to electricity.

The @AutodeskFdn blogged about our how-to guide for communities writing proposals for development projects